Curriculum for E-Teaching in Teacher Education – A Conceptual Framework

R. Ravi*, Ananthasayanam R.**
*Lecturer ,R.V.S. College of Education ,Kannampalayam ,Sulur ,Coimbatore
**Head of the Department ,Department of Educational Technology,Bharathiar University
Periodicity:March - May'2007


During the past few years a revolution has taken place in the teaching — learning process of education. Technology plays a significant role in imparting education at all levels i.e., from primary to higher. The focus of this article is to explore the importance and scope of e-teaching that is to be incorporate in the curriculum of teacher educators. The authors of this paper have prepared a model curriculum for e-teaching which can promote the effective use of educational technology in school education.


How to Cite this Article?

R. Ravi and R. Ananthasayanam (2007). Curriculum for E-Teaching in Teacher Education – A Conceptual Framework. 2(4),.21-25.


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