The Effectiveness of Artificial Intelligence in Classroom Teaching
The HyFlex Learning Model: Bridging the Gap between Traditional and Online Education
Assessing the Impact of Faculty Development Programs on College Teachers: A Survey-Based Analysis
Perceptions of Secondary Students on Online Learning during Covid-19: A Qualitative Study
A Study of the Usage and Perception of Instagram as a Learning Tool
Engage, Inspire, Connect: The Magic of Digital Storytelling
Towards Quality Higher Education in the Arab World: Challenges of the Present and Aspirations of the Future
Continuous Classroom Assessment At Primary Level
Edification Of Multimedia Resources: Aligning Technology For Student Empowerment
Improving Quality In Teaching Statistics Concepts Using Modern Visualization: The Design And Use Of The Flash Application On Pocket PCs
An Empirical Consideration Of The Use Of R In Actively Constructing Sampling Distributions
The Roles of Artificial Intelligence in Education: Current Progress and Future Prospects
The Role of Web-Based Simulations In Technology Education
Development Of Learning Resources To Promote Knowledge Sharing In Problem Based Learning
Fishing For Learning With A Podcast Net
An Orientation Assistant (OA) for Guiding Learning through Simulation of Electronics Technology in Technology Education
This paper describes a game design and development course. The rationale for forming this class was to use student excitement with video games as an intrinsic motivation over traditional courses. Today's students have grown up exposed to gaming, interactive environments, and vivid 3D. Computer gaming has the capacity to attract many new students to computer science and information technology majors. The rationale of creating a set of game design classes utilizes gaming as a teaching tool to attract and instruct students with familiar methods and environments. This work will introduce the development of an introductory game design class, its structure, artifacts created and student and instructor's reflections.
Computer games are no longer just for entertainment; they have also become a useful instructional strategy for acquiring knowledge. When games are used for purposes other than strict entertainment they become serious games. The goal of serious games is to enable the player to learn a task, master a strategy or develop a skill. Serious games can be used for education and training in any organization, including military, K-20 education, business and industry. The application of serious games in a wide arena requires an ontology for designing high-quality materials.
When designing Educational Computer Games, designers usually consider target age, interactivity, interface and other related issues. They rarely explore the genres which should employ into one type of educational game. Recently, some digital game-based researchers made attempt to combine game genre with learning theory. Different researchers use different pedagogy conceptions. The purpose of this paper is to investigate the appropriate computer genre in designing effective educational computer games that can be used as learning tools in Thai undergraduate classrooms by integrating the learning conceptions from the previous work of those researcher's. The following steps are used to conduct this study: summarize the survey of Thai students' opinions toward game genre; analyse the characteristics of genre of computer game; match those characteristics of genre with learning theories; and propose the conceptual model from the comparison. The results of this analysis can be used as a guideline for Educational computer game designers in considering appropriate genres of game for education purpose.
There are several major challenges for instructional designers seeking to design learning games. These include the lack of access, the cost of rapidly advancing/expensive technology tools that make developing games uneconomical, the institutional time constraints limiting game use, and the concerns that schools lack sufficiently robust computer systems and bandwidth to allow their teachers and students to take full advantage of "bleeding edge" technology. This paper discusses how a theory of design from famed game system designer Gunpel Yokoi can be leveraged in learning game design by focusing on the use of mature technologies already widely present in schools. By thinking about older technologies in innovative ways instead of relying on the flash of the newest graphics to motivate learners, learning game design can deliver low-cost, engaging play for learning.
The main purpose of this qualitative study was to determine the influence of participation in educational games on cognition and attitudes of seventh-grade students. Student attitude towards learning scientific language and concepts during gameplay was examined. This study was conducted in a seventh-grade science classroom in a North Eastern (USA) middle school. The effects of collaboration, socialization, membership, identity, and game culture were examined. Findings indicated that the use of educational games engaged various types of learners via an Alternate Learning Approach. Specifically the students who have limited language skils may benefit from games through the use of common language. Also students who are disinterested or reluctant to talk in class may be encouraged to voice their opinions and ideas in the more relaxed group setting provided by game structures that foster cooperative learning.
Of late, digital game-based learning has attracted game designers, researchers and educatiors alike. Immersion in the virtual 3D environment of a game may have positive effects on K-12 students' cultivation of self (Dodge et al., 2006). Currently, two opposing views related to game-based identity formation are presented in the literature: the Separate Worlds View (SWV) and the Identical Worlds View (IWV) (Stevens,2007). The purpose of this paper is to explore these views to determine whether a third position might be required for a more comprehensive treatment. To this end, we offer The Overlapping Worlds View (OWV). The Overlapping World View proposes that an individual's virtual and real world identities are neither entirely separate nor identical. The degree of overlapping of identities depends on the social consistencies between virtual and real worlds. This third view thus opens opportunities in educational research and instructional design in a context, where current and future generations of learners will grow up in a digital, environment many experiencing virtual worlds as an integral part of their private and public lives.
In this study, researchers evaluated the usability of game environments for teaching and learning about mathematical functions. A 3-Dimensional multi-user computer game called as 'Quest Atlantis' has been used, and an educational game about mathematical functions has been developed in parallel to the Quest Atlantis' technicla and pedagogical structure. The pedagogical aspects of the game were based on three theories of learning: experience-based learning, inquiry-based learning, and portfolio-based learning. For evaluating the effectiveness of the environment, four learners participated in teh implementation in a lab environment and researchers observed and interviewed them. This paper includes information about the design process of the game world, and evaluation of its implementation, and reflections of the researchers.