i-manager's Journal on Educational Psychology (JPSY)

Volume 4 Issue 3 November - January 2011


The Interface Of Interim Assessment And Feedback: An Opinion Paper

Mohammad Ali Salmani Nodoushan*
Assistant Professor, Iran Encyclopedia Compiling Foundation, Iran.
Mohammad Ali Salmani Nodoushan (2011). The Interface Of Interim Assessment And Feedback: An Opinion Paper. i-manager’s Journal on Educational Psychology, 4(3), 1-8. https://doi.org/10.26634/jpsy.4.3.1240


Many schools and educators prefer to use state tests. However, teachers can benefit a lot from the tests and quizzes they give in their classes over the course of a term or year. The minimum such tests can do is to afford information that teachers can use to assess how their class is learning and which changes in instruction need to be made to assure maximum outcome. This is a diagnostic quality that teacher-made tests possess, a quality that can technically be termed formative assessment which can be contrasted with summative assessment or making judgments about class achievement. This paper elaborates on the advantages of formative assessment and gives some examples to support teachers’ use of it.


Learning To Watch Cinema In The Classroom: Production And Investigation For The Teaching Of Cinematographic Language

Ana Luisa Goncalves* , Manuel Fandos Igado**
*-** Head of Communication Department, Master-D Group, Ctra. de Madrid, Spain
*** Vice-chancellor of the University of Huelva, Spain.
Ana Luisa Goncalves, Manuel Fandos and Jose-Ignacio Aguaded (2011). Learning To Watch Cinema In The Classroom: Production And Investigation For The Teaching Of Cinematographic Language. i-manager’s Journal on Educational Psychology, 4(3), 9-20. https://doi.org/10.26634/jpsy.4.3.1241


This article synthesises an investigation of the making of a didactic programme as a consequence of the excess of consumption of audiovisual messages and the non critical and non-thoughtful attitude the youngsters have towards it. As an answer to this problem, we have produced a didactical programme about cinema and its language, the main purpose of which is to verify how knowledge, habits and attitudes of children may be modified if we plan, in the classroom, a way to deal with critical thinking, contents and cinematographic language.


Chomskyan Cognitivism And Linguistic: Irreproachable Ideals For Educational Psychology And Designing Learning

Sankaranarayanan Paleeri*
Assistant Professor in Social Science Education, N S S Training College, Ottappalam, Kerala, India.
Sankaranarayanan Paleeri (2011). Chomskyan Cognitivism And Linguistic: Irreproachable Ideals For Educational Psychology And Designing Learning. i-manager’s Journal on Educational Psychology, 4(3), 21-25. https://doi.org/10.26634/jpsy.4.3.1242


This paper makes an attempt to highlight the significance of Chomskyan concepts of linguistic and cognitivism in restructuring educational ideals and directions regarding learning in education psychology. His specific views on educational aspects are the need of the hour in education scenario especially in the context of globalization.

This paper is attempted to: Identify the Contributions of Chomsky in Psychology, Cognitivism and Education Psychology. Identify Chomsky's Contributions on psychology of learning as a theory opposes the concept of behaviourist approach. The behavioural change occurred on learner due to stimulus cannot be read as the basic fact of learning. Discuss the specific views of Chomsky in language learning, class room instruction, school running and educational administration. Suggest Chomskyan psychology an inevitable part of the curriculum content of Educational Psychology of teacher education of Indian Universities. These reflections and findings of Chomsky were supported the restructuring of classroom teaching-learning process not only in language but also in science and humanity subjects. His suggestions scaffold the adoption of innovative pupil centered methods including constructivist approaches in classroom teaching. All his views show clear-cut support for restructuring educational directions and execution of innovative changes in education in the aspects like planning of education, administration, curriculum, methods, organizing text book, classroom teaching and managing school atmosphere.


Positive Home Environment And Behaviour Development In Early Adolescents

Jayalekshmi N.B* , B. William Dharma Raja**
* Ph.D Scholar, Department of Education, Manonmaniam Sundaranar University, Abishekapatti, Tirunelveli
** Assistant Professor, Department of Education, Manonmaniam Sundaranar University, Abishekapatti, Tirunelveli
Jayalekshmi N.B and B. William Dharma Raja (2011). Positive Home Environment And Behaviour Development In Early Adolescents. i-manager’s Journal on Educational Psychology, 4(3), 26-31. https://doi.org/10.26634/jpsy.4.3.1244


Early adolescence is a period of transition when the individual changes physically and psychologically from a child to an adult. This transition involves physical, cognitive and socio emotional changes. The developmental changes that occur during this period cause varying degree of disturbance. The changes they undergo sometimes results in behavioural disorders where they exhibit inappropriate types of behaviour even under normal circumstances. In early adolescence as in all other stages of life, behaviour is the result of interaction between the individual and environment. Early adolescence features increased activity, increased aggressiveness, decreased dependence upon the adults and greater scope for social interaction. The journey through this period becomes easier when parents are involved in adolescents’ lives. The parental relationship with early adolescents and the type of home in which they grow are main factors in shaping their behaviour development. Positive parenting encourages early adolescents to be independent but still places limits and controls on children’s actions. A positive home environment can raise the early adolescents to be more socially competent and emotionally healthy. By providing a warm, supportive and congenial environment parents can help their teenagers acquire normal behaviour in this stage. Schools can help the parents by organizing educational programmes which will help parents handle their children’s issues.


Metacognition Through Technology And Teaching

Annamma George* , Mini Dejo Kappen**
* Lecturer, Department of Physics, Princess Noura Bint Abdul Rahman University, Riyadh, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.
** Professor, Department of Education, Karunya University, Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu, India.
Annamma George and Mini Dejo Kappan (2011). Metacognition Through Technology And Teaching. i-manager’s Journal on Educational Psychology, 4(3), 32-38. https://doi.org/10.26634/jpsy.4.3.1245


Effective learning merely does not imply manipulation of information, which is integrated into an existing knowledge base, but rather, directing attention to what one has assimilated, understanding relationship between new information and what is already known, understanding the process which facilitated this and being aware that something new has actually been learnt. This article deals with the influence of technology in the development of Meta cognition in learners. At the beginning of any learning activity, students need to list their Pre-requisite knowledge and the knowledge to be constructed. As they delve into their investigation, they will verify, clarify and expand or replace their pre-requisite knowledge with more accurate information. Meta cognition significantly contributes to academic performance and the content may be taught through educational procedures that include provision of Meta cognitive knowledge and facilitate Meta cognitive experiences. This article will help to understand how both Meta cognition and web based instruction play a major role in the new generation instruction strategy.

Research Paper

A Study Of Distress, Wellness And Organisational Role Stress Among MBA Professionals

Rajender Kumar*
Reader, Jan Nayak College of Education, Sirsa.
Rajender Kumar (2011). A Study Of Distress, Wellness And Organisational Role Stress Among MBA Professionals. i-manager’s Journal on Educational Psychology, 4(3), 39-44. https://doi.org/10.26634/jpsy.4.3.1247


The purpose of the research was to study Distress, Wellness and Organisational role stress of MBA professional in the area of various companies and industries of Haryana. The effect of sex and age on the above variables were examined. Total 101 professionals  (60 men and 41 women) were administered General Health Questionnaire-28 by Goldberg and Hiller, PGI- Well being Scale by Verma, Dubey and Gupta, Organisational Role Stress Scale ( ORS- Scale) by Pareek. Results of the study reveal that women experienced greater wellness and older personnel experienced more stress among MBA professionals in Haryana.

Research Paper

Gender and Economic Status Matter In Mental Health Of Adolescents ?

Namita Sharma* , Radha Dua**
*Lecturer, Ramchameli Chadha Vishas Girls (P.G.College), Ghaziabad, U.P.
**Associate Professor, MJP Rohilkhand University, Bareilly U.P.
Namita Sharma and Radha Dua (2011). Gender and Economic Status Matter In Mental Health Of Adolescents? i-manager’s Journal on Educational Psychology, 4(3), 45-50. https://doi.org/10.26634/jpsy.4.3.1248


Mental health is the ability to adjust oneself satisfactorily to the various strains of life. Mental health and education are closely related to each other .Sound mental is prerequisite for the learner. In this era of severe competion to excel or to be on the top is pressurizing the today’s adolescents to the utmost. Besides a number of factors like home and school enviornment,biological and psychological determinants, economic conditions of the family and many more are influencing the mental health status of the students. A mentally healthy person faces the day to day life problems squarely and boldly. Here an effort has been made to study the influence of gender and economic status on the mental health status of high school students. For this multi stage random sampling technique was adopted. 600 students were drawn randomly from 10 randomly selected secondary level schools of 2 districts (i.e. Bareilly and Pilibhit) of Rohilkhand region (India). A standardized test was used - Mental Healthy Battery (Arun Kumar Singh and Alpna Sen Gupta).  This Battery included six dimensions i.e.emotional stability, overall adjustment, autonomy, security-insecurity, self concept and intelligence. This survey research leads us to conclusion that male and higher income group students had better mental health than their counterparts.