Women employees today strive argument to work and family satisfaction in the work force for its conducive to with lower employee turnover, higher engagement and greater service for both in family and job. The present study examines the predictors and out comes of work-family interference among the women employee in police sector. Work satisfaction with measured in terms of work role characteristics like work demand, work exhaustion and supervisor. The findings revels that job demand and job exhaustion and supervisors support significantly influence on work interference with family of the respondents. Supervisors support is the strongest predictor followed by job demand and work exhaustion on work interference with family. Among the three explanatory variables, job demand and work exhaustion have been showed higher positive direct effect on the dependent variable of work interference with family. The job demand also had higher positive indirect effect through work exhaustion on the dependent variable. Similarly work exhaustion also had higher positive indirect effect on the dependent variable. The findings and implications of the will help the women respondents to overcome their work-family interference.