Privacy Preservation Guidelines Based Substance Distribution in Public Clouds

S. Muthuraj Kumar *
Department of Computer Technology, MIT Campus, Anna University, Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India.
Periodicity:January - June'2019


Cloud data storage has the biggest challenge on the maintenance of data integrity at untrusted servers. Cloud computing delivers cloud services such as databases, networking, etc. The service charge for cloud services is based on the usage of the services. Cloud databases provide facilities for large scale data storage and retrieval of distributed data. In order to provide effective data integrity and security, it is necessary to propose new storage and retrieval algorithms for cloud databases. The cloud storage provides a secure way to remotely store the important information. In Cloud data is stored on remote servers and retrieved from the any internet or cloud. Cloud Security consists of set of policies to protect data, applications and infrastructure of cloud computing. In proposed system, the secure cloud data distribution in clouds provides data confidentiality, truthfulness and data access control. The secure cloud data sharing method encrypts a data file with anonly encryption key. Two different key segments for everyone of the users are engendered, with the user only receiving one segment. Thereby, security level is increased in the cloud databases by using the privilege based hierarchy values.


Privacy Data Access, Public Cloud, Data Storage, Distributed System, Cloud Computing

How to Cite this Article?

Kumar, S. M.(2019). Privacy Preservation Guidelines Based Substance Distribution in Public Clouds, i-manager's Journal on Cloud Computing, 6(1), 27-35.


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