The Effectiveness of Artificial Intelligence in Classroom Teaching
The HyFlex Learning Model: Bridging the Gap between Traditional and Online Education
Assessing the Impact of Faculty Development Programs on College Teachers: A Survey-Based Analysis
Perceptions of Secondary Students on Online Learning during Covid-19: A Qualitative Study
A Study of the Usage and Perception of Instagram as a Learning Tool
Engage, Inspire, Connect: The Magic of Digital Storytelling
Towards Quality Higher Education in the Arab World: Challenges of the Present and Aspirations of the Future
Continuous Classroom Assessment At Primary Level
Edification Of Multimedia Resources: Aligning Technology For Student Empowerment
Improving Quality In Teaching Statistics Concepts Using Modern Visualization: The Design And Use Of The Flash Application On Pocket PCs
An Empirical Consideration Of The Use Of R In Actively Constructing Sampling Distributions
The Roles of Artificial Intelligence in Education: Current Progress and Future Prospects
The Role of Web-Based Simulations In Technology Education
Development Of Learning Resources To Promote Knowledge Sharing In Problem Based Learning
Fishing For Learning With A Podcast Net
An Orientation Assistant (OA) for Guiding Learning through Simulation of Electronics Technology in Technology Education
Although there is a great deal of writing about the various aspects of multiculturalism in higher education, especially about how to start implementing it on the campus, there is still a need to develop significant and credible assessment tools to examine the extent in which the goals of multiculturalism are being achieved. The questionnaire used in this study was created with this goal of assessment in mind; it provides schools with a tool that enables them to understand and improve upon the multicultural aspects of their institutions. The questionnaire was built based on the theoretical conceptions of multicultural educational research as well as on focus groups in which students and faculty discussed their experiences. The following six domains were measured: respect, acceptance of others, loss and change of identity, privilege, cultural accommodation, and Culturally Responsive Teaching / Culturally Relevant Education. The sample consisted of 314 students in five campuses on Ono Academic College in Israel and the United States. The assessment tool was found to be accurate and valid, and it thus may be reliably used to evaluate cultural diversity in an academic environment. At the micro level, using this questionnaire will give schools a keen insight into student experience and help to identify where intervention is needed in order to promote cultural diversity. At the macro level, the questionnaire formulated in this study allows institutions to gain a good understanding of the overall multicultural climate of the institution and to formulate clear objectives toward improving multicultural education.
The Mobile Learning Just-in-Time Cognitive Support Software Application Systems research study was conducted in three fully online graduate courses. Multiple rounds of data analytic activity includes; mobile app downloads, app visits, time in app, application time on task, and frequently used application tabs (n=78). A second round of collection included volunteer graduate student participant post m-Learning survey instrument feedback (n=38). Data was collected utilizing open ended responses while also including application analytics data to help serve to triangulate participant responses and time on task utilizing the mobile app, while tracking what learning content was selected within the application framework. The results of this research may help to shed light on the functionalities of m-Learning in the modern-day online classroom, it's effectiveness as a learning medium, and how student learners respond to the prospect of anywhere anytime access with their course content, available to them almost instantaneously via a mobile application framework. According to the app analytics and participant respondents survey feedback, m-Learning was perceived as a beneficial help seeking mechanism, providing an add-on access point to the online learning environment, with enhanced ease of use through accessibility of course content, and as a facilitation medium for anywhere, anytime learning.
This research paper presents a digital game-based learning as an innovative methodology that takes full advantage of the educational potential offered by digital games to aid learning of concepts. It focuses on the use of games as a mode of learning in the classroom while exploring all learning theories that supports it. This mode of learning is designed to promote a cognitive and constructive learning mediated environment. An interactive learning environment is developed for the purpose of learning matrix which helps build critical thinking skills and the ability to integrate and evaluate real world scenarios. The performance evaluation of the system was carried out using a survey that focused on measuring five criteria such as game objective; critical thinking and motivation; usefulness of game features in solving the problem; ease of use and learning outcome. The survey finding shows that the system is considerably aligned with the theory of game pedagogy and can also improve students' motivation and performance in learning matrix.
Nowadays the education system has dramatically changed from traditional classroom teaching to remote online teaching due to the COVID-19 crisis. Many developed countries are adopting this novel technology 'e-Learning' to educate their students. But in the case of developing countries e-Learning is a burdensome process due to so many reasons. This is an academic research to estimate the challenges in e-Learning among various age groups of students studying in various schools, colleges and Universities during the lockdown period due to the COVID-19 crisis. The study was conducted in the southern part of India 'Tamilnadu', employing a questionnaire prepared using 'Google form'. An aggregate of 335 students participated in this survey. Some interesting facts were revealed in this study.
The learning environment has a strong impact on students' learning experiences and outcomes; it dictates what, how, when and why students will learn. Also, it affects students' level of enthusiasm, encouragement and degree of learning effectiveness. A non experimental, descriptive research design was used to assess the perception regarding class room learning environment among undergraduate nursing students. DREEM (Dundee Ready Educational Environment Measure) by Mcleer and Roff was used to determine class room learning environment. Five Nursing institutions were selected conveniently to select 500 randomly selected students. The findings of the study revealed that majority (81.2%) of the study subjects were having good perception of their class room learning environment followed by 16.2% with very good perception score. Only 2% of them were having average perception whereas none of them were having poor perception of their class room learning environment. Perceived classroom learning environment score was found out to be significant with the mother's occupation at 0.01 level of significance and gender and type of family at 0.05 level of significance respectively.
Class room instruction should be a self-regulated process and the learner should be self-motivated to explore problems and situations. Learning for the students who learn through web as a source of knowledge, the learning environment should be shifted to a learner centered rather than teacher centered environment. The advantage of social skills approach to treating children with problems is that it is essentially a positive approach, which assumes that children can be taught the skills necessary to behave in different life situations in a more acceptable manner. The objective of the study was to test the efficacy of blended learning instructional strategy on social skills viz; self-discipline, communication skill, interpersonal skill, team-building skill, leadership skill, thinking skill and problem solving skill. The study employs Pretest-posttest nonequivalence control group design under the quasi-experimental method. The sample consists of 80 students of standard XII, 40 students each in Experimental group and Control group. Statistical techniques of descriptive statistics, t-test and Cohen's were used for comparing the pre-test and post-test scores of social skills and measuring the effect size between experimental and control groups. The findings of the study showed that there is significant difference in the mean posttest scores of social skills between experimental group and control group, and the blended learning instructional strategy is more beneficial to strengthening social skills among higher secondary school students when compared to constructivist teaching strategy