i-manager's Journal on Management (JMGT)

Volume 15 Issue 4 March - May 2021


Universities ought to be Innovative, Creative and Enterprising to Play a Vital Role in the Generation of Hi-Tech Employment in Emerging Skills in the Changing World: A Study

Naik B. M.*
Shri Guru Gobind Singhji Institute of Engineering and Technology, Nanded, Maharashtra, India.
Naik, B. M. (2021). Universities ought to be Innovative, Creative and Enterprising to Play a Vital Role in the Generation of Hi-Tech Employment in Emerging Skills in the Changing World: A Study. i-manager's Journal on Management, 15(4), 1-11. https://doi.org/10.26634/jmgt.15.4.17664
World Health Organization : COVID-19 - Global literature on coronavirus disease
ProQuest Central | ID: covidwho-1596323


National Education Policy [NEP-2020] has emphasised the need and importance of research, innovation and entrepreneurship in university education. It prescribes that Indian professors in universities and colleges need to be oriented and trained now in teaching emerging skills of innovation and skills for entrepreneurship. Professors are competent in their respective fields of specialization but now in the rapidly changing world environment they need to change their mind set in favour of skills for research, innovation and entrepreneurship. They ought to acquire and teach the needed emerging skills ably to their students so that they become creative and innovative and remain so life-long. Online education, the world over, due to Covid-19 is becoming a necessity. Training programs and schemes for professional growth being run by staffs in colleges must now be redesigned to include these emerging skills in the changing world. Governing bodies of universities and colleges need to urgently give high priority, to teaching innovation and entrepreneurship. Government ought to give boost to these institutions and provide adequate funds. The paper invites attention of the government to improving the service conditions of professors enabling them to grow to the level they are capable of. Universities ought essentially to groom professors in innovation, patenting and entrepreneurship to world class standard, for without them universities cannot play a vital role in the generation of hi-tech employment in emerging skills in the changing world. The experience of Japan, USA, UNESCO, and the European Union in support of the theme of the paper is given in brief. Interaction of Indian professors with their counterparts in world's best universities is advocated. Innovative universities will undoubtedly give good momentum to the mission of Atma Nirbhar Abhiyan.

Research Paper

Comparison between Islamic and Gregorian Calendars and their Effect on the Forecast of Demand

Ramiz Assaf*
Industrial Engineering Department, College of Engineering, University of Business and Technology, Saudi Arabia.
Assaf, R. (2021). Comparison between Islamic and Gregorian Calendars and their Effect on the Forecast of Demand. i-manager's Journal on Management, 15(4), 12-19. https://doi.org/10.26634/jmgt.15.4.17946


The goal of this study is to identify and evaluate the connection between the Gregorian and Hijri calendars. The paper aims at identifying how the interaction between both calendars can be used for good business forecasting. Aspects will include how the interaction increases or decreases demand. The factors of demand will be highly dependent on the events taking place in the two calendars. For example, the Hijri calendar is usually followed by the members of the Islamic faith. These events influence the way demand forecasting is done. For instance, Ramadan is a special holiday within the Hijri calendar where members of the Islamic faith are required to fast for a specific period. During this period, the demand of products offered by a business will decrease, mainly during the day when they are not required to eat. When forecasting demand, several elements must be considered among them as organizations' staffing. Furthermore, the main events in the two calendars affect the demand positively as well as negatively. While preparing for festivities, the demand for business products may increase. All the same, some of the effects are adverse such as the travelling of employees during the festivities, which results in the organizations being understaffed. A case is presented from the Hotel Industry which shows some of the factors that influence business forecasting.

Research Paper

Key Factors Influencing Supply Chain-Collaborative Innovation for Sustainable Supply Chain Performance: A Case of Logistics Sector in Delhi NCR Region

A. V. Nageswara Rao*
OM & SCM Department, School of Business Studies, Sharda University, Uttar Pradesh, India.
Rao, A. V. N. (2021). Key Factors Influencing Supply Chain-Collaborative Innovation for Sustainable Supply Chain Performance: A Case of Logistics Sector in Delhi NCR Region. i-manager's Journal on Management, 15(4), 20-30. https://doi.org/10.26634/jmgt.15.4.18253


The unprecedented global business environment has resulted in complex competitive business scenario paving the way for supply chain collaborative innovations in global markets. It is inevitable for all the stake holders in the Supply Chain to collaborate to achieve Sustainable Supply Chain performance. Systematic sampling method is used to collect the primary data from active Managers working in logistics organizations of Delhi NCR Region. The valid sample size is 120 for the study. Correlation analysis is conducted to examine the degree of correlation among the variables, and further Hierarchical Regression Analysis is performed to observe the specific causal relationship among the independent and dependent variable sustainable supply chain performance. The results further suggest a framework for consultants, practitioners, policymakers in the logistics sector and contribute to the Literature in the area of sustainable supply chain performance.

Research Paper

Hazard Identification and Risk Assessment in Lignite Handling System of Thermal Power Plant

Ragul P.* , Sivalingam S. **
* Industrial Safety Engineering, Department of Mechanical Engineering, SRM Valliammai Engineering College, Chennai, India.
** Department of Mechanical Engineering, SRM Valliammai Engineering College, Chennai, India.
Ragul, P., and Sivalingam, S. (2021). Hazard Identification and Risk Assessment in Lignite Handling System of Thermal Power Plant. i-manager's Journal on Management, 15(4), 31-40. https://doi.org/10.26634/jmgt.15.4.18113


Thermal power plant is an electricity generation industry involving several operating systems using fossil fuel. Among the operating systems, Lignite Handling System contributes several unsafe acts and conditions that could interrupt the normal working of the plant. A risk assessment is an essential step in protecting the plant from such scenario. The intention of Hazard Identification and Risk Assessment is to identify the most potential hazards and to assess the identified hazards by calculating their frequencies and consequences, after which risk assessment matrix is developed to attain the risk level by means of risk severity. Subsequently, risk level is assigned to each identified hazard for determining the corrective actions to control or eliminate the hazard. In this paper, a HIRA is prepared for the Lignite Handling System of Thermal power plant, and suggested the possible control measures and preventive actions to minimize or eliminate the risk of future occurrence.

Research Paper

Study of Influence of Rewards and Recognition on Employee's Job Satisfaction and Motivation in Private Industries in Rajasthan

Jyoti Rathore* , Vikram Singh Chouhan**
*-** Department of Humanities & Social Sciences, Jaypee University of Engineering and Technology, Guna, Madhya Pradesh, India.
Rathore, J., and Chouhan, V. S. (2021). Study of Influence of Rewards and Recognition on Employee's Job Satisfaction and Motivation in Private Industries in Rajasthan. i-manager's Journal on Management, 15(4), 41-49. https://doi.org/10.26634/jmgt.15.4.18289


The objective of this paper is to study the influence of rewards and recognition on employee motivation and job satisfaction in private sector in Rajasthan. Data have been collected from different industries in Rajasthan. Employee satisfaction is the vital component of the HR life cycle and impetus of any employee to stay faithful and committed to a firm. Current analysis is directed towards discovering association of rewards and recognition with employee's motivation and job satisfaction. It is concluded from the study that there is a significant correlation of motivation with job satisfaction and reward. Recognition also tends to have a strong impact on employee's motivation and satisfaction.

Research Paper

Prospects of Future Tourism in Bangladesh: An Evaluative Study

Mohammad Badruddoza Talukder* , Md Mokarram Hossain**
* Department of Tourism and Hospitality Management, Daffodil Institute of Information Technology (DIIT), Under National University, Bangladesh.
** Department of Business administration, Daffodil Institute of Information Technology (DIIT), Under National University, Bangladesh.
Talukder, M. B., and Hossain, M. M. (2021). Prospects of Future Tourism in Bangladesh: An Evaluative Study. i-manager's Journal on Management, 15(4), 50-57. https://doi.org/10.26634/jmgt.15.4.17495


Over the years, Bangladesh has developed a unique and attractive tourism market that has expanded its industry due to its natural beauty. Bangladesh is surrounded by the natural beauty of rivers, beaches, archeological sites, religious sites, hills, forests, waterfalls, and tea gardens. The Sundarbans, the historic mosque in Bagerhat City and the Buddhist Viharas in Paharpur are the three world heritage sites in Bangladesh out of 1007. To observe the beauty of nature, a large number of domestic and foreign tourists visit the country for its attractions. In 2018, about 2,67,209 tourists came to visit Bangladesh and to admire its beauty. Bangladesh Parjatan Corporation (BPC), Bangladesh Tourism Board (BTB), Bangladesh Biman, and Civil Aviation Authority, are the main statutory bodies with the Ministry of Civil Aviation and Tourism. Within the limitations of data availability, this working paper reaches the conclusion that Bangladesh has failed to present itself as a tourist destination. The study tries to focus on the striking tourist destinations and the participation of tourism in the economy of Bangladesh. The chief concern of the researchers is to point out the factors through which Bangladesh has the opportunity to become one of the best tourist destinations in the world in the near future. The study also provides some recommendations for the development of the tourism industry in Bangladesh.

Research Paper

A Study on Industrial Accidents due to Unplanned Lockdown

C. Christy Ebenezer * , K. Velavan**, P. Vijayan***
* Industrial Safety Engineering, Department of Mechanical Engineering, SRM Valliammai Engineering College, Kattankulathur, India.
**-*** Department of Mechanical Engineering, SRM Valliammai Engineering College, Kattankulathur, India.
Ebenezer, C. C., Velavan, K., and Vijayan, P. (2021). A Study on Industrial Accidents due to Unplanned Lockdown. i-manager's Journal on Management, 15(4), 58-63. https://doi.org/10.26634/jmgt.15.4.18111
World Health Organization : COVID-19 - Global literature on coronavirus disease
ProQuest Central | ID: covidwho-1593018


Industrial accidents have been on the rise. However, the rate of accidents cannot even be compared to the monumental level of deaths which are still very much evident in the ongoing COVID 19 pandemic. During the lock-down, industries did not devise critical operation scenarios to handle above said barriers. Hence the country has faced large number of industrial accidents and fatal injuries. After returning to production 75 workers have been killed in 30 industrial accidents between May and July, and the number of accidents and deaths must be higher than that reported by Global Union Federation. Prevention and mitigation strategies are not sufficient to handle such a situation. This study unfolds the operational, mechanical and human factors behind the accidents.