ME-Q: Multicultural Education Questionnaire: Assessing the Experience of Multicultural Education in Academic Institutions

Idit Finkelstein*, Tova Hartman **, Yossi Freier-Dror ***
*-** Ono Academic College, Kiryat Ono, Israel.
*** Mashav Applied Research.
Periodicity:January - March'2021


Although there is a great deal of writing about the various aspects of multiculturalism in higher education, especially about how to start implementing it on the campus, there is still a need to develop significant and credible assessment tools to examine the extent in which the goals of multiculturalism are being achieved. The questionnaire used in this study was created with this goal of assessment in mind; it provides schools with a tool that enables them to understand and improve upon the multicultural aspects of their institutions. The questionnaire was built based on the theoretical conceptions of multicultural educational research as well as on focus groups in which students and faculty discussed their experiences. The following six domains were measured: respect, acceptance of others, loss and change of identity, privilege, cultural accommodation, and Culturally Responsive Teaching / Culturally Relevant Education. The sample consisted of 314 students in five campuses on Ono Academic College in Israel and the United States. The assessment tool was found to be accurate and valid, and it thus may be reliably used to evaluate cultural diversity in an academic environment. At the micro level, using this questionnaire will give schools a keen insight into student experience and help to identify where intervention is needed in order to promote cultural diversity. At the macro level, the questionnaire formulated in this study allows institutions to gain a good understanding of the overall multicultural climate of the institution and to formulate clear objectives toward improving multicultural education.


Multicultural Education, Assessment Tools, Higher Education.

How to Cite this Article?

Finkelstein, I., Hartman, T., and Freier-Dror, Y. (2021). ME-Q: Multicultural Education Questionnaire: Assessing the Experience of Multicultural Education in Academic Institutions. i-manager's Journal of Educational Technology, 17(4), 1-12.


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