i-manager's Journal of Educational Technology (JET)

Volume 2 Issue 3 October - December 2005


Encouraging Creativity In Online University Classes

Brent Muirhead*
*Faculty & Area Chair for GBAM Business Communications, University of Phoenix campus, Atlanta, Georgia
Brent Muirhead (2005). Encouraging Creativity In Online University Classes. i-manager’s Journal of Educational Technology, 2(3), 13-17. https://doi.org/10.26634/jet.2.3.880


Educational and business literature affirms the importance and value of creativity.Unfortunately, this knowledge is not always presented in a manner that is useful to online instructors who want to integrate more reflective lessons into their courses. The discussion will provide vital background information on creativity and offer relevant instructional suggestions to promote creativity in online classes.


Incorporating Digital E-Books Into EducationalCurriculum

Freda Turner*
Chair, Doctoral Programs: DM, DBA & IT at University of Phoenix Online
Freda Turner (2005). Incorporating Digital E-Books Into Educational Curriculum. i-manager’s Journal of Educational Technology, 2(3), 18-23. https://doi.org/10.26634/jet.2.3.881


The first books were probably the Egyptian scrolls of papyrus that provided lineal content to readers. Today (2005) the Internet technology presents the Internet lifestyle that has introduced electronic or e-books that can enrich learning experiences. E-books have an advantage over traditional books in that they offer hypertext linking, search features, and connections to other online databases enhancing data comprehension. Printed books may surely become artifacts like the papyrus documents as interactivity lifestyle desires continue to become the norm. While leaders of all educational organizations might benefit from using e-books, educational leaders of online and distance education environments may have a competitive advantage at implementing e-books into the learning culture. Distance education users tend to be confident and agile in computer skills. Advantages of e-books over traditional texts and suggestions on how to incorporate the use of e-books into a learning culture are provided.


Strategic Planning And Online Learning

Karen McLaughlin Graham* , Zane L. Berge**
*Department of Defense, DC
** UMBC1000, Hilltop Circle Baltimore MD 21250
Karen McLaughlin- Graham and Zane L. Berge (2005). Strategic Planning And Online Learning. i-manager’s Journal of Educational Technology, 2(3), 24-29. https://doi.org/10.26634/jet.2.3.882


Strategic planning is a critical part of sustaining distance education. Through such planning, the organization can solve business problems that involve training and education in an effective and often cost savings manner compared to inperson training efforts. This paper examines the strategic planning process as it relates to sustaining distance education and training.


Towards More Effective Instructional Uses OfTechnology: The Shift To Virtual Learning

Carmencita Castolo L*
*Subject Specialist, Poly Technic University of Philippines
Carmencita Castolo L (2005). Towards More Effective Instructional Uses Of Technology: The Shift To Virtual Learning. i-manager’s Journal of Educational Technology, 2(3), 30-36. https://doi.org/10.26634/jet.2.3.883


"The world is undergoing a revolution." Technology is revolutionizing our field in education by altering its structure disregarding institutional walls, developing new ways to access information, solve problems and collaborate. We have heard this before but not enough to prompt us into action. We are under revolution, but this time, with much fervor let us become active participants to this revolution.

Research Paper

The Influence Of Ethnic Background, Gender And Age On Student Performance In Distance Learning Programs

James V. Koch*
Board of Visitors Professor of Economics and President Emeritus, Department of Economics, Old Dominion University, Norfolk, VA 23529
James V. Koch (2005). The Influence Of Ethnic Background, Gender And Age On Student Performance In Distance Learning Programs. i-manager’s Journal of Educational Technology, 2(3), 38-49. https://doi.org/10.26634/jet.2.3.884


The role of distance learning in higher education has exploded in recent years. The Sloan Center for OnLine Education reports that the number of students taking online courses has been growing at approximately 20 percent per year and that more than 1.9 million students were taking an online course in the United States in Fall 2003 (Carlson, 2004). However, this does not reflect the full impact of distance education, for still other students engage in distance learning via television, PCs, compact disks, DVDs, and the like.

Research Paper

Components Of A Faculty Web Site

B. Jean Mandernach* , Amber Dailey**, Emily Donnelli***
Associate Professor of Psychology and Online Learning at Park University
B. Jean Mandernach, Amber Dailey and Emily Donnelli (2005). TComponents Of A Faculty Web Site. i-manager’s Journal of Educational Technology, 2(3), 50-59. https://doi.org/10.26634/jet.2.3.885


Instructors teaching in the online classroom are faced with the unique challenge of creating a personalized relationship in a virtual environment that lacks the traditional outlets for establishing an informal connection with students. While there are various means of facilitating the online student-teacher relationship, faculty Web pages are often used as a simple, low-cost means of sharing information about an instructor's personal life (including interests, hobbies, family, etc). The purpose of the current study was to examine students' perception of the relative importance of various types of information placed on a faculty Web page. It was hypothesized that online students would desire more personalized content on an instructor's Web page as these students would lack the face-to-face, informal interactions that typically reveal this type of information. Contrasting the hypothesis, this study found online students and face-to-face students placed little importance on the personalized components of a faculty Web site. Rather, regardless of educational delivery format, students placed high importance on basic contact and course-specific information, with very little importance on an instructor's personal information.

Research Paper

Designing The Teacher Like Behavior Of E-Learning System: A Case Study Of Indian Scripts Typing Tutor

Dinesh S.Katre*
Centre for Development of Advanced Computing (C-DAC), Pune 411005, India.
Dinesh S. Katre (2005). Designing The Teacher Like Behavior Of E-Learning System: A Case Study Of Indian Scripts Typing Tutor. i-manager’s Journal of Educational Technology, 2(3), 60-65. https://doi.org/10.26634/jet.2.3.886


Transactional Analysis (TA) of teaching and learning process reveals actions and reactions triggered from the ego-states of teacher and learner. The teacher has to switch between these ego-states to achieve effective communication and learning results. Ego-states of teacher and learners are worth studying in the context of e-learning, as the e-learning system has to emulate the teacher's behavior. Present problem is how to integrate the behavior of teacher in the system. This paper presents the behavioral models of interactions between teacher and learner. The case study of Indian Scripts Typing Tutor software is presented to show how some of these behaviors are modeled and incorporated with consideration of egostates. It has helped in the design of interface metaphor, interaction, dialogs, color schemes etc. Indian Scripts Typing Tutor is being developed for school children and adult learners.

Research Paper

Loyalty Switching From Traditional To E-Learning In Indian Higher Education

Mamilla Rajasekhar* , Cuddapah Anitha**
*Associate, Professor, Dept. of Commerce,Sri Venkateswara University, Tirupati.A.P.,India.
**Teaching Assistant, Dept. of MCA,Sri Venkateswara University, Tirupati.A.P.,India.
Mamilla Rajasekhar and Cuddapah Anitha (2005). Loyalty Switching From Traditional To E-Learning In Indian Higher Education. i-manager’s Journal of Educational Technology, 2(3), 66-75. https://doi.org/10.26634/jet.2.3.889


It is high time for Indian universities to transform themselves from sellers to marketers, though they are non-profit organizations, in marketing their degrees to its customers (students). In this direction e-learning could be one of the tools that helps achieve this objective. The authors in this survey-based article studied the consumers' (professors, scholars, and students of their university) loyalty switching from traditional to e-learning through Markov Chain Analysis, an operations research technique, based on which they suggested certain strategies to be adopted in order to provide quality higher education, as is intended by WTO's Cancun 2003 Meet, and to face the imminent, healthy, and cut-throat competition from foreign as well as private universities in both regular and distance education product categories from January, 2005 onwards.

Research Paper

Applying Fuzzy Logic For Learner Modeling And Decision Support In Online Learning Systems

Prof. Kasim Mousa Alwan Al-Aubidy*
Computer Eng. Dept., Philadelphia University, Jordan
Kasim M. Al-Aubidy (2005). Applying Fuzzy Logic For Learner Modeling And Decision Support In Online Learning systems. i-manager’s Journal of Educational Technology, 2(3), 76-85. https://doi.org/10.26634/jet.2.3.891


Advances in computers and multimedia technology have changed traditional methods for learning and skills training. Online learning continues to play a major success of any academic program. Such learning can personalize learning needs for students, it can provide an environment where virtual reality techniques are used to create interactive interfaces and real-time software can monitor every response made by the user. This paper presents an attempt to introduce the concepts of fuzzy set theory the design of a an online educational module. Such a module can deal with uncertainties in the knowledge acquisition, representation and decision making. The fuzzy logic principles are used in creating the learner model and to provide the appropriate teaching material to each learner according to his/her learning level.