Application of Computational and Geocomputation Techniques for Geospatial Analysis
Automated Diabetic Retinopathy Screening in Resource-Limited Areas with Attention-Enhanced Deep Learning on Fundus Images
Detection and Classification of Player Formations in Sports Using Neural Networks
Digital Beauty Standards: AI Approaches to Objectively Measure and Score Beauty Quotients
Automated Detection of Tomato Leaf Diseases through Convolutional Neural Networks
Identification of Volcano Hotspots by using Resilient Back Propagation (RBP) Algorithm Via Satellite Images
Data Hiding in Encrypted Compressed Videos for Privacy Information Protection
Improved Video Watermarking using Discrete Cosine Transform
Contrast Enhancement based Brain Tumour MRI Image Segmentation and Detection with Low Power Consumption
Denoising of Images by Wavelets and Contourlets using Bi-Shrink Filter
Compression of medical picture has acquired great attention attributable to its raising need to decrease the picture size while not compromising the diagnostically crucial medical data exhibited on the picture. The PCA algorithm may be used to help in picture compression. In this paper, a comparative study is provided for PCA and SPIHT compression method. Here the PCA algorithm is characterized in two forms, i.e. Standard PCA and Block-Based PCA. The block based PCA has 2 extended-PCA algorithms that manipulate the block data of the picture are evaluated. The first algorithm is referred to as block-by-block PCA where the standard PCA algorithm is utilized on every block of the picture. In the next algorithm- the block-to-row PCA, all of block data are initially concatenated into a row before the standard PCA algorithm is therefore utilized in the remodelled matrix. In this work, the SPIHT is being compared with the above two methods in terms of image quality and compression ratio. With this work, it is observed that block-based PCA performs superior to the PCA algorithm and SPIHT with regards to picture quality, producing a similar compression ratio like the PCA algorithm.
Denoising refers to the recovery of an image that has been contaminated by noise due to poor quality of image acquisition and transmission. Accordingly, there is a need to reduce the noise present in the image as a consequence to produce the denoised image. This paper presents Image denoising using Wavelet transforms and Contourlet transforms governed by bivariate shrinkage (Bi-shrink) filter techniques. The Wavelet transforms have the shift sensitivity and poor directionality that is shown by peak signal-to-noise ratio. In this paper, Translation Invariant Contourlet Transforms is proposed to overcome the limitations of wavelet transforms, hence to increase the peak signal-to-noise ratio. The results illustrate the efficacy of the proposed transform in terms of peak signal-to-noise ratio, execution time and visual quality of images.
Breast cancer is the leading cause of death, linked to primary cancer. Screening of Thermogram images, the most robust method for early diagnosis of breast cancer is widely recommended with the introduction of several Computer Aided Diagnosis (CAD) techniques. The main difficulties of the thermography asymmetrical temperature distribution leads to abnormality for even disease. The authors have presented one of the fastest pattern recognition techniques that have been more efficient in the classification of tumors as benign or malignant – Fast Support Vector Machine (FSVM). This method has been developed and implemented in statistical learning theory over the past decade and they gave promising classification results for efficient tumor diagnosis. The main objective of the proposed work is to help in diseases diagnosis by Thermogram analyses applying a three phase approach. In the first phase of work, Thermogram images apply preprocessing and is segmented by separating left and right portions of the breast regions. After segmentation process (second phase), some textural features are extracted using Discrete Curvelet Transform (DCT): temperature range, mean temperature, standard-deviation, and the quantization of higher tone in an eight level pasteurization. This last feature considers the entire image temperature and measures the percentage of area occupied by pixels with the higher temperatures of the image. In the final phase of the work, a supervised learning method based on Fast Support Vector Machine (FSVM) is used for the extracted feature classification. The features are extracted from a set of 50 images confirmed by physician diagnosis. The proposed method achieved the average results of accuracy 98.5%, sensitivity 96%, and specificity 96.5%.
Ancient documents may contain the valuable information of our historical past, which might be available in the printed or handwritten form. The text preservation of these antique documents has a vital significance for future generation and references. But due to several degradation factors such as bleeding through, shadow through, ink bleeding, paper aging, etc., documents are unable to show their contents up to the mark. There are various restoration techniques that may serve this purpose, but due to non-linear and complex nature of the degrading parameters, the existing techniques turn out to be less promising. The aim of study is to investigate the capability of ANN & Fuzzy logic, i.e. 'Neuro-Fuzzy technique' to restore the historical documents from their digital images. In the proposed technique, the Back- Propagation Neural Network (BPNN) is trained to cope with different degrading factors and Fuzzy rules are used to further suppress leftover spurious pixels. The output results of the proposed technique on different degraded document images are presented and compared with various existing techniques, viz. Otsu, Sauvola, Wolf, Niblack, Bernsen and Maximum entropy. The comparative results show the superiority of the proposed technique, which outperforms all other comparative techniques by providing visually better output images.
The term Computer Aided Diagnosis (CAD) broadly encompasses the use of computer algorithms to aid in the process of image interpretation. CAD is also now used in general to categorize and computerize the extraction of quantitative measurements from medical images. CAD system has become the most important research subject in the domain of medical imaging and diagnostic radiology. CAD systems act as a credible secondary opinion thereby improving the accuracy and the consistency of radiological diagnosis. In this work a classifier based on Support Vector Machine (SVM) has been designed and presented for the classification of brain tumors in images from Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI). The SVM classifier uses a kernel in the form of Gaussian Radial Basis function kernel (GRB kernel) to enhance the classifier performance. The result of the classifier performance has been validated with the help of expert clinical opinion. The results demonstrate the suitability of the proposed classifier in the classification of brain tumors.
Content Based Image Retrieval, is an application of computer vision techniques for retrieval of an image from the database by using its content. In the earlier days, when it comes to image retrieval, it was only concept based which means using of metadata such as keywords, tags, or descriptions associated with the image, giving a concept, or a descriptive meaning to the image, but cannot guarantee that, for every image there exist associated text annotations or complete text annotations so in this context, the term “content” refer to Colors, Shapes, Textures, or any other image feature information that can be derived from the image itself. In this paper, the authors have reviewed various methods for performing CBIR on the basis of shape, Color, Texture. This paper briefly elaborates the feature on the basis of these contents.