Designing The Teacher Like Behavior Of E-Learning System: A Case Study Of Indian Scripts Typing Tutor

Dinesh S.Katre*
Centre for Development of Advanced Computing (C-DAC), Pune 411005, India.
Periodicity:October - December'2005


Transactional Analysis (TA) of teaching and learning process reveals actions and reactions triggered from the ego-states of teacher and learner. The teacher has to switch between these ego-states to achieve effective communication and learning results. Ego-states of teacher and learners are worth studying in the context of e-learning, as the e-learning system has to emulate the teacher's behavior. Present problem is how to integrate the behavior of teacher in the system. This paper presents the behavioral models of interactions between teacher and learner. The case study of Indian Scripts Typing Tutor software is presented to show how some of these behaviors are modeled and incorporated with consideration of egostates. It has helped in the design of interface metaphor, interaction, dialogs, color schemes etc. Indian Scripts Typing Tutor is being developed for school children and adult learners.


Transactional Analysis, Ego-states, Human Computer Interaction (HCI), e-teaching, e-learning, Interface Metaphor, Instruction Design.

How to Cite this Article?

Dinesh S. Katre (2005). Designing The Teacher Like Behavior Of E-Learning System: A Case Study Of Indian Scripts Typing Tutor. i-manager’s Journal of Educational Technology, 2(3), 60-65.


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