GigTroop: A Home Service Provider Application
The User’s Adoption towards Chatbot Technology – An Exploration
Performance on QoS Metrics with Active Queue Management Techniques in AODV Routing Protocol in MANETs
Fundamental Understanding of Mobile Phone Data for Transport Applications
Embracing Sustainable Usage of Mobile Health in Developing Countries: The Mediating Role of Behavioural Intentions
An Empirical Evidence from Uganda
Development of Mobile App for the Soil Classification
Emerging Technologies in Interaction with Mobile Computing Devices – A Technology Forecast
Using the Arduino Platform for Controlling AC Appliances with GSM Module and Relay
Applications of Wearable Technology in Elite Sports
Evaluation of Mobile Banking Services Usage in Minna, Niger State
Smartphone Applications–A Comparative Study BetweenOlder And Younger Users
Technological Diffusion of Near Field Communication (NFC)
Touchscreen and Perceived Usability: A Comparison of Attitudes between Older and Younger Mobile Device Users
A Review on Routing Protocols for Mobile Adhoc Networks
Applications of Wearable Technology in Elite Sports
It is no longer news that the biggest transportation industry in the world is the airline industry and to gain customers' loyalty, airline owners focus on service strategy to ensure customers' satisfaction. Unfortunately, customers do sometimes experience service failure from delayed flights, canceled flights, loss of baggage, flight crew/staff ill-behaviour, check-in process, airline meals amongst others. However, for airline owners to improve on their services and gain a competitive advantage in the business, there is a need to evaluate the quality of their services being rendered. This evaluation can easily be achieved if there is a means of getting customers' remarks to services given. Unfortunately, this has not been effective as the present means of service remarks have been manual which can be stressful for some customers and leave them grumbling within, which can in turn affect the productivity of the industry. To proffer a solution to the foregoing issues, a robust Android/Web-Based Application (AirRemark) has been developed using Agile Methodology for Mobile Application Development. The developed application which runs on both Android Phones/Web-Based systems offers the user (Airlines customer) the opportunity to register their remarks (complaints/compliments) based on the quality of airline services rendered to them. As soon as customers registers their remark, the airline service administrator gets the remark instantly and can help make immediate judgments required to ensure customers' satisfaction. This research work is in progress and the first stage of the work has been implemented which involves successful sending of remarks by customers to the administrator of the airline industry. Full implementation of the AIREMARK Application is recommended in the next phase of the work.
Children are easily attracted by mobile games and when this becomes educational games, it becomes an avenue for kids to learn while catching fun. It is a known fact that children tend to learn better in a fun seeking environment and Augmented Reality present the platform to realize this objective. Augmented reality is the placing of the virtual environment over the physical environment because it has a good potential of creating interest in children, and thus has been adopted in this research work. This project evaluates the perception of the audience towards augmented reality learning, through the development of an alphabet teaching application, ABC Tutor. This work stems from the need to incorporate into alphabet learning applications, three-dimensional (3D) animation and sound effects to stimulate fun and interest to learn. The solution uses augmented reality, 3D animations and sound effects to stimulate fun. C# programming language with Monodevelop has been used and Unity 3D software has been the development environment. The research has been carried out on 20 nursery school students from ages 3 to 5 from different schools to evaluate the perception of these kids towards augmented reality learning and to determine how augmented reality affects children's learning performance. The learning app has been introduced to nursery school children between the ages 3-5, they were then left to interact with the mobile application for some minutes, after which results were recorded. A learning mobile application that teaches the English alphabet to children while incorporating fun-learning and arousing interest in children has been developed.
This paper proposes a mobile application development to support early intervention program for hearing-impaired children through auditory training. Hearing-impaired children have poor recognition of environmental sound, difficulty in discriminating sound in noise and lack of active listening practice. Auditory training can maximize the usage of amplification devices, help discover the common environmental sound and train them to listen based on the listening skill hierarchy. The project uses adapted prototype development methodology and assesses some existing application to get a clearer view on the specification needed for a functional smartphone-based auditory training.
We all desire to be punctual and perfect in our day-to-day work. Most of the time we do not have information on any significant events happening around us and focus on our field or profession. We realize that the educational institutions conducts various occasions, be it social, academicals or social-related. In most of the educational institutions, for events or occasions to reach all, students have to leave their classes to circulate the announcements, and this is time consuming and tiresome. We have produced a solution, that is "EVENTS CALENDAR" to solve this issue where all the events and exam schedules are updated in this application to plan the everyday simpler in educational institutions.
Recently, 5G technology is introduced in several countries with the fundamental objectives of enhancing the bandwidth capacity, data rate, the better quality of transmission services, and low latency. The mentioned enhancements will bring dynamic improvement in mobile communication network architecture. This paper is providing detailed information related to the 5G network architecture and its emerging technologies. It focuses on improvements and limitations, focusing on the gaps in the previously proposed methods which would be needed to address in future to bring more stability in the 5G network architecture and related emerging technologies. The important technologies in 5G, like mmWaves, massive MIMO, beamforming, full duplex and small cells are explained in this paper along with added security and mobile edge computing. Some of the proposed methods and techniques carry specific scenarios and limitations that fail to provide a robust solution to enhance the architecture. These drawbacks introduce new areas of research and demand more appropriate solutions as the specific scenarios must not degrade other key elements of the architecture.
Modern smartphones are made up of 30 different elements from the periodic table — the reserves of some of which are limited or close to depletion. The European Chemical Society has compiled a periodic table that shows the elements used in the production of phones together with the status of their reserves. In addition to environmental effects, from territories that are plagued by military conflict or child labor, is involve and are hence called conflict minerals.