Design of an Exercise Monitoring System for Early Warning Heart Rate Risk Alarm with Confidence Intervals and Correlation Index Analysis
IoMT-Based Seizure Detection System using Optimizing Algorithm
Embedded Sensor Belt for Cattle Stomach Measurement Monitoring with Automated Alert Functionality
Design and Development of a Device for Skin Disease Prediction using Various Parameters
Innovative Solutions for Varicose Veins using Arduino-Powered Prediction and Therapy
Verilog Based UART System Design
Intel ® Processor Architectural and Integrated Development Environment Exploration
IoT based Smart Agriculture Monitoring Framework with Automation
An Integrated Model of Digital Fuel Indicator and GPS Tracking System for Vehicles
Designing of an Embedded system for Wireless Sensor Network for Hazardous Gas leakage control for industrial Application
Hardware Implementation of Artificial Neural Networks
Fault Analysis on Grid Connected MPPT BasedPhotovoltaic System
High Efficiency Hybrid Intelligent Street Lighting Using A Zigbee Network And Sensors
Design of Dual-Band Bandpass Filter Using Interdigital Embedded Open Loop Triangular Resonator Loaded with Stubs
License Plate Localization Using Novel Recursive Algorithm And Pixel Count Method
The main objective of this research paper is to monitor the various physical parameters in the large scale industries in an effective manner for the proper maintenance and to avoid the major accidents in the industries. At present due to the poor real time monitoring system fault identification and system accuracy has becomes very tedious and frequent field visit is required in industries. In order to overcome and provide solution to the existing system Wireless Sensor Networks (WSN) with high speed advanced ARM processor which executes large instructions is used for the implementation of the proposed system. The automatic industrial parameter monitoring system has capable of monitoring multiple boiler sections or any other units at a same time. Zigbee is the emerging wireless network technology which is used for data communication in hardware system. The physical parameters like temperature, pressure and humidity are sensed using the suitable sensors and transmitted through the zigbee module over the wireless network to the base station. The ARM processor is located in the base station programmed in such a manner to receive the data through the zigbee module from multiple boiler units. The simulation of the automated system is achieved by the Keil C µ vision 4 software to get the desired output.
The Design part in Very Large Scale Integration is an extremely complex task. It is continually stress the fact that the field is inherently multidisciplinary in nature. By keeping Integrated circuit as a reference, the field programmable gate array (FPGA) technology has become an advanced target for the implementation of real time algorithms suited to video image processing applications. The unique architecture of the FPGA has allowed the technology to be used in many applications encompassing all aspects of video image processing.The algorithm like linear filtering based on a two dimensional convolution, and non-linear two dimensional rank order filters, thresholding, Sobel edge detection etc., represent a basic set of image operations for a number of applications. In this paper, an implementation of linear image filtering using a FPGA Xilinx 13.1 Version, vertex-4 is presented. The FPGA-based system is accessed through a Matlab graphical user interface and Xilinx, which handles the communication setup. A HDL language is used for coding purpose. The results obtained from MATLAB simulations and the described FPGA-based implementation is presented.
Zigbee based network devices which are efficient for street light management, measurement analysis of the performances of a control system. The combination of sensors used in public street lighting systems to control and maintain the street lighting system automatically. Different type of street light control systems are developed to reduce maintenance in operating light control system, so we designed intelligent street light control system by using Zigbee communication technique and combination of sensors The drawbacks of this conventional lighting system are its short transmission length, low transmission speed and that each street lighting area needs its own control unit which results in large numbers of modules needed so it will non-cost effectiveness for multi area lighting control .LED efficiency increase rapidly in recent years so we use LED for our street lighting since LEDs have the advantage as long-life low area utilizing the efficiency of lighting is 85 % and the conversion efficiency is 90 % the proposed Hybrid intelligent street lighting can optimize management and high efficiency of street lighting systems with the help of sensors.
This paper is elaborate the model of humanoid robot interacts with human being and perform various operation as per the command given by the human being. A humanoid robot having Synthetic brain can able to do Interaction, communication, Object detection, information acquisition about any object, response to voice command, chatting logically with human beings. For the purposed of reducing the noise of voice commands there is used audio filter that’s why due to clarity of voice command work of robot will be appropriate. Object detection will be done by this robot for that purpose there is use image processing concept, And to make the system intelligent that is whenever system interact, communicate, chat with human it gives proper response, question / answers there is integrates artificial intelligence and DFA / NFA automata.
The design of high speed Content addressable memory (CAM) offers high speed search function in a single clock cycle. Content addressable memory is a memory that implements the lookup-table function in a single clock cycle using dedicated comparison circuitry. In the CAM design techniques at the circuit level and at the architectural level. At the circuit level, low-power match-line sensing techniques and search line driving approaches are utilized. In the existing system, introduce a parity bit that leads to sensing delay reduction at a cost of less than area and power overhead. Thus robust, high-speed and low-power match line sense amplifiers are highly sought after in CAM designs. In the proposed system, introduce a double parity bit for searching data, speed and power is increased. Without sacrificing speed, power is reduced by using gated clock technique.