A Technical note on Optimization of performance parameters for carbonaceous material for Lithium-ion batteries by Dual Ion Beam Sputtering (DIBS) Technology
Sugar adsorption on nanoporous carbon fabricated from rice husk
Thermal stability of high-pressure phase of SrO:Ce phosphor
Enhanced Light Yield in Organic Plastic Scintillators- Synthesis and Characterization of Novel Polymer Systems
Optimizing Froth Flotation Techniques for Sustainable Beneficiation of Spodumene and Lepidolite in Zimbabwe: Enhancing Lithium Recovery for Battery-Grade Material Production
An Investigation on Recent Trends in Metamaterial Types and its Applications
A Review on Plasma Ion Nitriding (PIN) Process
Comparative Parabolic Rate Constant and Coating Properties of Nickel, Cobalt, Iron and Metal Oxide Based Coating: A Review
A Review on Friction and Wear Behaviors of Brake’s Friction Materials
Electro-Chemical Discharge Machining- A review and Case study
Electrical Properties of Nanocomposite Polymer Gels based on PMMA-DMA/DMC-LiCLO2 -SiO2
Comparison Of Composite Proton Conducting Polymer Gel Electrolytes Containing Weak Aromatic Acids
Enhancement in Electrical Properties of PEO Based Nano-Composite Gel Electrolytes
Effect of Donor Number of Plasticizers on Conductivity of Polymer Electrolytes Containing NH4F
PMMA Based Polymer Gel Electrolyte Containing LiCF3SO3
Heat transfer is the moment of energy, due to difference in the temperature of a body. There are three modes of heat transfer viz. conduction, convection and radiation. In this, the analysis is to be made through an alloy, so the characteristic equations of conduction are considered. In the numerical analysis, this moment is analyzed with the help of equations. The Finite Element Analysis (FEA) has become an effective way to numerically simulate heat transfer. The objective of the study was to simulate heat transfer process in different orientations of the work-piece. Analysis has been carried out on Nimonic 80A alloy with their basic properties. First time, one end of the rod is kept at room temperature and the other end at 600K. The variation is observed and drawn in the form of a graph. Another time, one surface of the specimen is kept at room temperature and the other surface at 600K temperature. The variation of temperatures in both cases were analyzed and is found that heat flows from higher temperature to lower temperature up to a certain distance and after that, the material is at room temperature. The color codes distinguish the hotness and coldness of the work-piece.
The zinc oxide (ZnO) thin films have been obtained by sol gel spin coating technique on to the glass substrates kept at 4000 C. The conditions have been optimized to obtain quality films. Optical absorption studies to find optical band gap of the films have been made through UV-Visible spectroscopy in the spectral range of 200 -1100 nm. Effect of spin speed on the optical band gap of these films has been studied. Results show that optical band gap of the films get modified on increasing the spin speed of films.
Dielectric properties along with photoluminescence phenomenon of ion induced Polyethylene naphthalate (PEN) were 3+ 6+ 10+ analyzed. Li , C , Ni ion beams were used to analyze the modifications induced by swift heavy ions as a function of ion 11 12 2 fluence, ranging from 1x10 to 3x10 ions/cm . Blue shift is observed in PL behavior. Dielectric constant (ε′) for pristine and irradiated samples has also been calculated, which increases with the increase in ion fluence.
To investigate the relationship between the particle size and the Raman bands of TiO2 nanoparticles, two different size- selected samples of TiO2 nanoparticles were investigated using Transmission Electron Microscopy (TEM), High Resolution TEM (HRTEM), X-ray Photoelectron absorption Spectroscopy (XPS), and Fourier Transform Raman spectroscopy (FTRaman). In the Raman spectra, both broadening and shifts of the Raman bands with decreasing particle diameter were observed. In this paper, these Raman shifts are attributed to the effects of decreasing particle size on the force constants and vibrational amplitudes of the nearest neighbor bonds.
The Seebeck Coefficient for the strontium ferrites Sr RE Fe O (where RE = Dy, x = 0.0, 0.10, 0.20 and 0.30), which have 1-x x 12 19 been prepared by employing the ceramic technique, were studied in the temperature range 313-473K. The value of thermoelectric power seems to increase with increasing temperature where as the AC conductivity has been observed to be independent of frequency at high temperatures for all values of x. In the relatively low temperature region, thermoelectric power value has been found to be negative confirming that the majority of carriers are electrons thereby indicating the rare earth substituted strontium ferrites to be classified as n-type semiconductors. The X-ray diffraction patterns show that the prepared samples have a single phase. The lattice parameters 'c' and 'a' were found to decrease whereas the X-ray density increases with increasing RE content. It has been found that the value of electrical conductivity also increases with an increase in RE content. The dispersion of dielectric constant has been discussed in the light of Koops model and hopping conduction mechanism.
Composite proton conducting non aqueous polymer gel electrolytes have been synthesized by dispersing nano sized fumed silica to the polymer gel electrolytes containing polymethylmethacrylate (PMMA), dimethylacetamide (DMA), benzoic acid (BA) and ortho-hydroxy benzoic acid (o-OHBA). These electrolytes have been characterized by complex impedance spectroscopy, viscosity and pH measurements. The effect of acid, polymer and fumed silica on conductivity, pH and viscosity has been studied for gel electrolytes. Maximum conductivity of 2.95 x 10-4 S/cm and viscosity of 1.64 x 105 mPas at 25o C has been obtained. The conductivity of composite gels does not show any appreciable change with time and only a small change in conductivity is observed over the operational range of temperature, which is desirable for their use in device applications.