Limitations Constraints in 5G Architecture and Emerging Technologies

Imran Hussain *, Farhan Hassan Khan **
* Department of Computer Science, Bahria University, Islamabad, Pakistan.
** FUUAST University, Islamabad, Pakistan.
Periodicity:January - June'2020


Recently, 5G technology is introduced in several countries with the fundamental objectives of enhancing the bandwidth capacity, data rate, the better quality of transmission services, and low latency. The mentioned enhancements will bring dynamic improvement in mobile communication network architecture. This paper is providing detailed information related to the 5G network architecture and its emerging technologies. It focuses on improvements and limitations, focusing on the gaps in the previously proposed methods which would be needed to address in future to bring more stability in the 5G network architecture and related emerging technologies. The important technologies in 5G, like mmWaves, massive MIMO, beamforming, full duplex and small cells are explained in this paper along with added security and mobile edge computing. Some of the proposed methods and techniques carry specific scenarios and limitations that fail to provide a robust solution to enhance the architecture. These drawbacks introduce new areas of research and demand more appropriate solutions as the specific scenarios must not degrade other key elements of the architecture.


Millimeter Waves, Massive MIMO, Small Cells, beamforming, Full-Duplex, Mobile Edge Computing, Network Slicing, 5G Core Architecture, 5G Emerging Technologies.

How to Cite this Article?

Hussain, I., and Khan, F. H. (2020). Limitations Constraints in 5G Architecture and Emerging Technologies. i-manager's Journal on Mobile Applications and Technologies, 7(1), 29-37.


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