The Design and Flow Simulation in a Convergent and Divergent Nozzle using Taguchi

Sri Ram Deepak Akella*, Allam Bhima Dhanaraj**, B. S. V. Ramarao***
*-**** Department of Mechanical Engineering, Pragati Engineering College (Autonomous), Surampalem, Andhra Pradesh, India.
Periodicity:May - July'2022


The nozzle is a complex structural design to direct a controlled rate of flow of the gases to increase the velocity based upon the required parameters. A nozzle comes with different shapes depending upon the mission and their work. The design of the nozzle is significant for understanding the performance and the characters of the Rocket. The engine's performance is dependent upon the geometrical design of the nozzle. The main factors that affect the outlet velocity of the nozzle are area ratio, pintle design, length of the pintle, position of the pintle, mass flow rate. In this paper, the observation over the flow simulation over the converging- Diverging nozzle by varying the area ratio, placing the pintle position and the pintle design, and the position of the pintle by changing the inlet mass flow rate from 350kg/sec, 450kg/sec and the 550kg/sec and observed flow variations to determine the optimal result using the Taguchi optimization method. The flow simulation for the designed nozzle is performed using Solid Works. The Taguchi had obtained a reference that the area ratio will have the maximum amount of influence on the Nozzle performance, followed by the pintle's position, angle of the pintle, mass flow rate, and the length of the pintle. The optimal condition that is obtained in the Taguchi is that the nozzle with an area ratio of 120 and the placement of the nozzle length of 0.1215m which has an angle of the 35˚ and placing the pintle at a distance of 0.4745m for the inlet, can produce a maximum amount of outlet velocity.


Convergent and Divergent, Rocket Nozzle, Pintle, Taguchi, Flow Simulation, Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD).

How to Cite this Article?

Akella, S. R. D., Dhanaraj, A. B., and Ramarao, B. S. V. (2022). The Design and Flow Simulation in a Convergent and Divergent Nozzle using Taguchi. i-manager’s Journal on Mechanical Engineering, 12(3), 25-34.


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