Prospects of Future Tourism in Bangladesh: An Evaluative Study

Mohammad Badruddoza Talukder*, Md Mokarram Hossain**
* Department of Tourism and Hospitality Management, Daffodil Institute of Information Technology (DIIT), Under National University, Bangladesh.
** Department of Business administration, Daffodil Institute of Information Technology (DIIT), Under National University, Bangladesh.
Periodicity:March - May'2021


Over the years, Bangladesh has developed a unique and attractive tourism market that has expanded its industry due to its natural beauty. Bangladesh is surrounded by the natural beauty of rivers, beaches, archeological sites, religious sites, hills, forests, waterfalls, and tea gardens. The Sundarbans, the historic mosque in Bagerhat City and the Buddhist Viharas in Paharpur are the three world heritage sites in Bangladesh out of 1007. To observe the beauty of nature, a large number of domestic and foreign tourists visit the country for its attractions. In 2018, about 2,67,209 tourists came to visit Bangladesh and to admire its beauty. Bangladesh Parjatan Corporation (BPC), Bangladesh Tourism Board (BTB), Bangladesh Biman, and Civil Aviation Authority, are the main statutory bodies with the Ministry of Civil Aviation and Tourism. Within the limitations of data availability, this working paper reaches the conclusion that Bangladesh has failed to present itself as a tourist destination. The study tries to focus on the striking tourist destinations and the participation of tourism in the economy of Bangladesh. The chief concern of the researchers is to point out the factors through which Bangladesh has the opportunity to become one of the best tourist destinations in the world in the near future. The study also provides some recommendations for the development of the tourism industry in Bangladesh.


Tourism, Beauty of nature, Tourism Economy, Tourist Destination, World Heritage sites, Tourism Impact.

How to Cite this Article?

Talukder, M. B., and Hossain, M. M. (2021). Prospects of Future Tourism in Bangladesh: An Evaluative Study. i-manager's Journal on Management, 15(4), 50-57.


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