EV Battery SOC Estimation Method for Adaptive Power Management
Integrated Microcontroller-Based Hybrid Electric Vehicle with Multi-Source Non-Conventional Energy Harvesting and Fuzzy Logic-Based Energy Storage System Control
Deep Learning-Based Image Processing Approach for Irradiance Estimation in MPPT Control of Photovoltaic System
Optimized Grid-Connected Solar Inverter Design with Advanced Maximum Power Point Tracking
A LIFI Technology Based Vehicle-To-Vehicle Communication Strategy for Reducing Vehicle Accidents
Design and Development Of Paddy Cutter Using Solar Energy
Design Of Double-Input DC-DC Converter (DIC) Solar PV-Battery Hybrid Power System
Comparison of Harmonics, THD and Temperature Analysis of 3-Phase Induction Motor with Normal Inverter Drive and 5-Level DCMI Drive
Application of Whale Optimization Algorithm for Distribution Feeder Reconfiguration
Detection and Classification of Single Line to Ground Boundary Faults in a 138 kV Six Phase Transmission Line using Hilbert Huang Transform
The Modeling of Analogue Systems through an Object-Oriented Design Method
Circuit Design Techniques for Electromagnetic Compliance
A Technological Forecast for Growth in Solid-State Commercial Lighting using LED Devices
Testing of Analogue Design Rules Using a Digital Interface
Simulation and Transient Analysis of PWM Inverter Fed Squirrel Cage Induction Motor Drives
The common mode voltage (CMV) generated by multilevel inverters can be reduced. This paper presents a Spacevector pulse width modulation (SVPWM) approach for cascaded 3-level inverters to reduce common mode voltage. Conventional 3-level pulse width modulated (PWM) inverters are widely known for producing high-frequency commonmode voltages with high dv/dt. Motor shaft voltages and bearing currents can be caused by common mode voltages. In this work, to reduce common mode voltage, partial CMV elimination technique is used. In this method the redundant states of 3-level inverter having CMV less than or equal to Vdc/6 are only used and the redundant states having CMV greater than Vdc/6 are avoided by implementing SVPWM, where Vdc is the input DC voltage of inverter. A simulation of an SVM technique to reduce common mode voltage is implemented. Bearing voltages, bearing currents and total harmonic distortion (THD) are evaluated in the performance analysis. The results will prove the reduction of CMV with the proposed technique compared to conventional SVPWM.
This paper investigates steady state and transients' performance of Brushless Direct Current Motor (BLDC) motor and collates the performance of Proportional Integral (PI) and Proportional Integral Derivative (PID) Controller. Speed and torque behavior is most valuable nowadays for home appliance and other applications. The torque in motor is produced with effect of magnetic field and current. Magnetic field is generated in motor by the strong permanent magnet, and motor current depends upon voltage control and Eb, which is done by field and speed motor. In order to obtain required torque and speed at a particular load, current required must be controlled. The transient or dynamic response analysis is done with transfer function of BLDC motor obtained by the Laplace transform of equivalent circuit equation. The trapezoidal type BLDC machine is controlled using 3-phase Inverter Bridge. The commutation sequence is done with hall sensor and gate pulses. The simulation work is done in MATLAB/ Simulink software and mathematical model is evaluated. The analysis is done to know the performance of how quickly the transient reduces and gives smooth operation for various applications.
This paper presents power quality issues, and ways to resolve these problems. There are a number of custom power devices which are used to resolve these issues. The Dynamic Voltage Restorer (DVR) is a special device that is used nowadays. To detect the voltage drop system, park transform is utilized and applied to the voltage regulator as a control system function, that detects the voltage amplitude at the sensitive load constantly in DVR (using a three-phase voltage source inverter with voltage loop control (PI)) (Martiningsih & Prakoso, 2018). This paper is about basic working of DVR with simulation results. MATLAB is used in this work, and confirmed the convincingness of the DVR.
This paper presents an improved Cascaded Multilevel Inverter (CMLI) based on a highly efficient and reliable configuration for the minimization of the leakage current. The suggested technique also exhibits minimal switching and conduction losses in addition to having fewer switches. The proposed topology using the specified, high-frequency voltage is decreased by the Pulse Width Modulation (PWM) approach, voltage changes at the terminal and commonmode levels. Keeping away from high-frequency voltage changes results in the reduction in leakage current and a reduction in the size EMI filter. In addition, the continuation of the CMLI and the PWM method for 2m+1 levels is also shown, where m denotes quantity, solar energy, photovoltaic (PV) sources. The suggested PWM to cover all 2m+1, only one carrier wave is required levels of performance. Total Harmonic Distortion (THD) is the planned CMLI network current that meets the specifications of the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) 1547 standard. The paper also includes a comparison of the proposed CMLI topology and the existing multilevel inverter (MLI) PV topology. The article presents the full features of the common-mode and photovoltaic voltage terminal analysis proposed by CMLI using switching function ideas, simulations, and experimental results.
In the developing countries, homes experience power outages, especially in rural areas when there are voltage fluctuations in the distribution network, as the home installation is mostly off-grid. To solve this problem, the authors tried to install solar PV system with on-grid installation. This will eliminate electricity outrages during voltage fluctuation supply in the supply lines. Currently in India, most houses have one way power supply from distribution lines, while this paper proposes multiple power sources through solar panels and wind power. The proposal includes a microgrid which will store and distribute electricity from main, solar and wind energy. This proposed solution is intended to harvest unused natural energy and utilize the conventional energy economically and rationally.