The Role of Coaching in Enhancing Employee Performance
Measuring Customer Satisfaction of Hotel Industry in Bangladesh: A SERVQUAL and Structural Equation Model (SEM) Approach
Strategies for Building Supply Chain Resilience, Law Enforcement, and Sustainability during Black Swan Events
Perceptions of Climate Change and Barriers to Adaptation along the Teesta River in Bangladesh
Socioeconomic Effects of Village Loan Savings Initiatives on Empowering Rural Communities - Case Study of the Impact of VLS Program in T/A Chimwala, Malawi
Efficiency Analysis of Commercial Banks in India: An Application of Data Envelopment Analysis
A Study on Factors Influencing Youngsters’ Perceptions towards Choice of Investment Avenues
A Study of Generic Intertextuality in Corporate Press Releases
A Study on Factors Affecting Purchase Decision of Young Adults after GST Implementation in India – With Special Reference to FMCG Products
Understanding the Perception of Millennial Generation towards Online Shopping -A Study with Reference to Chennai
Soft Systems Modelling of the New Product Development Process - A Case Study
An Emerging Training Model for Successful Lean Manufacturing – An Empirical Study
A Qualitative Performance Measurement Approach to New Product Development
Brand Power Through Effective Design
Intellectual Venture Capitalists: An Emerging Breed of Knowledge Entrepreneurs
The study objective is aimed at finding the relationship between corporate governance bank distress in deposit money banks. The research design adopted in this paper is the case study method, in other to have an intensive insight of the subject matter. Primary data was used specifically the survey technique. The method that was used in the presentation of data in this study is the Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) which contains all the necessary and important statistical technique for data analysis. For testing the hypothesis, correlation analysis which measures the degree of relationship between variables was used to analyze the result generated from the questionnaire. The evidence shows that corporate governance has no significant improvement on the prevention of bank distress but has significantly improved the performance of the Nigerian banking sector. We therefore recommend that banks should demonstrate strong internal policies to identify and manage conflict of interest and zero tolerance posture against cases of unsound corporate governance practices.
Consumer attitudes serve as a boon as well as a bane in marketing. Choosing to discount or ignore consumers’ attitudes of a particular product or service—while developing a marketing strategy to leverage their understanding of attitudes to predict the behavior of consumers is the need of modern marketers, in consumer durables industry owing to both product and service aspects involved in durables purchase and usage. Consumer attitude is a relatively global and enduring evaluation of an object of consumption, issue, person or an act. Attitudes guides one’s thoughts, influence feelings and affect behaviors. Changes in behavioral patterns of consumers over the years has been due to several factors and best described by the consumer acculturation. Consumers use attitudes as a frame of reference to judge new information/objects(Graham, Judy(2004). Ultimately the consumer attitude which are learnt and stored in memory play a crucial role in decision making for the purchase of goods/services. A brief review of the Attitude and behavior nexus conditioned by the consumer related factors, social factors and the intervening situational factors are discussed herein, based on an attitude focused study on Brown goods in 200 urban HHs of Kochi metro. Consumer Attitude has gained larger importance today in the modern marketing segmentation strategies such as targeting and product positioning, which can be appreciated from the consumer centric approach of all marketers today. In this study the most popular brown goods like CTV/HTS are chosen as the attitude object.
In recent years, sales promotions have gained reputation more of a strategic weapon in the armory of marketers than a mere promotional tool. The growing desire among consumer groups for increased value in the products they buy is addressed with various sales promotion offers. In Consumer durable industry, the promotions are mainly revolving around the occasion based promotional strategies during festivals. Almost every retail shop and manufactures in consumer durable segment is offering different types of sales promotional schemes to attract customers during festival seasons. Although each type of consumer-oriented sales promotion has particular benefits and effects on consumer behavior, there is no empirical evidence on how customer groups respond to different sales promotions during festivals. Generalizations about the shopping tendencies and preferences of different age, ethnic and lifestyle groups can be found in the popular press and in marketing text books, with broad strategy implications for effective market segmentation, but without specific segmentation guidelines in the use of particular sales promotions with particular target segments. In this paper, an attempt has been made to investigate the varying reactions and attitudes of different demographic segments to the various sales promotion techniques being used increasingly by marketers during festival seasons. The study also reveals that the sales promotion schemes have a positive influence among the customers and most of the customers would wait till festivals for the purchase of a consumer durable product. The study reveals more light on the questions so as to gain a better understanding of the phenomenon of consumer decision making during festival season on consumer durable segment.
Outsourcing of business processes are thekey developmentsof the large scale technology adoption in the banking sector during 1990s. This paper attempts to analyze the motivating factorsthat have contributed to the decision of banks to go for “outsourcing” of their business processes. Based on a review of the existing literature, the questionnaire was designed with the help of a research expert for identifying the factors influencing the decision of the decision makers in the banks to go for outsourcing of their activities. The list of activities identified was subjected to panel discussions with senior bankers of various public and private sector banks and after in-depth discussions the instrument was designed for the study. The constructs used to measure these factors were validated by using factor analysis. The study found that the major factors influencing business process outsourcing in banks were technological innovation, focus on core& reduction of cost, and strategic benefits. The previous studies on outsourcing activities in banks mainly focused on developed countries where banking sector is controlled by the private sector. But the present study with its focus on banking sector of an emerging economy, such as India where banking sector is dominated by state owned bankswill be an important extension of outsourcing research and valuable addition to literature.
Total Quality Management is an integrative management philosophy aimed at continuously improving the performance of products, processes and services to achieve and surpass customer expectations. There are many differences in Hyderabad manufacturing and service sectors. The purpose of this study is to understand concept of TQM in both the sectors and to identify the significant differences (if any) in TQM practices in Hyderabad Industrial Group. For this purpose related literature is collected and classified in to various categories. The literature is deeply studied and the critical factors that influence the TQM success in industry are determined. The first eight questions are related to the company background and demographic data such as no. of employees, sector of business, type of industry, position of the respondent, etc. Data were gathered from a survey of HR managers to examine the obstacles associated with managing a successful quality transformation. Factor analysis on managers’ ratings of frequently cited barriers to TQM revealed five underlying constructs: 1) inadequate human resources development and management; 2) lack of planning for quality; 3) lack of leadership for quality; 4) inadequate resources for TQM; and 5) lack of customer focus. Moreover, these empirically derived obstacles were found to be significantly related, in varying degrees, to specific potential outcomes that can be used to measure TQM success (or failure). The potential outcomes considered were frequent turnover of employees, frequent turnover of management, the high cost/benefit ratio of implementing TQM, and quality improvement results rarely meeting expectations. This provides a useful framework for evaluating the relative significance of management-related obstacles to TQM success, and, consequently, for providing direction and guidance in developing strategies for an effective quality transformation.