The Role of Coaching in Enhancing Employee Performance
Measuring Customer Satisfaction of Hotel Industry in Bangladesh: A SERVQUAL and Structural Equation Model (SEM) Approach
Strategies for Building Supply Chain Resilience, Law Enforcement, and Sustainability during Black Swan Events
Perceptions of Climate Change and Barriers to Adaptation along the Teesta River in Bangladesh
Socioeconomic Effects of Village Loan Savings Initiatives on Empowering Rural Communities - Case Study of the Impact of VLS Program in T/A Chimwala, Malawi
Efficiency Analysis of Commercial Banks in India: An Application of Data Envelopment Analysis
A Study on Factors Influencing Youngsters’ Perceptions towards Choice of Investment Avenues
A Study of Generic Intertextuality in Corporate Press Releases
A Study on Factors Affecting Purchase Decision of Young Adults after GST Implementation in India – With Special Reference to FMCG Products
Understanding the Perception of Millennial Generation towards Online Shopping -A Study with Reference to Chennai
Soft Systems Modelling of the New Product Development Process - A Case Study
An Emerging Training Model for Successful Lean Manufacturing – An Empirical Study
A Qualitative Performance Measurement Approach to New Product Development
Brand Power Through Effective Design
Intellectual Venture Capitalists: An Emerging Breed of Knowledge Entrepreneurs
The objective of this paper is to analyze the role allotted to the mechanism in the determination of the financial performances of associations of microcredit in the specific case of Tunisia. In this respect, the authors have integrated the characteristics of Executive Directors and have transposed the various instruments of governance largely treated in the case of banks to the sector of microfinance. Moreover, they resort to the rate of refunding as an indicator of the financial performance of associations of microcredit.
The Indian growing retail market is the second biggest market after China. Ready-to-wear apparel is a part of the textile industry and it accounts for about half of India's fabric trade. India's customer market for ready-to-wear apparel has become varied by flow of more fashionable brands. India is becoming the favoured target for outsourcing ready-towear apparels for the international market. Many international brands are also sourced from the Indian ready-to-wear apparel market. This present study aims to examine the gender differences in consumers' apparel buying decision. Data were gathered from regular buyers of branded apparel using a structured questionnaire from a Metro city Bangalore with a sample size of 150 consumers. Convenience sampling was used for data collection. The data collected from respondents were analysed using SPSS 20.0. The results indicated that there is no significant difference between brand awareness, shopping frequency and shopping expenditure among male and female perceptive.
Technology has opened up new markets, new products, new services and efficient delivery channels for the banking industry. Online electronics banking, mobile banking and internet banking are just a few examples. Technological innovation not only enables a broader reach for consumer banking and financial services, but also enhances its capacity for continued and inclusive growth. The penetration of bank offices in India has grown wider covering even to the rural villages. North Eastern regions are yet to be covered as the coverage is very low. As at end-March 2012, 99 per cent of the identified villages have been provided with banking outlets. Extension of banking services through Automatic Teller Machines has been carried by all types of banks except Cooperative Banks. A survey which has been conducted among 200 sample respondents from Kanyakumari District of Tamilnadu who have bank accounts revealed that they have good experience in banking transactions. The selection of banks depends on the better services, economy in transactions, Convenience, Attraction towards various schemes and to get Overseas Transactions. Though the sample respondents got aware of various technological advancement taking place in the banking transactions, only 62 percent have the habit of using them. The service quality of banking services was measured in five dimensions and it is noted that the average gap is positive and more for the dimension Reliability (0.5), Empathy (0.42) and Responsiveness (0.09) while the other two dimensions Assurance (-0.20) and Tangible (-0.40)are negative. The researcher has applied Trend analysis, Correlation analysis, SERQUAL technique, Factor analysis and percentage analysis and the results are highlighted.
The present paper focuses on identifying how different components of organizational commitment (Continuance, Normative and Affective) affect the level of job satisfaction and the job stress experienced by different middle level managers in Cement industry in M.P region. Organizational commitment being an important variable affecting largely the possible stay of talented employees and also the job performance of an individual and hence affects organization performance largely. An attempt has been made to analyze that with high level of job satisfaction employees experience low job stress and driving high organization commitment in employees. The conclusions drawn for this study are on the basis of empirical study conducted on 150 employees working in 10 different cement units in Madhya Pradesh Region. The data collected were analyzed using tools like Correlation, Multiple regression and ANOVA. From the study it was concluded that there is a significant impact of organization commitment on job satisfaction and role stress of employees working in Cement industry. It was seen that organization commitment is negatively related with dimensions of job stress and has significant correlation with job satisfaction. This study in some way contributed towards understanding the psychological perspective of employees and also understanding ways by which job can be redesigned.
Finding viable solutions for employee turnover is a main concern in the apparel manufacturing industry. Since employee turnover cannot be completely eliminated it's important to find out to how it can be minimized. Importantly in the present context, when labor is considered as a resource rather than a cost, the measures taken to do so may vary depending on the size of the operation. The apparel manufacturing industry is highly labor intensive and by minimizing turnover helps improvements in productivity, reduction of recruitment cost, prevent skill drain etc. Especially in a highly competitive environment: local and global, it is essential to search for more and more ways in cutting down costs that contribution from labor turnover is high among other factors. This paper discusses reasons for labor turnover and suggestions to reduce turnover & improve retention with a proactive approach.