A Study On Analyzing The Impact Of Organization Commitment On Job Satisfaction And Role Stress (With Reference To Employees Working In Cement Industry In Madhya Pradesh Region)

Vijit Chaturvedi*
Associate Professor, Lingaya's University, Faridabad, India.
Periodicity:December - February'2014
DOI : https://doi.org/10.26634/jmgt.8.3.2659


The present paper focuses on identifying how different components of organizational commitment (Continuance, Normative and Affective) affect the level of job satisfaction and the job stress experienced by different middle level managers in Cement industry in M.P region. Organizational commitment being an important variable affecting largely the possible stay of talented employees and also the job performance of an individual and hence affects organization performance largely. An attempt has been made to analyze that with high level of job satisfaction employees experience low job stress and driving high organization commitment in employees. The conclusions drawn for this study are on the basis of empirical study conducted on 150 employees working in 10 different cement units in Madhya Pradesh Region. The data collected were analyzed using tools like Correlation, Multiple regression and ANOVA. From the study it was concluded that there is a significant impact of organization commitment on job satisfaction and role stress of employees working in Cement industry. It was seen that organization commitment is negatively related with dimensions of job stress and has significant correlation with job satisfaction. This study in some way contributed towards understanding the psychological perspective of employees and also understanding ways by which job can be redesigned.


Organization Commitment, Jobs satisfaction, Role Stress.

How to Cite this Article?

Vijit Chaturvedi (2014). A Study On Analyzing The Impact Of Organization Commitment On Job Satisfaction And Role Stress (With Reference To Employees Working In Cement Industry In Madhya Pradesh Region). i-manager’s Journal on Management, 8(3), 32-41. https://doi.org/10.26634/jmgt.8.3.2659


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