Fundamental Understanding of Mobile Phone Data for Transport Applications
Embracing Sustainable Usage of Mobile Health in Developing Countries: The Mediating Role of Behavioral Intention - An Empirical Evidence from Uganda
Impact on QoS with Active Queue Management Techniques in AODV Routing Protocol in MANETs
Gigtroop: A Home Service Provider Application
The User's Adoption towards Chatbot Technology - An Exploration
Development of Mobile App for the Soil Classification
Emerging Technologies in Interaction with Mobile Computing Devices – A Technology Forecast
Using the Arduino Platform for Controlling AC Appliances with GSM Module and Relay
Applications of Wearable Technology in Elite Sports
Evaluation of Mobile Banking Services Usage in Minna, Niger State
Smartphone Applications–A Comparative Study BetweenOlder And Younger Users
Technological Diffusion of Near Field Communication (NFC)
Touchscreen and Perceived Usability: A Comparison of Attitudes between Older and Younger Mobile Device Users
A Review on Routing Protocols for Mobile Adhoc Networks
Applications of Wearable Technology in Elite Sports
Wearable technology and biometrical data analysis have been around for a number of years within the Elite sports sector. In the last decade, significant progress has been made in the professional sports market; to the extent that many of the biometrics used by athletes are now available for consumers. The paper will focus primarily on four topics; the extent to which data from the wearable devices can be of benefit to the coaches and athletes; to what extent wearable devices can optimise training; the extent to which wearable technology could prevent injury; and also take a look at what the future holds for elite level wearable technology. Insights gathered include how the data provided by the wearable devices could benefit the health and well-being of an athlete. The data fed back to the coaches and medical staff could enable early detection of an injury and hence training could be adjusted accordingly. Furthermore, the data enables the athlete to monitor themselves and therefore, benchmark themselves against others and identify areas for improvement.
Existing social networking services recommend friends to the users based on their social graphs, which may not be the most appropriate to reflect a user's preferences on a friend selection in their real life. Friendbook is a novel semanticbased friend recommendation system, which recommends friends to the users based on their lifestyles instead of social graphs. By taking advantage of sensor-rich smartphones, Friendbook discovers life styles of users from user-centric sensor data, measures the similarity of lifestyles between users, and recommends friends to the users if their life styles have high similarity. User's daily life is recorded as life activities, from which his/her life styles are extracted and further get stored in the cloud. Similarity metric is used to measure the similarity of life styles between users, and calculate users' impact in terms of life styles. When entering the friend recommendation system, Friendbook returns a list of people with highest recommendation scores to the query user. Finally, Friendbook integrates a feedback mechanism to further improve the recommendation accuracy. The idea is to implement Friendbook on the Android-based smart phones, and evaluate its performance on both small-scale simulations.
The Wireless Sensor Networks consist of static sensors, which can be deployed in a wide environment for monitoring applications. While transmitting the data from source to static sink, the amount of energy consumption of the sensor node is high. This results in improved lifetime of the network. Some of the WSN architectures have been proposed based on mobile elements such as three-layer framework is for mobile data collection, which includes the sensor layer, cluster head layer, and mobile collector layer (called SenCar layer). This framework employs Distributed Load Balanced Clustering and Dual Data Uploading, it is referred to as LBC-DDU. In the sensor layer, a distributed Load Balanced Clustering (LBC) algorithm is used for sensors to self-organize themselves into clusters. The cluster head layer use inter- Cluster transmission range which is carefully chosen to guarantee the connectivity among the clusters. Multiple cluster heads within a cluster, cooperate with each other to perform energy-saving in the inter-cluster communications. Through this transmissions, cluster head information is send to the SenCar for its moving trajectory planning. This is done by utilizing Multi-User Multiple-Input and Multiple-Output (MU-MIMO) technique. Then the results show each cluster has at most two cluster heads. LBC-DDU achieves over 50% energy saving per node. The 60% energy saving on cluster heads comparing with data collection through multi-hop relay to the static data sink. The 20% shorter data collection time compared to traditional mobile data gathering.
People continuously try to improve their quality of life with respect to modern trends. Payment method using physical credit card is usual and it is not comfortable to undertake all the time. Modern technology computerizes everything and reduces the usage cost with the maximum user satisfaction. For the sophisticated use of credit card, there is a need to computerize it in our smartphones using Near Field Communication (NFC). The NFC is a new secure short-range wireless connectivity technology, which can play an important role on this kind of issue. It uses a secure element, and hence it stores the data in a secure manner. NFC technology can store multiple virtual credit cards in the secure element, and prevents skimming, and loss of credit card. In this paper, an android application which performs credit card transaction between the NFC enabled devices [Mobile–credit card machine] have been demonstrated. It enable the users to securely store their multiple virtual credit card and allows to perform transaction with NFC enabled POS terminal.
These days in a world of instant services and faster internet, we require everything very fast. In the world of instant messaging, there is a service called WhatsApp, which is the most popular messaging app. Using WhatsApp API, the authors are trying to develop a Remote virtual assistant (Virtual robot) which will provide various services to WhatsApp users. A Remote Virtual Assistant, can fastly access multiple services such as finding Railway PNR Status, Checking Result of Students, Checking rating for particular movie, sending Instant SMS message to non WhatsApp users, and so on. Also, they have added a feature into this Assistant using which, WhatsApp can be used as a command interpreter of server, and so one can access any server remotely just using WhatsApp. This Assistant can chat like a friend, and by added integration of a CLEVER chatting bot with this project, we can make this assistant one of your friend.