Gender Differences in Professional and Digital Competencies among Secondary School Teachers in Jammu and Kashmir: A Descriptive and Correlational Analysis
Technology and Identity Enactment among Muslim Immigrant Families
Education for All: Addressing the Digital Divide and Socioeconomic Disparities in Modern Schools
Overcoming Misconceptions on 'Gravity and Force' of Ninth Standard Students
A Study to Assess the Effectiveness of Behavior Change Techniques on Screen Time Duration among Preschoolers and Parent Satisfaction Levels at a Selected School in Kanniyakumari District, Tamil Nadu
Online Instruction in the Face of Covid-19 Crisis: An Examination of Early Childhood and Elementary Teachers' Practices
A Study Of Health Education And Its Needs For Elementary School Students
Time Management and Academic Achievement of Higher Secondary Students
Case Study of Inclusive Education Programme: Basis for Proactive and Life Skills Inclusive Education
Exploring the Effects of Web 2.0 Technology on Individual and Collaborative Learning Performance in Relation to Self-regulation of Learners
Some Quality Considerations in the Design and Implementation of Learning Objects
The Ideology of Innovation Education and its Emergence as a New subject in Compulsory Schools
A Blended Learning Route To Improving Innovation Education in Europe
BSCW As A Managed Learning Environment For International In-Service Teacher Education.
Encouraging innovativeness through Computer-Assisted Collaborative Learning
To achieve highest pedestal of civilization knowledge is the key driver which is a product of education. All the independent states like Pakistan are under obligation to recognize education as right of citizen, to embark on a path of progress and realize the potentials of a nation every state invests in education to address the needs and aspiration of the people and society. Since independence it has been recognized that the future of the nation depends on the pursuit of knowledge through education. Pakistan formulated education policies in 1947, 1951, 1959, 1969, 1970, 1972, 1979, and in 1998. In every case the process of policy formulation was initiated by the Government of Pakistan and adopted a mechanism to ensure predetermined outcomes through an angle and clear cut guidelines, it may be a conference or commission approach. Islam and national ideology remained common denominators and rest purposes of education generally appear to reflect the political considerations and dictations. Resultantly no policy could earn desired wide spread ownership.
During the past few years a revolution has taken place in the teaching — learning process of education. Technology plays a significant role in imparting education at all levels i.e., from primary to higher. The focus of this article is to explore the importance and scope of e-teaching that is to be incorporate in the curriculum of teacher educators. The authors of this paper have prepared a model curriculum for e-teaching which can promote the effective use of educational technology in school education.
Teachers continue to be trained following a ritualized approach for skills and competences. But, a deeper understanding of fundamental concepts, improvement of problem-solving and higher-order thinking skills and even the development of a contextual intuition can be even more important in becoming computer-using professionals. These factors as well as teachers’ personal and professional adoption and personal commitment to a computing life-style can be critical prerequisites for achieving technological integration in tomorrow’s school classrooms.
Cooperating teachers are asked to write a final evaluation of the student, a king of summing-up, and this is often kept in the student’s permanent folder, perhaps to be seen by future employers. Often the student teacher is also asked to evaluate his over-all performance in writing at the end of the student teaching period. The forms used for evaluation vary considerably from short checklist to long essay, and some combine aspects of each. The main purposes of this article are the student teaching experience is to allow the cooperating teacher to share his/her experience and guide student teachers in evaluating their own progress.
The present study was aimed to explore the relationships between orgainsational or school variables, students’ personal background variables, and cognitive and motivational variables. The sample for the survey included 373 students drawn from nine Government schools in Andhra Pradesh, India. Students’ creative thinking abilities were measured by the verbal and non-verbal Tests of Creative Thinking developed by Baqer Mehdi. The researcher developed the tools for this purpose and data was collected by means of questionnaires for students, a scale for assessing teachers’ encouragement of pupils in the classroom, and a checklist for headteachers regarding out-of-school activities. To analyse the data, quantitative techniques such as Multiple Regression Analysis and the Path Analysis were used to study the direct and indirect effects of variables on the dependent variable creativity. The analysis showed a model, where out-of-school activities, mother’s education, teacher encouragement and mother’s income had causal relationships with students’ creative thinking.
The article provides a detailed analysis of the teachers who attended the training for primary education and viewed pre-recorded cassette using Group Observation method. First the paper discusses detailed methodology on group observation and in the second part the findings suggests that for better production of any video programme for training the teachers should contain innovation and novel approaches, should be applied.
Psychomotor performance is fundamental to human existence. It is important in many real world activities and nowadays psychomotor tests are used in several fields of industry, army, and medical sciences in employee selection. This article tries to define psychomotor activity by introducing some psychomotor theories. Furthermore the interrelationship between psychomotor, cognitive, and affective area is researched. It seems that there occurs a significant correlation between psychomotor and cognitive area, but between psychomotor and affective tests only a small correlation was found.
The present study investigates the learning impediments of the learners in English at standard I and found the effectiveness of AVRM approach (Audio-Visual, Relia and Multimedia) to eliminate the learning impediments in English. Twenty five subjects were taken for the study. Oral test was administered for the study. AVRM approach was found to be more effective than traditional approach in learning English at Standard I.