AI Driven Detection and Remediation of Diabetic Foot Ulcer (DFU)
Advancements in Image Processing: Towards Near-Reversible Data Hiding and Enhanced Dehazing using Deep Learning
AI Based Sign Language Recognition System
Brain Tumour Detection using Deep Learning Technique
State-of-the-Art Deep Learning Techniques for Object Identification in Practical Applications
Landslide Susceptibility Mapping through Weightages Derived from Statistical Information Value Model
An Efficient Foot Ulcer Determination System for Diabetic Patients
Statistical Wavelet based Adaptive Noise Filtering Technique for MRI Modality
Real Time Sign Language: A Review
Remote Sensing Schemes Mingled with Information and Communication Technologies (ICTS) for Flood Disaster Management
FPGA Implementation of Shearlet Transform Based Invisible Image Watermarking Algorithm
A Comprehensive Study on Different Pattern Recognition Techniques
User Authentication and Identification Using NeuralNetwork
Flexible Generalized Mixture Model Cluster Analysis withElliptically-Contoured Distributions
Efficient Detection of Suspected areas in Mammographic Breast Cancer Images
In the present scenario, the identification of abnormal activity in the crowd plays a vital role in the detection of criminal and mental activities. Gait can be utilized for person authentication and can be used in surveillance where a large number of people pass through. Gait recognition is an evolving biometric technology, which involves people being recognized purely through walking manner. It is an interesting research topic as gait can be obtained without a person's cooperation, and gait has a unique nature. At present, the methods being used for gait recognition can be broadly divided into two categories, model-based, and model-free approaches. The model-based approach requires prior modeling to generate gait features, which requires high computational costs, whereas the model-free approach directly extracts features from silhouette frames. The main challenge faced by a model-free approach is that it is sensitive to covariate conditions such as clothing, carrying objects, and walking surfaces. This paper presents a modelfree approach that is very effective at handling known and unknown covariates. In this paper, two popular methods, namely, Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) and discriminative feature-based classification methods, are used for gait recognition. The CNN-based method is used for known covariates, and the discriminative feature-based classification method is used for unknown covariate conditions. The Chinese Academy of Sciences (CASIA) Gait Database B from the Center for Biometrics and Security Research (CBSR) is used to train the models and their performance is evaluated in terms of Accuracy, Precision, Recall, and F1-Scores.
Image classification is a complex process and an important direction in the field of image processing. Image classification methods require learning and training stages. Using machine learning classification models in image classification gives better results. Decision Tree, Random Forest, Gradient Boosting, Bagging Classifier, Multi-Layer Perceptron (MLP) Classifier, and Support Vector Machine (SVM) are different machine-learning classification models. The goal of this paper is to analyze the machine learning classification models. These models classify 12 kinds of plant seedlings, of which 3 are crop seedlings and 9 are weed seedlings. This paper suggests that, when using a V2 Plant Seedlings dataset, the accuracy of SVM is 0.71 and the accuracy of other models is less compared to SVM. The experimental results in this paper show that the machine learning model SVM has a better solution effect and higher recognition accuracy. This paper focuses on model building, training, and assessing the quality of the model by generating a confusion matrix and a classification report.
Face recognition is one of the multimedia items that has seen a remarkable increase in popularity in recent years. Face continues to be the most difficult study topic for experts in the field of computer vision and image processing since it is an item with different properties for detection. We have attempted to handle the most challenging facial aspects in this survey work, including posture invariance, aging, illuminations, and partial occlusion. When applied to facial photographs, they are regarded as essential components of face recognition systems. The most recent face detection methods and techniques are also examined in this paper, including Eigenface, Artificial Neural Networks (ANN), Support Vector Machines (SVM), Principal Component Analysis (PCA), Independent Component Analysis (ICA), Gabor Wavelets, Elastic Bunch Graph Matching, 3D Morphable Models, and Hidden Markov Models. Many testing face databases, such as AT & T (ORL), AR, FERET, LFW, YTF, and Yale, also reviewed. However, the purpose of this study is to present a thorough literature assessment on face recognition and its applications.
Automatic Number Plate Recognition (ANPR) uses number plates to identify vehicles. The goal of an automated vehicle identification system is to identify the vehicle based on the number plate. The system enforces the regulations, parking, etc. It can also be used at the entrance to protect a large area, such as a military zone or the region around important government buildings like the military base, Parliament, Supreme Court, etc. The smart technology recognizes and captures the image of the vehicle. The number plate area of the vehicle is extracted using image segmentation on the image. Optical character recognition is used for character recognition. The performance data may also be compared to database records to determine the car owner, enrollment location, residence, etc. The testing showed that the improved algorithm easily recognized the number plate of a vehicle on genuine photographs.
Biomedical imaging is a powerful tool for visualizing the body's internal organs and illnesses. Image protection is difficult in the field of biomedical imaging. Many studies have been conducted in the medical field to protect medical images. Encryption is the perfect solution for image privacy without data loss. Due to data size, redundancy, and performance limitations, traditional encryption methods cannot be directly applied to e-health medical data, especially when patient data is transferred through open channels. Thus, patients may experience a loss of confidentiality of the data content because images differ from text due to two different factors, such as loss of data and loss of privacy. Researchers have determined such protection risks and suggested several image encryption strategies for undesirable security difficulties. However, the study found that the currently offered approaches face application-specific security issues. Therefore, there is a growing demand to protect sensitive information in medical images. This paper presents a color and grayscale medical image encoding algorithm to preserve medical images. The compression and encoding performance of the proposed algorithm are analyzed and evaluated based on Mean Squared Error (MSE), Peak Signalto- Noise Ratio (PSNR), Structural Similarity Index Metric (SSIM), statistics, diversity, and entropy analysis. Matrix Laboratory (MATLAB) results show that the proposed algorithm provides high-quality reconstructed images with a good level of security during transmission.