Investigation of the Effect of using Web 2.0 Supported Plickers Assessment Method in Mathematics Course on Students Attitudes and Motivations towards the Course

Ebru Kose*, Tuğba Yanpar Yelken**
* Ministry of National Education, Turkey.
** Department of Curriculum and Instruction, Faculty of Education, Mersin University, Turkey.
Periodicity:October - December'2023


In the 21st century's rapidly changing and evolving world, the teaching methods used and the techniques used to evaluate these educational and training activities are evolving towards a continuous change and innovation. Research has shown that teachers who are considered to be best in their field have indepth knowledge of various curriculum theories and the models used and are able to choose the best combination of the right school, students, curriculum, course activity, teaching and assessment method (Drijvers et al., 2010). It is shown that it needs continuous innovation to keep up with the pace of the changing world (Beycioğlu & Aslan, 2010). This research aims to reveal the effect of using plickers, one of the process-oriented formative web 2.0 supported assessment methods, instead of result-oriented assessment methods in mathematics teaching on students course attitudes and course motivation. For this purpose, an application was carried out with the students of a state Anatolian High School 10th grade in Mersin province (10 A branch was determined as the experiment group and 10 B branch was determined as the control group. (10 A and 10 B were coded as nicknames). In the application, the mathematics course attitude scale, mathematics course motivation scale and the interview form prepared by the researchers were used as data collection tools. In the study, the quasiexperimental research method pretest and posttest and control group design was used. In the research, easily accessible sampling method (Büyüköztürk, 2008) one of the purposeful sampling methods was used. Out of 64 participant students, 32 students(from the A branch) were selected as the experimental group and the remaining 32 students (from the B branch) were selected as the control group. Data collection tools were applied to these selected students in accordance with their groups. As a result of the eight-week implementation, a significant difference was observed between the pretest and posttest mean scores of the experimental and control groups in favor of the experimental group. In addition, in line with the ideas expressed by the students both in the open-ended questions and in the interviews, they stated that they found the exam system more fair and egalitarian as well as the different digital-based assessment methods entertaining.


Formative Assessment, Assessment, Mathematics Attitude, Mathematics Motivation, Plickers.

How to Cite this Article?

Kose, E., and Yelken, T. Y. (2023). Investigation of the Effect of using Web 2.0 Supported Plickers Assessment Method in Mathematics Course on Students Attitudes and Motivations towards the Course. i-manager’s Journal of Educational Technology, 20(3), 15-28.


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