The Effectiveness of Artificial Intelligence in Classroom Teaching
The HyFlex Learning Model: Bridging the Gap between Traditional and Online Education
Assessing the Impact of Faculty Development Programs on College Teachers: A Survey-Based Analysis
Perceptions of Secondary Students on Online Learning during Covid-19: A Qualitative Study
A Study of the Usage and Perception of Instagram as a Learning Tool
Engage, Inspire, Connect: The Magic of Digital Storytelling
Towards Quality Higher Education in the Arab World: Challenges of the Present and Aspirations of the Future
Continuous Classroom Assessment At Primary Level
Edification Of Multimedia Resources: Aligning Technology For Student Empowerment
Improving Quality In Teaching Statistics Concepts Using Modern Visualization: The Design And Use Of The Flash Application On Pocket PCs
An Empirical Consideration Of The Use Of R In Actively Constructing Sampling Distributions
The Roles of Artificial Intelligence in Education: Current Progress and Future Prospects
The Role of Web-Based Simulations In Technology Education
Development Of Learning Resources To Promote Knowledge Sharing In Problem Based Learning
Fishing For Learning With A Podcast Net
An Orientation Assistant (OA) for Guiding Learning through Simulation of Electronics Technology in Technology Education
Educational research has witnessed profound changes in recent decades as society becomes increasingly digital and interconnected. This paper delves into the intersections between AI, design-based research, and the learning sciences. As classrooms, whether physical or virtual, have evolved into hubs of diverse interactions, there is a pressing need for research methods that resonate with modern challenges. AI has emerged as a transformative force in education. This convergence of AI with design-based methodologies promises a reimagined educational landscape, where tools once deemed futuristic become integral to teaching and learning. The study further explores the implications of this integration and charts a potential roadmap for AI's deeper assimilation into academic realms.
This paper explores the perceptions of English language learners about YouGlish ( as language support at the resource level. Data were collected through a focus group interview (FGI) with nine elementary EFL students in Turkey following a twelve-week website utilization. Findings indicated that authentic input, content diversity, and extracurricular learning opportunities were cited as strengths of the website, while the lack of progress checks and assessments and a competitive learning environment were viewed as weaknesses. Incremental pronunciation improvement at the segmental level was also reported by the participants. In addition, intelligibility, career opportunities, and emulation were cited as drivers of their desire for pronunciation improvement. Important implications for second language pronunciation learning and teaching were drawn.
In the 21st century's rapidly changing and evolving world, the teaching methods used and the techniques used to evaluate these educational and training activities are evolving towards a continuous change and innovation. Research has shown that teachers who are considered to be best in their field have indepth knowledge of various curriculum theories and the models used and are able to choose the best combination of the right school, students, curriculum, course activity, teaching and assessment method (Drijvers et al., 2010). It is shown that it needs continuous innovation to keep up with the pace of the changing world (Beycioğlu & Aslan, 2010). This research aims to reveal the effect of using plickers, one of the process-oriented formative web 2.0 supported assessment methods, instead of result-oriented assessment methods in mathematics teaching on students course attitudes and course motivation. For this purpose, an application was carried out with the students of a state Anatolian High School 10th grade in Mersin province (10 A branch was determined as the experiment group and 10 B branch was determined as the control group. (10 A and 10 B were coded as nicknames). In the application, the mathematics course attitude scale, mathematics course motivation scale and the interview form prepared by the researchers were used as data collection tools. In the study, the quasiexperimental research method pretest and posttest and control group design was used. In the research, easily accessible sampling method (Büyüköztürk, 2008) one of the purposeful sampling methods was used. Out of 64 participant students, 32 students(from the A branch) were selected as the experimental group and the remaining 32 students (from the B branch) were selected as the control group. Data collection tools were applied to these selected students in accordance with their groups. As a result of the eight-week implementation, a significant difference was observed between the pretest and posttest mean scores of the experimental and control groups in favor of the experimental group. In addition, in line with the ideas expressed by the students both in the open-ended questions and in the interviews, they stated that they found the exam system more fair and egalitarian as well as the different digital-based assessment methods entertaining.
One of the instructional model that can support student-centered environments is the flipped classroom model, which blends the positive aspects of technology in education with the advantages of traditional methods. This research aims to determine the effect of Flipped Classroom Model (FCM) in the science course on 7th-grade students' self-regulation skills. The design of the study is a pretest-posttest control group quasi-experimental design. Participants of the study consisted of 67 7th-grade students from a public middle school located in the Mezitli district of Mersin, Turkey. The experimental group comprised 31 students, while the control group consisted of 36 students. Students' self-regulation skills were assessed through the implementation of "Motivated Strategies for Learning Questionnaire" (MSLQ). Data were analyzed using the independent samples t-tests and paired samples t-tests. The comparison of post-test scores between the experimental and control groups indicated a significant mean difference for all subscales of learning strategies and motivation, except for extrinsic goal orientation and test anxiety. The results indicate that FCM develops students' motivation and their use of learning strategies. The results of this study support that the FCM is more effective in increasing 7th-grade students' self-regulation than traditional lecture format for science courses.
The aim of this study is to examine the relationship between technology addiction levels and peer bullying levels of students at secondary school and to reveal their views on this topic. The survey model from quantitative research method was used in the research. While the population of the research is composed of all secondary schools in district center of Mersin; the sample is composed of 254 secondary school students chosen from the schools according to the method of convenient sampling in the academic year 2022-2023. To determine level of the technology addiction and peer bullying of secondary school students participating in the study, “Technology Addicton Scale” (Aydın, 2017) and “Peer Bullying Scale” (Kutlu & Aydın, 2010) were applied in quantitative phase. In the qualitative phase, data were obtained from the same students with 4 open-ended questions form prepared by the researchers. When the relationship between technology addicton and peer bullying of levels was examined, it was determined that there was a positive and negligible relationship.