An Assessment Of Consumer Behavior, A Study With Specific Reference To Brown Goods(CTV/HTS) At Kochi Metro

Anilkumar N*, Jelsy Joseph**
* Research Scholar, Department of Management and Commerce Karpagam University, Coimbatore.
** Former Dean, Department of Management and commerce, Karpagam University, Coimbatore.
Periodicity:March - May'2013


Consumer attitudes serve as a boon as well as a bane in marketing. Choosing to discount or ignore consumers’ attitudes of a particular product or service—while developing a marketing strategy to leverage their understanding of attitudes to predict the behavior of consumers is the need of modern marketers, in consumer durables industry owing to both product and service aspects involved in durables purchase and usage. Consumer attitude is a relatively global and enduring evaluation of an object of consumption, issue, person or an act. Attitudes guides one’s thoughts, influence feelings and affect behaviors. Changes in behavioral patterns of consumers over the years has been due to several factors and best described by the consumer acculturation. Consumers use attitudes as a frame of reference to judge new information/objects(Graham, Judy(2004). Ultimately the consumer attitude which are learnt and stored in memory play a crucial role in decision making for the purchase of goods/services. A brief review of the Attitude and behavior nexus conditioned by the consumer related factors, social factors and the intervening situational factors are discussed herein, based on an attitude focused study on Brown goods in 200 urban HHs of Kochi metro. Consumer Attitude has gained larger importance today in the modern marketing segmentation strategies such as targeting and product positioning, which can be appreciated from the consumer centric approach of all marketers today. In this study the most popular brown goods like CTV/HTS are chosen as the attitude object.


Consumer Attitude, TRA,TPB,TAM,SN,PBC,Beliefs,Consumer Behavior, Salient Attributes/Benefits.

How to Cite this Article?

Anilkumar N and Jelsy Joseph (2013). An Assessment Of Consumer Behavior - A Study With Specific Reference To Brown Goods At Kochi Metro. i-manager’s Journal on Management, 7(4), 14-34.


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