Cloud Computing: Virtualization, Service Models, and Deployment Options
Advanced Framework for Multi-Objective Optimization of Computation Offloading in Heterogeneous MEC Environments
Intelligent Adaptive Optimization for Workflow Scheduling in Cloud Environment
A Review Paper on Cloud Computing
Leveraging Mobile Cloud Computing for Real-Time Data Processing: Novel approach
A Comprehensive Review of Security Issues in Cloud Computing
Data Quality Evaluation Framework for Big Data
An Extended Min-Min Scheduling Algorithm in Cloud Computing
Be Mindful of the Move: A Swot Analysis of Cloud Computing Towards the Democratization of Technology
An Architectural Framework for Ant Lion Optimization-based Feature Selection Technique for Cloud Intrusion Detection System using Bayesian Classifier
GridSim Installation and Implementation Process
A Survey on Energy Aware Job Scheduling Algorithms in Cloud Environment
Genetic Algorithm Using MapReduce - A Critical Review
Clustering based Cost Optimized Resource Scheduling Technique in Cloud Computing
Encroachment of Cloud Education for the Present Educational Institutions
Cloud computing has an intricate connection to grid computing. Cloud is a large collection of simply functional and available virtualized resources. Resource Scheduling is a way of determining the schedule on which, the activities are performed. Resource scheduling is a complicated task in a cloud environment because of heterogeneity of the computing resources. The most important objective of the cloud scheduler is scheduling the resources successfully and economically. There are two existing techniques for resource scheduling i.e. power-aware and non-power aware. Power aware technique minimizes the power consumption as compared to the non-power aware technique. The proposed technique is used to overcome the limitations of the existing techniques. The proposed technique gives a better result by reducing the total execution time, power consumption and the number of SLA violation as compared to the existing techniques.
Publish/subscribe systems implemented as a service in cloud computing infrastructure provides elasticity and simplicity in composing distributed applications. Appropriate service provisioning in distributed computing infrastructure is an exigent task. Due to the dynamic changes in the rate of the live content arrival in the large scale subscription, it presents a challenge to the existing publish/subscribe systems. This paper proposes ESCC (Elastic and Scalable Content based Cloud Pub/Sub System) technique that presents a framework to design elastic and reliable Content based publish/subscribe system that the uses a single hop lookup overlay to reduce the latency in a cloud computing environment. ESCC dynamically adjust the scale of the servers depending on the churn workloads. ESCC achieves high throughput rate when compared to various workloads.
GridSim is a famous Java-based grid simulator with a clear focus on Grid environment. This simulator is based on entities: Grid users, brokers (bargaining on behalf of users) and resources. These entities can have customized characteristics. In this paper, the author has discussed about how to create a Grid Resource, Users, Gridlets and Entities in GridSim to start the simulation as well as the submission and retrieving of Gridlets (job/task) to Grid Resources in GridSim. The author has also introduced some enhancements in the GridSim. Machine Entity (ME) is treated as a dump entity object in GridSim 4.0 and is not able to participate in any decision making activities. The author has proposed that, the ME should be active and participate in load balancing at its level. In order to implement Load balancing model, the author has developed an application which uses the simulated the Grid environment i.e, GridSim. It has been implemented in the application by using Java programming language over the GridSim 5-2_2, to run the application completely on GridSim package.
Now-a-days, to achieve an optimized solution for hard problems is a big challenge. Scientists are putting their best efforts to introduce a best algorithm to optimize the problem to a great extent. Genetic Algorithm is one of the stepping stones in the challenge and is an evolutionary algorithm inspired by Darwin's theory of evolution. Using this algorithm, with MapReduce, makes it efficient and user friendly. Users can build more scalable applications with MapReduce, since it provides a better abstraction to the genetic algorithm in lesser time. To parallelize the process of any project, MapReduce plays a vital role on Hadoop platform. The platform may vary from Hadoop to cloud which affect the performance significantly. Parallelizing of a genetic algorithm is convenient with the help of MapReduce. The major objective of the study is to know the behavior of Genetic Algorithm under the paradigm of Hadoop MapReduce. The various applications show different trends influenced by this platform. Also literature review strongly depicts the advantages of Hadoop MapReduce platform over other platforms. Moreover, the difference between various paradigms of Parallelisation is given in the paper to make decisions regarding its implementation of future work.
We live in the age of big data, where every data is linked to some data source. Digitally, it is difficult to calculate the amount of data. Big data refers to volumes of data in the range of petabytes and beyond. This amount of data exceeds the capacity of online storage and the processing systems. This data creation will cross the zettabyte/year range. The data mainly comes from twitter tweets, Facebook comments and so on. This type of data is normally in the form of images, video and different documents that are in unstructured form. For analysing this large amount of data, Hadoop platform is used which is fast and cost effective. In this paper, the authors have mainly focused on literature review and their challenges.