The Effectiveness of Artificial Intelligence in Classroom Teaching
The HyFlex Learning Model: Bridging the Gap between Traditional and Online Education
Assessing the Impact of Faculty Development Programs on College Teachers: A Survey-Based Analysis
Perceptions of Secondary Students on Online Learning during Covid-19: A Qualitative Study
A Study of the Usage and Perception of Instagram as a Learning Tool
Engage, Inspire, Connect: The Magic of Digital Storytelling
Towards Quality Higher Education in the Arab World: Challenges of the Present and Aspirations of the Future
Continuous Classroom Assessment At Primary Level
Edification Of Multimedia Resources: Aligning Technology For Student Empowerment
Improving Quality In Teaching Statistics Concepts Using Modern Visualization: The Design And Use Of The Flash Application On Pocket PCs
An Empirical Consideration Of The Use Of R In Actively Constructing Sampling Distributions
The Roles of Artificial Intelligence in Education: Current Progress and Future Prospects
The Role of Web-Based Simulations In Technology Education
Development Of Learning Resources To Promote Knowledge Sharing In Problem Based Learning
Fishing For Learning With A Podcast Net
An Orientation Assistant (OA) for Guiding Learning through Simulation of Electronics Technology in Technology Education
Quality of higher education is a very important sector for the growth and development of human resource which can take responsibility for social, economic and scientific development of the Indian country. To achieve the outcome of enhanced quality at all levels of education, Government of India has been focusing its attention on quality and excellence in higher education and teacher education through Web based education and web based training. Today all countries have an integral vision of educational use of ICT. Easy access to internet and to E-resources is the key to enhance the quality of teaching and learning process. Many teacher education programs are now include the ICT courses both in technology and its operations. The National Knowledge Commission (NKC) has recently made a few recommendations to address the importance of Web based education and to increase the amount of Open Educational Resources (OER) and Open Access (OA). In India, there are three major initiatives for creating open educational tools and resources. They are (i) NPTEL (ii) Ekalavya;(iii) E-Grid (iv) OSCAR.
Many educators point out the importance of interaction in high quality online education.. For high quality education throughout India there must be some nation wide network, which provides equal quality education to all students, including the student from the rural areas and villages. The solution to this is Web-Based Education. This paper explains the Web based Learning and training with the educational portals. It discusses online teaching and its barriers and the assessments. This paper illustrates the search engines and its easy way of entering methods in WBE. A great teacher inspires first, influences next and third informs. Technology can help teachers to teach more; to reach more; and to touch more but can never totally substitute the teacher.
Question bank provides an opportunity to improve the evaluation, learning and answering skills among the students, questioning logics among the teachers, and examination patterns among curriculum designers. The question bank is not a learning material but supports as self-evaluation guide. In India, almost 259 State universities administer examinations for more than 22,000 colleges, but only few universities electronically archive the past examination questions (PQ) prepared for future use. Internet will be an effective ICT tool for accessing PQ from anywhere and anytime, and hence distributing question banks as web-based Open Educational Resource (OER) would help enormous student and teacher community in India. Further, the systematic Web-based Past Examination Question Bank (WPQB) with customized search facilities will provide a flexible access to question bank.
The paper presents in brief the need and importance of effective, imaginative and responsible governing boards in colleges and universities, so as to ensure educational quality. BOG should engage fruitfully with the principal and activities in college/ university. UGC, AICTE have now prescribed creation of effective boards for both government and private colleges and out lined their functions, duties and responsibilities [NPIU 2012]. Quality of education in colleges is observed to be as good as the imagination and engagement of board. Discussions are made on the role and responsibility of boards for effective governance. Conclusions are drawn so as to make colleges and universities world class.
This study focuses on the perceptions of 46 high school students on the integration of Twitter as a learning technology. Twitter was introduced and used to supplement instruction in the course for the first six weeks of the 2010/2011 academic year. The integration included designing twitter pages, communication, reflections, use of twitpics surrounding the intentions of the Founding Fathers on the Bill of Rights. Data was collected using both quantitative and qualitative research techniques. Findings show that use of Twitter promoted students’ creativity, fun, and engaged them in meaningful learning activities inside and outside of the classroom. Twitter as a technology tool can be used to promote blended learning and supplement instruction inside and outside of the classroom. The use of twitter was not all positive. It was clear that first time users had difficulty using twitter and questioned the educational significance of the tool. In addition, the same students were overwhelmed with the volume of information generated via twitter. It is recommended that the integration of twitter should involve training of students to ensure a comfort level that would enhance the educational process and not detract from it due to logistical issues and students’ comfort level with the application.
This study examines 59 students’ perceptions of using Facebook as an extension of the traditional classroom instruction, the value of Facebook as an educational tool, and the effects of blended learning in the class. A survey tool was used to assess students’ perceptions pre and post implementation of Facebook page after nine weeks of integration. Findings reveal a positive disposition in students’ perceptions of the educational value of Facebook, using Facebook to extend learning beyond the classroom, and blended learning with the greatest gain being students’ perceptions of the educational value of Facebook. Students felt that it was fun, engaging and motivation to use Facebook. The results also reveal a positive disposition in students’ perceptions of traditional classroom instruction. These finding suggest that even though students use Facebook as a social tool, most of these students (average age 16) prefer and place more value on traditional classroom instruction. Facebook by itself cannot be used to deliver instruction, however, when combined with traditional teaching or used as a supplement it was very effective in this study.
In a typical South African contact university, where learning and instruction is done following a strict class schedule, the challenge of providing personalized learning support is still prevalent. This paper argues that the advent of Web 2.0 affords varied opportunities to cushion this challenge, faced by learners. In this paper, social presence theory acts as a lens to provide an informed understanding of the interactions provided by the varied Web 2.0 applications. Empirical evidence was gathered at Tshwane University of Technology through contextual inquiry research methodology. The evidence suggests that the varied Web 2.0 applications have the potential to alleviate the preceding challenge by creating a personalized learning environment where learners may interact, share knowledge and collaborate with those who are not in the same location. This, in turn, strengthens the learners’ skills as they interact with knowledgeable peers and instructors. The paper concludes that utilizing Web 2.0 appropriately may alleviate the challenge of providing personalized learning support, faced by South African higher education.