Remote Virtual Assistant Using Whatsapp

Nilesh Hinge*, Sajan M. Talekar**, Pooja P. hande***, Ashwini S. Thorbole****, Shubhangi P. Edake*****
*-**** UG Student, Department of Information Technology, Savitribai Phule Pune University, Pune, India.
***** Professor, Department of Information Technology, MMIT, Lohgaon, Pune, India.
Periodicity:February - April'2015


These days in a world of instant services and faster internet, we require everything very fast. In the world of instant messaging, there is a service called WhatsApp, which is the most popular messaging app. Using WhatsApp API, the authors are trying to develop a Remote virtual assistant (Virtual robot) which will provide various services to WhatsApp users. A Remote Virtual Assistant, can fastly access multiple services such as finding Railway PNR Status, Checking Result of Students, Checking rating for particular movie, sending Instant SMS message to non WhatsApp users, and so on. Also, they have added a feature into this Assistant using which, WhatsApp can be used as a command interpreter of server, and so one can access any server remotely just using WhatsApp. This Assistant can chat like a friend, and by added integration of a CLEVER chatting bot with this project, we can make this assistant one of your friend.


Query Flow Algorithm (QFA), Answer Finding Algorithm (AFA), Application Programming Interface (API), Permanent Registration Number (PNR), Short Message Service (SMS).

How to Cite this Article?

Hinge, N.S., Talekar, S.M., Hande, P.P., Thorbole, A.S., and Edake, S.P. (2015). Remote Virtual Assistant Using Whatsapp. i-manager’s Journal on Mobile Applications and Technologies, 2(1), 40-45.


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