Dynamic Simulation and Sensitivity Analysis of Steam Generation Solar Power Plant
Unified Power Quality Conditioner (UPQC) Research Study on Steady - State Power Flow
Photovoltaic Module Failure Detection using Machine Vision and Lazy Learning Technique
Design and Implementation of Wallace Tree Multiplier and Its Applications in FIR Filter
Review on Obstacle Detection in Solar Panel Cleaning Applications
Loss Distribution Methodology with a Sense Of Emission Dispatch
Low Power Optimization Technique Based Linear Feedback Shift Register
Leakage Power Reduction Using Multi Modal Driven Hierarchical Power Mode Switches
Validation of IOV chain using OVM Technique
Performance of Continuous and Discontinuous Space Vector Pwm Technique for Open End Winding Induction Motor Drive
Electronic Circuit Design for Electromagnetic Compliance through Problem-Based Learning
Trioinformatics: The Innovative and Novel Logic Notation That Defines, Explains, and Expresses the Rational Application of The Law of Trichotomy for Digital Instrumentation and Circuit Design
Design Of a Novel Gated 5T SRAM Cell with Low Power Dissipation in Active and Sleep Mode
A Two Stage Power Optimized Implantable Neural Amplifier Based on Cascoded Structures
An Efficient Hybrid PFSCL based Implementation of Asynchronous Pipeline
This paper presents the T-S fuzzy model of the tunnel diode circuit which is one of the well-known benchmark in non-linear problem. The non-linear differential equation of tunnel diode is linearized with the help of T-S fuzzy model which consists of a number of linear sub-systems. At the end, it was observed that the over-all fuzzy system is unstable, so the fuzzy controller using Parallel Distributed Compensation (PDC) approach is employed for its stable working.
In this paper, Positive Feedback Source Coupled Logic (PFSCL) based asynchronous pipeline implementation is addressed. Existing Conventional PFSCL and a more efficient Triple-Tail Cell-based PFSCL variant are used for this purpose. Striking a trade-off between both topologies, a new hybrid implementation of the pipeline has been proposed. The concept is elucidated through FIFO sequencer. The hybrid implementation of asynchronous pipeline results in lesser number of gates as well as lower average power dissipation, thus not only making the circuit more efficient but also reducing overall
area overhead. The validity of the proposal is confirmed through SPICE simulations using 0.18 um CMOS technology parameters.
The main objective of this paper is the proposal of new modulation techniques for three phase transformerless neutral point clamped inverters to eliminate harmonics in photovoltaic systems without requiring any modification on the multilevel inverter or any additional hardware. The modulation techniques are capable of reducing the harmonics in photovoltaic systems by applying PWM (Pulse Width Modulation) and SVPWM (Space Vector Pulse Width Modulation) or
converter. A multilevel power conversion concept is based on the combination of Neutral-Point -Clamped (NPC) and floating capacitor converters. In the proposed scheme, the voltage balancing across the floating capacitors is achieved by using a proper selection of redundant switching states, the input source is PV System. The output voltage waveforms in neutral point clamped inverters can be generated at low switching frequency losses with high efficiency and low distortions. This paper presents the switching pattern to generate symmetrical gating signal to control NPCVSI (Neutral Point Clamp Voltage Source Inverter) using matlab/simulink.
This paper contains the modelling and simulation result of classical (vector control) field oriented control and Space Vector Pulse Width Modulation (SVPWM) voltage source inverter fed Permanent Magnet Synchronous Motor (PMSM). Permanent magnet motor drives are used in many industrial applications such as driving the robot and CNC machine tool. The precise control of a permanent magnet motor drive is not easy due to the presence of nonlinearities in Permanent magnet motor servo systems, parameter and load torque variations. Advanced pulse width modulation and
control techniques, such as Space Vector Pulse Width Modulation and Field Oriented Control, have been used for the closed-loop control of the system. Next, a model of diode-rectified two-level voltage source inverter is developed for simulations. A comparative study of indirect space vector modulated direct two-level voltage source inverter converter and space vector modulated diode-rectified two-level voltage source inverter is given interms of input/output waveforms to verify that the converter fulfills the two-level voltage source inverter operation.
A pilot protection principle for transmission lines based on fault component integrated impedance, defined as the fraction of the sum of the fault component voltage phasors across the two terminals of the transmission line to the sum of the current phasors through the same line is proposed in this paper. The magnitude of the fault component integrated impedance becomes large and reflects the capacitive impedance of the line when an external fault occurs on the line, whereas in case of internal fault on the transmission line, the magnitude of the fault component integrated impedance
becomes relatively small which reflects the impedance of the system and the line. Therefore, this characteristic distinguishes the external fault and the internal fault on the transmission line. The capacitive current of the transmission line has no effect on the criterion proposed in this paper. Extensive simulation studies are carried out to verify the high sensitivity and reliability of the proposed principle by using the power system simulation software PSCAD under internal and external line to ground (L-G) fault conditions.