Sustainable School Furniture Manufacturing: A Case of a Basic Workshop Innovation in Zimbabwe
Design and Testing of a Low-Cost Manually Operated Briquette Press for Sustainable Biomass Utilisation
Development of Arc Welding Defects for NDT Certification in Zimbabwe using Design of Experiments
A Comprehensive Examination of Various Edible and Non-Edible Oils
A Comprehensive Review of Tribological Performance of Coatings on Automotive Piston Rings
Design of Oil-Ammonia Separator for Refrigeration Systems
A Review on Mechanical and Tribological Characteristics of Hybrid Composites
Design and Experimental Investigation of a Natural Draft Improved Biomass Cookstove
Progressive Development of Various Production and Refining Process of Biodiesel
Optimization of Wire-ED Turning Process Parameters by Taguchi-Grey Relational Analysis
Evaluation Of Mechanical Behavior Of Al-Alloy/SiC Metal Matrix Composites With Respect To Their Constituents Using Taguchi Techniques
Multistage Extractive Desulfurization of Liquid Fuel by Ionic Liquids
Isomorphism Identification of Compound Kinematic Chain and Their Mechanism
Development of Electroplating Setup for Plating Abs Plastics
A Comprehensive Review of Biodiesel Application in IDI Engines with Property Improving Additives
In this work, the thermoeconomic analysis is performed to assess the performance of a single effect-mechanical vapor compression desalination unit. Thermoeconomic equations based on Specific Exergy Costing (SPECO) method are developed for the analysis. The results show that the unit cost of the product distillate water is 2.59 $/m3 which is in a good agreement with that given in the literature. The effect of the escalation factor of the chemicals' cost on the product unit cost of the fresh water is investigated. The unit price of the product jumps to 3.56$/m3 at escalation factor of 7%. The influence of the compressor efficiency on the specific energy consumption and effectiveness is also investigated. The results show that there is an optimum compressor efficiency at which the product unit price is a minimum
Simplifying any process of machining is a profoundly difficult, since it basically includes forecasts of ideal cutting parameters and working requirements that are unpredictable and extremely non-linear in nature which influence the overall production costs and workpiece quality. One of the Nature Inspired Algorithms (NIA) is Artificial Bee Colony (ABC) algorithm for process optimization that imitates honey bees intelligent foraging behavior. This paper describes an experimental study of cutting parameters optimization like Cutting Speed, Feed rate, Aluminum Alloy 6351 response depth cut by using Swarm-based optimization. Based on Taguchi design of experiments L18 orthogonal array is selected with three levels of input parameters at various machining conditions. The experiments are performed and predicted the responses like Surface Roughness, Material Removal Rate, Resultant Forces and Temperature. A recent evolutionary heuristic swarm intelligence algorithm called the Hybrid Artificial Bee Colony (HABC) is used to optimize conventional milling processes. This algorithm is used to minimize responses by estimating the optimum parameters of the process. Comparison of the results with the Harmony Search Algorithm (HSA), Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO) and Genetic Algorithm (GA) are done to examine the performances of various methods. The results suggest that the HABC algorithm outperforms the solution's HSA, PSO and GA quality. Additionally, Multi-Objective Optimization is performed and a combined normalized objective function (Z) is formulated by considering equal weightages to all the objectives. The optimized values of milling parameters are obtained through the HABC algorithm. Confirmatory experiments reveal that the experimental values are moderately close with optimized values.
The nanopartical material coating can help to improve performance and life of internal combution automobile engines by reducing the frictional wear and friction between IC engine components. In this research study, tribological properties of titanium dioxide (TiO2) nanocoatings for piston ring application are investigated. Nanocoating samples were prepared by sol-gel process of varying dipping and drying process cycles (40, 50, 60 and 70). In this research study, frictional wear has been carried out on Pin on Disc Tribometer and the tests were taken by varying load and speed. The obtained results shows that TiO2 Nanocoating exhibits good friction reduction and anti-wear properties and also decreased the coefficient of friction by 4% and 8% at 60 and 70 dipping-drying process cycles respectively, as compared with conventional chromium plated jobs. Also the micrographs of worn surfaces were analyzed by using Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM).
This paper brings out the results of hybrid composites produced by stir casting process. The material which is stir casted are processed by facing and turning operation using CNC machine in which turning, facing, step turning and milling operation are carried without changing the tools and workpiece in one setup. The metal removal takes place by varying speed and feed of the machine on work pieces. For modeling and enhancing performance of manufacturing technologies numerical methods are used. Optimum machining parameters plays a significant role in deciding the economy of work piece. The present work is aimed to find the optimal process parameters of hybrid composites during turning procedure. As it has wide applications in space and bearings this composites has been taken as work materials. To know the ideal process parameters, intellectual assessment tools are applied. In this work the Surface Roughness (Ra) of the three sample work pieces of hybrid composites were prepared by keeping 3% molybdenum disulphide constant and 5%, 10%, 15% varying silicon carbide reinforced with Al7075. The experiment have been planned according to Taguchi's L9 (3)3 .
The manuscript demonstrates the designing of a first stage rocket engine using butane as a fuel and liquid oxygen as the oxidizer combination for yielding higher values of heat of combustion, Mach number, specific Impulse and the exit velocity through the nozzle. The purpose of this research is to provide a fuel oxidizer combination whose heat of combustion would be much higher. With a higher calorific value of butane, it needs very little oxidizer to burn resulting in reducing the weight of the rocket. Chemical Experimental Analysis has shown that the calorific value of butane and liquid oxygen together will yield much higher values in comparison to that of the present combination of fuel and oxidizers. The research paper analyses the design calculations of the space shuttle engine; Solid Works Design of complete Rocket Engine; comparative study of the model rocket with the Orion test rocket; CFD analysis of Rocket Engine.
The non-conventional machining methods are used for machining very hard materials and to prepare difficult shapes. Electrical discharge machining (EDM) is the most commonly used non-conventional machining processes for machining hard and brittle materials with good accuracy. Tool steel is an alloy of steel which is used for applications like die preparation, tool preparation etc. In this work, H-13 alloy of tool steel is selected for machining to find out Surface Roughness and Material Removal Rate (MRR) through EDM. It is also proposed to optimize EDM process parameters. The process parameters for optimisation are pulse on time, pulse off time, current, material removal rate and surface roughness. To optimize the process parameters Taguchi L9 Orthogonal array were used.