Optimizing Multigenerational Renewable Energy Systems Through Integrated Geothermal and Wind Energy Solutions
Wireless Charging Stations Utilizing Solar Energy for Electric Vehicles
Optimal placement of distributed products to improve network reliability under network operation conditions
Optimized Multi-Antenna Wireless Communication: Enhancing Beamforming, Security, and Energy Efficiency
Maximum Power Point Tracking for a Photovoltaic Power System using the Direct Algorithm
Multi Area Load Frequency Control of a Hybrid Power System with Advanced Machine Learning Controller: Case Study of Andhra Pradesh
A New Hybrid Cuckoo Search-Artificial Bee Colony Approach for Optimal Placing of UPFC Considering Contingencies
Efficiency and Investment Comparison of Monocrystalline, Polycrystalline, and Thin Film Solar Panel Types at Karabuk Conditions
Design of a Grid Connected PV System and Effect of Various Parameters on Energy Generation
Comparative Analysis of Harmonics by Shunt Active Filter using Resonant Current Control in Distribution System
Optimal Distributed Generation Placement for Maximum Loss Reduction using Teaching Learning Based Optimization through Matlab GUI
Development of Power Flow Controller for Grid Connected Renewable Energy Sources Using Lyapunov function
Detection and Location of Faults in Three Phase 11kv Underground Power Cables By Discrete Wavelet Transform (DWT)
Design of PV-Wind Hybrid Micro-Grid System for Domestic Loading
Applications of Artificial Neural Networks in various areas of Power System; A Review
In this paper the synchronous reference frame PI-based control method for generating the reference signals for the Voltage Source Converter (VSC) of Shunt Active Filter (SAF) is presented. The method depends on the performance of the Proportional-Integral (PI) controller to achieve the best control performance of the SAF. Using reference frame transformation, reference signals were transformed from a - b - c stationery frame to 0 - d - q rotating frame. Using the PI controller, reference signals in 0 - d - q rotating frame were controlled to get the desired reference signals for the Pulse Width Modulation (PWM). Using MATLAB/SIMULINK simulation, the 5th , 7th , and 11th harmonics were used to test the proposed Shunt Active Filter with improved PI controller resulting in harmonic content reduced to 1.89%.
Utilization of wind energy is increasing day by day to generate electrical power. As a clean source of energy, it causes pollution does not pollute the air whereas other conventional power plants that depend on the combustion of coal, natural gas, oil, and fossil fuel. In reality, we are facing shortage of natural resources and due reason to this the world is trying to utilize renewable energy resources like solar, wind, etc. The wind power generation is increases rapidly at present. The fluctuation of electric power produced by wind power plants is associated with the balance of generation and demand. The wind power plant is a large scale system. The dynamic of each subsystem are represented by a set of non linear differential equation and are coupled with non linear algebraic equation. There is an intelligent control method known as artificial neural network which is used to overcome the problem of non linear differential equation. This paper presents an application of artificial neural network for modelling of wind power plant. The proposed algorithm is based on three parameters i.e., blade diameter, wind speed, and the blade pitch angle. The yield will be the power flow. The algorithm has been tested with the collected data and then we are able to establish a model of wind power plant. The proposed scheme is capable of modelling the parameters of wind power plant. The tested outcome suggest that the neural net trained data gives more accurate result.
This work proposes an improved phasor estimation technique based on intrinsic time decomposition which enhances the distance relay performance during subsidence transient produced by coupling capacitor voltage transformer (CCVT). The proposed logic utilizes relaying signals such as voltage and current at relay point and decomposes it to corresponding baseline and residual signals. Then, the DC component is calculated and removed from the signals. Finally, the phasor of corresponding signals are extracted using discrete fourier transform to evaluate the performance of the distance relay. The proposed integrated phasor estimation based distance relaying algorithm is tested for diverse worst scenarios such as different source impedance ratio and different CCVT burden. The simulation has been performed on 60 Hz, 500 kV CCVT Brazilian power system modelled using EMTDC/PSCAD. Results obtained using proposed phasor estimation scheme enhances the distance relay for correctly discriminating the in-zone faults from out-zone faults. Finally, comparative assessment with other phasor estimation techniques proves the superiority of the proposed technique in distance relaying application.
This work proposes a hybrid power generation system application for remote area. The performance of proposed system is compared with the metrological data for the optimization of hybrid renewable energy system at the Paradol village, Koriya, Chhattisgarh, India. There are two proposed energy systems; the first one consist of PV module alone and second one consist of PV module with hydro, i.e., hybrid power station. Also the second site is first optimized with PV alone and then hybrid with the hydro. For both optimizations, PV alone and hybrid PV-hydro are compared. The first module consists of PV panel, battery for storage and power converter. The second module consists of PV panel, battery for storage, hydro unit and power converter. All the data of Paradol village is taken from NASA (National Aeronautics and Space Administration). Also the flow rate data of hydro is taken from the Hasdeo River. The same capacity hybrid system is developed in HOMER software and an economic feasibility analysis is compared for both the systems. The parameters considered for the evaluations are NPC, LCOE, annual cost, CO emission and payback period.
This project implements a fuel cell model supplying three-phase DC/AC inverter. Hybrid grid with fuel cell based Simulink model has been used. The fuel cell output voltage is comparable to the change of the air (oxidant) pressure, the hydrogen (fuel) pressure, and the current eliminated from the fuel cell. Three-phase DC/AC inverter has been used to supply the AC load. Symmetric space vector pulse width modulation has been used to stimulate the three-phase inverter so that minimum harmonic distortion is on the load side voltage and current. Simulation results have been provided to validate the design. In this project we make a renewal energy based Simulink model which interfaces with fuel cell and battery storage units.