Model for the Correlates of Student’s Creative Thinking

Mahender Reddy Sarsani*
*Associate Professor,Formaer Principal and Head University College of Education ,Kakatiya University ,Warangal
Periodicity:March - May'2007


The present study was aimed to explore the relationships between orgainsational or school variables, students’ personal background variables, and cognitive and motivational variables. The sample for the survey included 373 students drawn from nine Government schools in Andhra Pradesh, India. Students’ creative thinking abilities were measured by the verbal and non-verbal Tests of Creative Thinking developed by Baqer Mehdi. The researcher developed the tools for this purpose and data was collected by means of questionnaires for students, a scale for assessing teachers’ encouragement of pupils in the classroom, and a checklist for headteachers regarding out-of-school activities. To analyse the data, quantitative techniques such as Multiple Regression Analysis and the Path Analysis were used to study the direct and indirect effects of variables on the dependent variable creativity. The analysis showed a model, where out-of-school activities, mother’s education, teacher encouragement and mother’s income had causal relationships with students’ creative thinking.


How to Cite this Article?

Mahender Reddy Sarsani (2007). Model for the Correlates of Student’s Creative Thinking. 2(4),35-48.


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