Corporate Governance As A Tool For Curbing Bank Distress In Nigeria Deposit Money Banks: Empirical Evidence

Ikpefan Ochei Ailemen*, Stephen Ojeka**
* Senior Lecturer, Department of Banking & Finance, Covenant University, Ota.
** Lecturer, Department of Accounting, Covenant University, Ota.
Periodicity:March - May'2013


The study objective is aimed at finding the relationship between corporate governance bank distress in deposit money banks. The research design adopted in this paper is the case study method, in other to have an intensive insight of the subject matter. Primary data was used specifically the survey technique. The method that was used in the presentation of data in this study is the Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) which contains all the necessary and important statistical technique for data analysis. For testing the hypothesis, correlation analysis which measures the degree of relationship between variables was used to analyze the result generated from the questionnaire. The evidence shows that corporate governance has no significant improvement on the prevention of bank distress but has significantly improved the performance of the Nigerian banking sector. We therefore recommend that banks should demonstrate strong internal policies to identify and manage conflict of interest and zero tolerance posture against cases of unsound corporate governance practices.


Corporate Governance, Bank Distress, Code of Conduct, Pearson Correlation.

How to Cite this Article?

Ikpefan, Ochei Ailemen and Stephen, Ojeka (2013). Corporate Governance As A Tool For Curbing Bank Distress In Nigerian Deposit Money Banks: Empirical Evidence. i-manager’s Journal on Management, 7(4), 1-13.


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