A Review of Key Esthetic Elements in Smile Designing
A Short Review on Impact of Lighting on Shade Selection and Neutralization Techniques in Dental Clinic
Legal Concerns in the Digitalization of Dentistry- A Narrative Review
Orthodontic Treatment of Class 3 Malocclusion using Mysmartalign (MSA) Clear Aligners: A Case Report
Mandibular Radix Entomolaris: The Hidden Secret of Your Teeth's Anatomy
Computerized Cepholometric Surgical Prediction in Orthognathic Surgery with Facad 2d Software
Cheiloscopy and Palatoscopy - An Aid for Human Identification
A Review of Wegener's Granulomatosis - A Rare Granulomatous Disease
Root Resorption in Orthodontics
Management of Palatogingival Groove Associated with Localized Periodontitis - A Case Report
Legal Concerns in the Digitalization of Dentistry- A Narrative Review
Drug Induced Oral Erythema Multiforme: A Case Report
Comparison of TMA, Stainless Steel and Timolium for Friction, Load Deflection and Surface Characteristics
Evaluation of Diagnostic Accuracy of Ki - 67 (Immunocytochemistry) and AgNOR in Detecting Early Changes in Smokers and Tobacco Chewers.
One Step Apexification "The Apical Barrier Technique”
The most troublesome papulosquamous disorder is Psoriasis. While it is easy to diagnose, it is difficult to treat. Oral lesions of psoriasis are still a controversy and are often confusing. Here, we present a case of oral psoriasis that was clinically diagnosed as leukoplakia.
There has been a growing trend towards using hand piece driven rotary instrumentation techniques in dentistry. These instruments are designed to prepare teeth using crown-down technique, which reduces the amount of debris that is pushed down towards the apex. Recently, advanced instrument designs have been developed, which include non-cutting tips, radial lands, different cross sections, and varying tapers. These designs are aimed at improving working safety and shortening working time, and have been shown to produce less debris than traditional hand filing techniques. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the amount of debris and volume of irrigant extruded apically using three different rotary nickel titanium endodontic instruments: Profile, Protaper, and Race.
Ameloblastic Fibro-Odontoma (AFO) is a rare benign mixed odontogenic tumor with histologic characteristics of ameloblastic fibroma and complex odontoma. It has a frequency of only about 1-3% among odontogenic tumors. It is slow-growing, generally associated with a developing tooth, and occurs mostly in children and adolescents. It is a well-encapsulated tumor, and therefore local invasion and recurrence after surgery are rare. This paper presents a clinical case report of AFO in a 9-year-old boy with swelling in the posterior maxillary area that appeared radiologically as a complex odontoma but was histopathologically diagnosed as an ameloblastic fibro-odontoma.
Ameloblastoma is an epithelial odontogenic tumour of the jaw that exhibits diverse microscopic patterns, occurring either singly or in combination with other patterns. Granular cell ameloblastoma is an unusual variant of ameloblastoma characterized by nests of large, eosinophilic granular cells. These granular cells have been the subject of debate, and there is controversy regarding their origin and nature.
Among the papulosquamous disorders the most troublesome is Psoriasis. It is easy to diagnose butdifficult to treat. Oral lesions of psoriasis are still a controversy and always confusing. Here we present acase of oral psoriasis which was clinically diagnosed as leukoplakia.