The Effectiveness of Artificial Intelligence in Classroom Teaching
The HyFlex Learning Model: Bridging the Gap between Traditional and Online Education
Assessing the Impact of Faculty Development Programs on College Teachers: A Survey-Based Analysis
Perceptions of Secondary Students on Online Learning during Covid-19: A Qualitative Study
A Study of the Usage and Perception of Instagram as a Learning Tool
Engage, Inspire, Connect: The Magic of Digital Storytelling
Towards Quality Higher Education in the Arab World: Challenges of the Present and Aspirations of the Future
Continuous Classroom Assessment At Primary Level
Edification Of Multimedia Resources: Aligning Technology For Student Empowerment
Improving Quality In Teaching Statistics Concepts Using Modern Visualization: The Design And Use Of The Flash Application On Pocket PCs
An Empirical Consideration Of The Use Of R In Actively Constructing Sampling Distributions
The Roles of Artificial Intelligence in Education: Current Progress and Future Prospects
The Role of Web-Based Simulations In Technology Education
Development Of Learning Resources To Promote Knowledge Sharing In Problem Based Learning
Fishing For Learning With A Podcast Net
An Orientation Assistant (OA) for Guiding Learning through Simulation of Electronics Technology in Technology Education
As public school and university teachers, we are interested in strategies and techniques available to increase student engagement in content learning through the use of current technologies our students utilize outside of school within the classroom. We recognize the social constructs pertaining to student technology outside of school and student struggles in content literacy inside of school. We question what strategies and techniques, cooperative learning, and teaching tactics might assist students in motivated engagement through the use of digital media. We believe the social constructs students build in the technological activities and multiple modalities in which they are engaged outside of school could aid in their learning of content inside of school, yet digital divides between students, teachers, and administrators are preventing the development of strategies and techniques that allow outside technologies in the classroom, and prevent the proper preparation of our students for success in our rapidly globalizing digital world. Our response is to develop our own qualitative action research case studies to begin developing new technology curriculum for use in our Hybrid classrooms. Our call is for others at all levels and content areas to join us in developing digital curriculum based on the technologies our students engage in outside of our classrooms so that such curriculum can become a standard part of our educational environment and practice.
Individuals with special educational needs may face difficulties in acquiring basic skills needed for learning such as reading, spelling, writing, speaking, understanding, listening, thinking or arithmetic. The difficulties they face in the learning process have begun to attract serious attention throughout the globe. They suffer from severe learning problems which affects their performance in academics. Such individuals with learning disabilities are found across all ages and in all socio-economic classes. Learning disabilities may affect individuals differently at different stages of life. So it is imperative to adopt innovative educational strategies in the classroom to help these academically weak learners to enhance their performance through the extensive use of technology. Instructional strategies like web-based learning encourage active learning and meet the diverse needs of the learners through the use of technology in education. Web-based instruction, where the medium of instruction is computer technology is delivered over the internet which allows learners to use reference material based on their individual needs through a wide variety of media such as sound, animation, text, graphics and video. Web-based instruction is a strategy that can be effectively designed and implemented for learning-disabled children as it provides variety and flexibility in learning. Educational technologies like web-based learning can help disabled children in overcoming severe learning problems and permit a greater number of opportunities for learners’ epistemological styles, pace of learning, self-correction and modification of learning. It caters to the needs of diverse learners and it helps to enhance the learning of such pupils by using different instructional techniques and thus integrating educational technology in the classroom. Web-based learning can help children with learning disabilities to learn in an enjoyable and meaningful way. Hence there is a need to create a web-based environment as technology advances and more and more students with learning disabilities attend web-based classes
The present study highlights the effectiveness of Hybrid-Learning in enhancing communicative skill in English among the Trainees of Bachelor of education of School of Distance Education, Bharathiar University,Coimbatore. Hybrid learning refers to mixing of different learning methods or mixing two more methods for teaching learning process. It provides a way forward for educators who are interested in helping students to learn. Educators could ultimately create learning experiences to compensate for the shortcomings of, or at least to complement, conventional teaching. Brown, J. (2009) advocates the Hybrid learning is very suitable method for creating effective teaching learning experience in Teacher Education. Present study may be useful to ameliorate the B.Ed trainees for acquiring competencies in English communication. Objectives of the study: 1.To find out the acquisition problems of communicative skill in English among the B.Ed trainees.2.There is no significant differences in achievement mean score between the conventional methods and Hybrid learning. Methodology: True Experimental method was adopted in the study. Sample: Eighty Trainees of B.Ed from School of Distance Education,Bharathiar University were considered as sample for the study. Forty trainees were considered as Control group and another forty trainees were taken as Experimental group in the study. Tool: Researcher’s self-made oral- achievement test towards the trainee on communicative skill was employed as tool for the study. Procedure of the study: 1.Measuring the hurdles of the trainees in communicative skill in English. 2.Mixing of methods- Interactive learning, Face to face approach and Computer mediated learning 3.Pre-oral test to Control group and Expermental group and Post-oral test to Control group and Experimental group Findings: The trainees have less competent in communicative skill. There is a significant difference in achievement mean score between the conventional methods and Hybrid learning in enhancing communicative skill in English. .Hybrid learning is more effective than traditional methods in enhancing communicative skill in English. Educational implications: It may be helpful to revamp the communicative skill of in-service-teachers and pre-service trainees.
This paper describes the second part of a new three-part study of STEM and engineering design research — termed Design—Without—Make — conducted by NC State University in 2009—10 in an NC high school. The hybrid quantitative, qualitative case study is being developed with the purpose of capturing what new technological learning occurs and how the new pedagogical learning benefits the technological learner. The first paper described a basic literature review, social learning theory, project-based learning study and the outline and aims of the study. This second paper in the sequence goes on to explain the main study and the major data results and findings for this new approach to teaching engineering design technology within STEM education.
The main purpose of this study was: 1) to assess whether students who participate in design-without-make activities achieve learning outcomes as successfully as or better than students of traditional design-with-make activities; 2) to determine student and teacher attitudes towards design-without-make activities within technology education. A one-way analysis of variance was conducted to evaluate the relationship between instruction and the change in pre- and posttest scores between groups.
The study consisted of 27 non-random participants, with the control group having 10 participants and the treatment group having 17 participants. The mean score from both groups came to 14.37 (SD=5.43), with a standard error of 1.05. The post-test scores ranged from 4 to 22 out of a possible score of 22. With F=2.04, p=.05, it was found there were no significant differences between the control and treatment post-test scores.
This study identifies factors in distance learning that affect the educational excellence of institutions of higher learning. The main elements of this study are: the examination of benefits and disadvantages of implementing online instruction in institutions of higher learning; investigating the factors that contribute to successful web-based instructional programs in institutions of higher learning. Additionally, the goal of this study is to identify factors that offer advantages to on-line instruction, perhaps this might serve as an incentive to motivate instructors to implement on-line instruction on a regular basis. The data was gathered by implementing a Likert scale online survey. The survey was sent to educators from higher learning institutions, which included professors, associate professors, assistant professors, instructors, lecturers, and adjunct professors.
The purpose of this paper is to discuss one instructional design that leverages problem-based learning and game structures as a means of developing innovative higher education courses for students as responsive, lived experiences. This paper reviews a curricular redesign that stemmed from the evaluation of an introductory course in computer applications that had high drop, failure, and withdrawal (D/F/W) rates. Interviews with students and faculty in this course revealed that students were not engaged with, motivated by, or satisfied with the instructional methods, which were often frustrating and difficult to navigate. Using data collected from students and faculty, we describe the full redesign of the course, which included ill-structured problems for students to solve, multiple forms of learning assessment, and a contextual framing stemming from a digital, alternate reality game design. When comparing the new design to the original, the first iteration research indicated decreased failure rates, increased achievement on standardized assessments, and a range of individual student experiences from high praise of the design to some disappointment.
E-learning is a combination of learning services and technology that allow us to provide high value integrated learning any time, any place. It is about a new blend of resources, interactivity, performance support and structured learning activities. This methodology makes use of various types of technologies in order to enhance or transform the learning process, thereby achieving real business and educational value, and so reaching a larger, more diverse learner population with minimal expenditure. Due to the introduction of advanced technology, e-learning is rapidly becoming one of the top methods of educational delivery. This paper provides a comprehensive insight into the current status of e-learning education in India. In addition, it also presents findings of some of the problems, strategies and key issues in the e-learning process, while focusing on some of the emerging technologies which support e-learning. The paper also examines the effects of implementing e-learning in two organizations -- the first of which deals with people with special requirements (visually handicapped), using a specific Case Study, and concludes with the growth of the population interested in education. It will also be shown that successful e-learning models can be developed and implemented in universities across the country. Finally, the paper will analyze a method which may enhance the status of e-learning in India if applied as a future prospect.