The Role of Coaching in Enhancing Employee Performance
Measuring Customer Satisfaction of Hotel Industry in Bangladesh: A SERVQUAL and Structural Equation Model (SEM) Approach
Strategies for Building Supply Chain Resilience, Law Enforcement, and Sustainability during Black Swan Events
Perceptions of Climate Change and Barriers to Adaptation along the Teesta River in Bangladesh
Socioeconomic Effects of Village Loan Savings Initiatives on Empowering Rural Communities - Case Study of the Impact of VLS Program in T/A Chimwala, Malawi
Efficiency Analysis of Commercial Banks in India: An Application of Data Envelopment Analysis
A Study on Factors Influencing Youngsters’ Perceptions towards Choice of Investment Avenues
A Study of Generic Intertextuality in Corporate Press Releases
A Study on Factors Affecting Purchase Decision of Young Adults after GST Implementation in India – With Special Reference to FMCG Products
Understanding the Perception of Millennial Generation towards Online Shopping -A Study with Reference to Chennai
Soft Systems Modelling of the New Product Development Process - A Case Study
An Emerging Training Model for Successful Lean Manufacturing – An Empirical Study
A Qualitative Performance Measurement Approach to New Product Development
Brand Power Through Effective Design
Intellectual Venture Capitalists: An Emerging Breed of Knowledge Entrepreneurs
With the speedy circulation of internet all over the world, a new phenomenon called Social Networking sites came into existence in recent time. Not only the youth but the middle aged and elderly segment of population is going crazy for sites like Facebook, Orkut, Youtube etc. This segment of population which connects itself from rest of the world over a virtual network through online socializing is increasing many folds year after year. This paper throws light on the development and proliferation of these sites in India and how it is helping the common man to stay connected all the time with rest of the world. At the same time, this paper will give a framework about how the marketers can evaluate their online marketing through social networking websites.
Literatures indicate that the Thai Government’s policy to conserve forest resource areas result in conflict between local population and local governing bodies though the causes and consequences of the conflicts over villagers’ livelihood remain under-described. Thus, this study was initiated to determine the underlying causes of the conflict and its impact local villagers’ livelihood. Both qualitative and quantitative information was collected from different sources. Descriptive statistics supported with GIS is used in analyzing the facts collected. The findings show that the underlying causes of the conflict have been found to be the different perceptions people (officials and villagers) have towards forest and the way it should be used. This resulted in conflicting national forest protection policy which considers forests to be free from human interference resulting in establishment of conservation areas in place where settlement areas, such as Ban Pang Eka village which is already established for decades. The establishment of such conservation forest areas posed a shock on villagers’ livelihood strategies. Villagers are restricted to practice their agricultural activities which increased the food insecurity level of villagers, stricter restriction on tree lodging which created fuel stress among local villagers, restricted access to grazing land and other non-timber forest products (NTFPs), and over-all change in income source and peoples ‘social capital. Although it is hardly possible to correlate the forest resource use conflict with the degradation of the forest, first hand physical observation depicts that the forest in the area has been degraded and the conflict over the use of the forest has its own contribution to the degradation. Forest degradation has its own multiplier effect on local people who have been dependent for their livelihood for decades. Furthermore, the attempt used to manage the conflict by establishing a community forest which was proposed by villagers didn’t have institutional and administrative enforcement and hence the conflict was left suspended, without being addressed in a proper and long-lasting manner. Thus, incorporating villagers’ participation at local level and views of forest dependent communities should be part of the solutions made towards building sustainable forest management whereby forest and local communities thrive.
The present study focuses on operational and financial performance of Indian automobile sector taking into account 8 major auto manufacturing companies. The automotive industry of India rank is the 5th of emerging countries, after Korea, Brazil, Mexico and China. The study also sheds light on the actual economic dynamics of the phenomenon of industrial emergence, especially on how firms and the industry in the country have followed specific technological and competition vs. partnerships strategies, the achievement and outcome of those strategies, the way companies both domestic and foreign in the car business have been able to catch up with the standards set by world leading companies. The study highlights the trajectories of exiting from former centralized models of industrialization in different countries. In that respect, India largely shows a companies-driven trajectory of competition and diversification despite some remaining factors of protection. So far the profitability ratios are concerned, Operating margin, Gross margin, Net margin and Adjusted cash margin found very high in the Bajaj Holding and Investment Co. Ltd. with high volatility as the mean value and CV of these ratios were very high. Moreover, the study concluded that Short-term financial position of Maruti Suzuki India Ltd seems to very good as compared to other selected companies. The study reported highest dividend payout ratio of Ashoka Leyland followed by Hero Honda Ltd. and Bajaj Holding and Investment ltd. respectively. Whereas this ratio remained more volatile in the companies viz., Hero Honda India Ltd., TVS Motors ltd. & Bajaj Holding and Investment ltd. The study stated that Maruti Suzuki India Ltd. had remained in the first position to retain the net earning and cash earning. Subsequently Mahindera & Mahindera and Tata Motors were in the second and third place for retaining earning and cash earnings. The auto sector serves as a good illustration of the linkage between the gradual and phased out opening of economies on the one hand, and the companies’ objectives and steps of industrial catching-up on the other. This directly relates to the current question of the existence or not of some room for these industries to take significant market shares of the world market. Finally, the study expects that auto industry is bracing for a slowdown in demand with banks saying that they may be forced to increase loan rates due to monetary policy’s reviews from time to time since Jan 2010. Auto manufacture industry sales and new purchases might be affected due to fuel prices rising and high inflation coupled with higher interest rates on loans.
Women employees today strive argument to work and family satisfaction in the work force for its conducive to with lower employee turnover, higher engagement and greater service for both in family and job. The present study examines the predictors and out comes of work-family interference among the women employee in police sector. Work satisfaction with measured in terms of work role characteristics like work demand, work exhaustion and supervisor. The findings revels that job demand and job exhaustion and supervisors support significantly influence on work interference with family of the respondents. Supervisors support is the strongest predictor followed by job demand and work exhaustion on work interference with family. Among the three explanatory variables, job demand and work exhaustion have been showed higher positive direct effect on the dependent variable of work interference with family. The job demand also had higher positive indirect effect through work exhaustion on the dependent variable. Similarly work exhaustion also had higher positive indirect effect on the dependent variable. The findings and implications of the will help the women respondents to overcome their work-family interference.
In this study, the researcher had analyzed the financial analysis and profitability position of the TRUCK WEIGH SYSTEMS INDIA PVT LTD by using the financial reports and other documents given by the company. researcher had analyzed the perspectives of four directions namely segment wise sales, technical wise, expenditure wise, cash profit and income. Researcher found the importance given for the main product and accessories for the main product sales in segment wise sales. Each Direction carries 90 degrees. Researcher found the good production capacity and controlled stock level in technical analysis. In expenditure analysis researcher found the reasonable expense spent for the production which in turn help to earn good income for the company.