Sustainable School Furniture Manufacturing: A Case of a Basic Workshop Innovation in Zimbabwe
Design and Testing of a Low-Cost Manually Operated Briquette Press for Sustainable Biomass Utilisation
Development of Arc Welding Defects for NDT Certification in Zimbabwe using Design of Experiments
A Comprehensive Examination of Various Edible and Non-Edible Oils
A Comprehensive Review of Tribological Performance of Coatings on Automotive Piston Rings
Design of Oil-Ammonia Separator for Refrigeration Systems
A Review on Mechanical and Tribological Characteristics of Hybrid Composites
Design and Experimental Investigation of a Natural Draft Improved Biomass Cookstove
Progressive Development of Various Production and Refining Process of Biodiesel
Optimization of Wire-ED Turning Process Parameters by Taguchi-Grey Relational Analysis
Evaluation Of Mechanical Behavior Of Al-Alloy/SiC Metal Matrix Composites With Respect To Their Constituents Using Taguchi Techniques
Multistage Extractive Desulfurization of Liquid Fuel by Ionic Liquids
Isomorphism Identification of Compound Kinematic Chain and Their Mechanism
Development of Electroplating Setup for Plating Abs Plastics
A Comprehensive Review of Biodiesel Application in IDI Engines with Property Improving Additives
In this research, an attempt was made to reinforce Silicon Carbide (SiC) Coated Graphene Nano Platelets (SGNP) in SS316L composites through a pressureless sintering technique. By reinforcing xSGNP (x: 0.25, 0.5, and 0.75 wt %) into the SS316L matrix material it would be consolidated and sintered in a vacuum. Further microstructural studies and mechanical tests will be carried out. The investigation reveals the effectiveness of SGNP reinforcement in improving the mechanical properties of SS316L composites. The microstructural and elemental composition analysis of composites was carried out by an optical microscope, Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM) and Energy Dispersive XRay Spectroscopy (EDS). The mechanical properties of SS316L/xSGNP composites were evaluated by using Vickers micro-hardness tester and Pin-on disc wear apparatus. The fine grain structure was observed with the reinforcement of SS316L-SGNP. The hardness of composites drastically increased by 110% compared to monolithic SS316L when increasing the weight percentage of SGNP to 0.5Wt %. The wear rate of 0.5wt % SGNP dropped to 55% compared with SS316L
Morphing wing technology has been part of the aviation industry since the time of the Wright Brothers. Wright Brothers used morphing wing for Wright flyer, and type of morphing wing used then was twisting the wing prepared with the help of bicycle tubes and cardboards. But to enhance the morphing wing technology and to produce more effective results aerodynamically, and increase lift performances and lower drag performances, better materials with better mechanism had to be used. This research is directed towards morphing a Supersonic aero elastic wing in Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) analysis using Artificial Neural Networks (ANN). Here a CFD analysis of National Advisory Committee for Aeronautics (NACA)0012 airfoil, made of a morphing material is done in the initial part. It has low and transonic regions of CFD analysis in the said airfoil. The problems persisting with the high speed aerodynamic CFD analysis is brought out in detail. Later part of the work is on designing of a self-trainable and multilayer Artificial Deep Neural Network and its programming using Python deep learning (Python Anaconda). It also explains how these Artificial Intelligence (AI) techniques help immensely in supersonic aerodynamic and aeroelastic analysis of the aerofoils. The data from designing the aerofoil and its CFD analysis will be used for training the deep neural networks, which is done by the Python code.
The nozzle is a complex structural design to direct a controlled rate of flow of the gases to increase the velocity based upon the required parameters. A nozzle comes with different shapes depending upon the mission and their work. The design of the nozzle is significant for understanding the performance and the characters of the Rocket. The engine's performance is dependent upon the geometrical design of the nozzle. The main factors that affect the outlet velocity of the nozzle are area ratio, pintle design, length of the pintle, position of the pintle, mass flow rate. In this paper, the observation over the flow simulation over the converging- Diverging nozzle by varying the area ratio, placing the pintle position and the pintle design, and the position of the pintle by changing the inlet mass flow rate from 350kg/sec, 450kg/sec and the 550kg/sec and observed flow variations to determine the optimal result using the Taguchi optimization method. The flow simulation for the designed nozzle is performed using Solid Works. The Taguchi had obtained a reference that the area ratio will have the maximum amount of influence on the Nozzle performance, followed by the pintle's position, angle of the pintle, mass flow rate, and the length of the pintle. The optimal condition that is obtained in the Taguchi is that the nozzle with an area ratio of 120 and the placement of the nozzle length of 0.1215m which has an angle of the 35˚ and placing the pintle at a distance of 0.4745m for the inlet, can produce a maximum amount of outlet velocity.
The present research examines the performance of a resistance heating furnace using two different heating elements, Silicon Carbide (SiC) heating rods and Molybdenum Di-Silicide (MoSi2) to raise working chamber temperature to 1600ᴼC. SiC rods are used first, starting from the beginning (ambience) temperature 35ᴼC up to 1300ᴼC, followed by MoSi2 heating elements to raise chamber temperature from 1300ᴼC to set temperature at 1600ᴼC. Transition from SiC to MoSi2, heating system is uninterrupted, and swift in heating element effected by inter-locking system (an electronic device or an electro-magnetic system) without any drop in effect. The system under analysis consists of Programmable (Proportional-Integral-Derivative) PID, (Silicon Controlled Rectifier) Thyristor power pack, recrystallised alumina tubes, sensing elements: thermo-couple, Pt-Pt/13%.Rh, semiconductor based circuit that controls power and current to the system requirement (step down) and thereby control voltage automatically with transformer (depending on size of working area, and 53 amp (I), 220 V for single phase, reduced to 60V by a step down transformer) and auto current limiting facilities. Present analysis is designed for programmable and also for non-programmable type of cycles of operations set before starting the furnace within maximum working temperature of 1600ᴼC to achieve objectives, like saving of amperage (current consumption 53 amp) and power at reduced voltage (40V), long life of the heating elements (2 years and more) and optimization of thermal efficiency (60%) for high working temperature 1600ᴼC for long hours of operation in a Compound Heating Resistance (CHR) furnace.
Aerofoil is a design that offers a gold standard ratio between the coefficient of drag to the coefficient of lift. Aerofoil are the standard cross-sectional structure of the plane wing. In this paper, a famous aerofoil family which is acknowledged to be the Royal Aircraft Factory (RAF) is regarded with all the accessible aerofoil models in that family. The pinnacle 5 aerofoils are considered and inspected for all drift editions over the viewed models with various flow transforming from 400, 420, 440, 460, 480 and 500 knots. The current research is to determine the high-quality aerofoil sketch over their family, for the quality aerofoil format by using plan amendment, and the float variation is carried out by varying the angle of assault with 5 stages interval from 0-25 ranges and the pressure, velocity, turbulence length, temperature, Mach number and the pressure performing in x & y-direction are recorded. All these parameters in consideration determined the most fulfilling model for the RAF family.