Digital Beauty Standards: AI Approaches to Objectively Measure and Score Beauty Quotients
Automated Diabetic Retinopathy Screening in Resource-Limited Areas with Attention-Enhanced Deep Learning on Fundus Images
Detection and Classification of Player Formations in Sports using Neural Networks
Automated Detection of Tomato Leaf Diseases through Convolutional Neural Networks
Application of Computational and Geocomputation Techniques for Geospatial Analysis
Identification of Volcano Hotspots by using Resilient Back Propagation (RBP) Algorithm Via Satellite Images
Data Hiding in Encrypted Compressed Videos for Privacy Information Protection
Improved Video Watermarking using Discrete Cosine Transform
Contrast Enhancement based Brain Tumour MRI Image Segmentation and Detection with Low Power Consumption
Denoising of Images by Wavelets and Contourlets using Bi-Shrink Filter
With the availability of different medical imaging equipment for diagnoses, medical professionals are increasingly depending on the computer aided techniques for retrieving similar images from large repositories. This work investigates medical image retrieval problem for lossless compressed images. Lossless compression technique is utilized for compressing the medical images for easy transmission and storage. Texture features are extracted using Gabor filters, Shape features using the Gabor - shape and best features of these are selected by using a novel Cuckoo Search algorithm and compared with other statistical techniques. Classification was done by using the Recurrent neural Network. Optimization of the neural network is done using the Cuckoo Search. Experimental results show the advantages of the proposed framework.
De-Noising is a crucial problem for various types of image in the digital image processing. The main objective is to be fade away the noise factor by transfiguring into realistic Image as well as safeguarding the real quality and structure of the Image. Much hardware equipment such as digital electronic devices may suffer some issues that are noisy and blurred images due to degradation in the quality of the visioning image. These noisy images and blur images come under the problem of less information about the working object in a capturing environment. In this paper, the De-Noising technique has been proposed at different standard deviation for each processed image to check that at what level of noise it may work. In this proposed technique, wavelet is applied to a Noisy Image and further on the decomposed sections, SPG-PCA is used for quality enhancement. It consists of two stages: image estimation by removing the noise and further refinement of the first stage. Noise is removed at the maximum extent in first stage and the application of NPG improves the visualization of the De-Noised Image. A different standard deviation helps to optimize the original image which is based on the De-Noising scheme using quality matrices. The proposed technique can also be applied on satellite images, television pictures, medical images, etc. In this research work optimized De-Noising matrices like PSNR, SSIM, Maximum Difference and Normalized Cross-Correlation for the Dataset. Experimental results show a much improved performance of the proposed filters in the presence of Gaussian noise that are analyzed and illustrated.
Due to the current development of Multispectral sensor technology, the use of Multispectral images has become more and more popular in recent years in remote sensing applications. This paper exploits the spectral and spatial redundancies that exist in different bands of multispectral images and effectively compresses these redundancies by means of a lossy compression method while preserving the crucial and vital spectral information of objects that prevails in the multispectral bands. In this paper, interpolated super resolution transform based DWT with Improved SPIHT algorithm for various multispectral datasets has been proposed. The proposed algorithm, a lossy multispectral image compression method yields better performance results for PSNR and Compression Ratio with sym8 wavelet when compared with previous well-known compression methods and existing discrete wavelets.
Iris recognition is a special type of biometric system, which is used to identify a person by analyzing the patterns in the iris. It is used to recognize the human identity through the textural characteristics of one's iris muscular patterns. Although eye colour is dependent on heredity, iris is independent even in the twins. Out of various biometrics such as finger and hand geometry, face, ear and voice recognition, iris recognition has been proved to be one of the most accurate and reliable biometric modalities because of its high recognition. Iris recognition involves 5 major steps. Firstly, image acquisition is done in which the image is captured by a high resolution camera, then the iris and the pupillary boundary are extracted out from the whole eye image, which is called segmentation. After segmentation, the circular dimension is converted to a fixed rectangular dimension which is called normalization. From this normalised image, the feature is extracted from Gabor filter, DFT, FFT, etc. At last, the iris code is matched using Hamming distance and Euclidean method. This project focuses on iris segmentation. Iris segmentation is the most important part in the iris recognition process because the areas that are wrongly considered as the iris regions would corrupt the biometric templates resulting in a very poor recognition [16]-[21]. The main objective of iris segmentation is to separate the iris region from the pupil and sclera boundaries. There are various methods for segmenting the iris from an eye image to give a best segmented result. In this project, iris segmentation is done using Daugman's integro differential method and Circular Hough Transform to find out the pupil and the iris boundaries. Iris images are taken from the CASIA V4 database, and the iris segmentation is done using Matlab software where iris and pupilary boundaries are segmented out. The experimental result shows that 84% accuracy is obtained by segmenting the iris by Circular Hough Transform and 76% accuracy is obtained by segmenting the iris through Daughman's method. It is concluded that, the Circular Hough Transform method of iris recognition is more accurate than the Daughman's method.
Computerized detection of blood vessel structures is becoming one of the most interesting parts in the field of diagnosis of the vascular diseases. The objective of this paper is to introduce a novel filter, based on a new kernel function with Cauchy distribution to improve the accuracy of the automated retinal vessel detection. Moreover, for a good segmentation performance, the proposed model has the benefit of using distinct types of region information. The aim of the proposed model is to increase the accuracy of an image.