Cloud Computing: Virtualization, Service Models, and Deployment Options
Advanced Framework for Multi-Objective Optimization of Computation Offloading in Heterogeneous MEC Environments
Intelligent Adaptive Optimization for Workflow Scheduling in Cloud Environment
A Review Paper on Cloud Computing
Leveraging Mobile Cloud Computing for Real-Time Data Processing: Novel approach
A Comprehensive Review of Security Issues in Cloud Computing
Data Quality Evaluation Framework for Big Data
An Extended Min-Min Scheduling Algorithm in Cloud Computing
Be Mindful of the Move: A Swot Analysis of Cloud Computing Towards the Democratization of Technology
An Architectural Framework for Ant Lion Optimization-based Feature Selection Technique for Cloud Intrusion Detection System using Bayesian Classifier
GridSim Installation and Implementation Process
A Survey on Energy Aware Job Scheduling Algorithms in Cloud Environment
Genetic Algorithm Using MapReduce - A Critical Review
Clustering based Cost Optimized Resource Scheduling Technique in Cloud Computing
Encroachment of Cloud Education for the Present Educational Institutions
In IoT technology, Multimedia big data which is said to be the large amount of data from multimedia devices will be generated with the fast growth of the multimedia gadgets. The IoT systems are failed in realizing the multimedia devices connectivity unless they are able in processing multimedia gadgets at a time. In contrast, earlier activities concerning research and development concentrate on the scaling strategies to sensor information gathered from many IoT gadgets. Nonetheless the present activities of development and the research do not made mandatory about the features of connectivity between the objects of multimedia. In this paper, we mainly concentrated on the above issue by considering the IoT concept and the advantages are taken to sight towards the IoMMT’s (Internet of Multimedia Things) vision. This paper describes the classification of computing the multimedia big data and also the challenges in models of multimedia computing along with the applications of IoT are discussed. . In addition to this we presented the taxonomy of Multimedia Things (MMT) along with the current research challenges like heterogeneity, reliability, scalability, and accessibility and Quality of Service requirements.
Replication is one of the popular tools to determine the availability degree of resources (e.g., data files) in data grids. Since data grids involve limited file storages and high computing costs, replication process is very essential in these networks. This paper proposes a dynamic replication mechanism in a data grid that uses a weighted priority-based replication scheme, called WPRS. It specifies a value for existing each in a local storage based on three parameters including price, number of access time, and present time. When a resource is not available for a desired job, it is hired from other sites in the network. The proposed mechanism removes the file having the least value to increase the free space of data storage. Simulation results show that the proposed replication mechanism surpasses some of the existing replication methods in terms of the number of successful jobs, number of non successful jobs, and buy price.
In the information technology sector cloud computing has clearly become very strong driving force by taking over 90% of global enterprises using cloud as major part of their business. This study aims to introduce a comprehensive framework for the adoption of Cloud Computing and to determine the influencing factors in Palestinian Ministry of Telecommunication and Information Technology from point of view of employees from the ministry. Depending on two prominent frameworks: Technology-Organization-Environment framework and Diffusion of innovation framework. The researcher used the quantitative methodology to answer the research question and test the hypotheses. The questionnaire was delivered to the employees and received from 69 respondents from 75 disrupted survey. In order to evaluate the internal, convergent and discriminant validity of the instrument, validity and reliability tests of panel data were performed. The linear regression analysis was deployed to test the research hypotheses and come out with findings, recommendations and future to consider it when developing a framework to adopt Statistical analysis shows that there are some factors were rejected and other were accepted. The supported factors were: Competitive Pressure, External Support, Security, Top Management Support and Organization Readiness and the others are not significant.
Cloud data storage has the biggest challenge on the maintenance of data integrity at untrusted servers. Cloud computing delivers cloud services such as databases, networking, etc. The service charge for cloud services is based on the usage of the services. Cloud databases provide facilities for large scale data storage and retrieval of distributed data. In order to provide effective data integrity and security, it is necessary to propose new storage and retrieval algorithms for cloud databases. The cloud storage provides a secure way to remotely store the important information. In Cloud data is stored on remote servers and retrieved from the any internet or cloud. Cloud Security consists of set of policies to protect data, applications and infrastructure of cloud computing. In proposed system, the secure cloud data distribution in clouds provides data confidentiality, truthfulness and data access control. The secure cloud data sharing method encrypts a data file with anonly encryption key. Two different key segments for everyone of the users are engendered, with the user only receiving one segment. Thereby, security level is increased in the cloud databases by using the privilege based hierarchy values.
Many global enterprises are interested in involving their activities in mature multi-cloud strategies. To avail the resources from multiple public and private clouds concerning their purpose-specific cloud environments. Such a multi-cloud environment allows organizations and enterprises to manage their applications among various remote cloud providers. To proliferate the users/organizations, we present some of the existing multi-cloud environments to their optimization in such application centric. In this paper, we analyzed with CloudChekr– that makes the users analyze cloud resources use dependent on the summary and highlights. Simultaneously, it makes it simple as users monitor and analyze the cloud cost by giving highlights to cost designation, cloud optimization, invoicing and chargeback. The reports created and alert sent by CloudChekr even encourage individual/organizations to scale the cloud framework on time without expanding cloud cost in the Cloudchekr dashboard.Multcloud and Odrive a multicloud environment, a portal with different CSPs and also discussed with various aspects of storage, cost optimization, billing policies and security aspects in Multi-cloud environment. This will impact in increasingly users/organization to adopt multi-cloud strategies.