Multi-Faceted Traditional and Ritual Resources of Africa
Exploring Second Screening Behaviors of Participants in Blantyre, Malawi: Motivations and Gratification Implications
Factors of Negative Psychic State, Anxiety, and Depression of Waterlogged Farmers in Bangladesh: A Farming Disaster
Transforming Innovative Educational Practices for Environmental Sustainability
Categorizing and Defining the Dominance and Suppression into Positive and Negative Conscious, Subconscious and Unconscious Mind States
Importance of Universal Human Values in Education System: An Overview
Self - Esteem and Body Image: A Correlational Study
Competing Gender Discourses: A Multi-modal Analysis of Gender Representations and Femininity in a Philippine Magazine
Technology and Pottery Evolution: Pottery Practices in South Western Nigeria
Awareness of Human Rights, Legal Literacy, and Social Well being of Secondary School Students of Srinagar And Budgam Districts of Jammu and Kashmir
Episodic Medication Adherence among Adolescents with Human Immuno Deficiency Virus (HIV): Roles of Parental Involvement and Peer Pressure in Receiving Treatments in Lagos, Nigeria
Competing Gender Discourses: A Multi-modal Analysis of Gender Representations and Femininity in a Philippine Magazine
Categorizing and Defining the Dominance and Suppression into Positive and Negative Conscious, Subconscious and Unconscious Mind States
Qualitative Case Study on HBCU Students' Perceptions of the Sources of Academic Self-Efficacy in Online Learning
Women in Panchayats: The History, the Perspective and the Background
After the repeal of Section 2A of the former constitution in 1992, which led to the pluralization of the country's politics, the stakes of all subsequent general elections have required the contribution of every individual to achieve a desired outcome. This has manifested itself during campaigns and the inclusion of different groups, such as women, men, youth, and persons living with disabilities. The thematic areas that highlight the significance of citizen participation in an election have been identified in this paper. These areas include avoiding post-election conflicts and violence, representing the citizens' ideas and aspirations, promoting inclusivity and eliminating marginalization, enhancing the legitimacy of the election, selecting office bearers, and serving as a catalyst for the nation's development. The paper emphasizes that in order to make meaningful strides towards cherishing and achieving national unity and tranquility, it is imperative to provide every person with an equal chance without prejudice.
The library's collection is a repository of historical accomplishments that have been preserved for the benefit of current and future generations. The arrangement of the records will make the extent of the library's collection much more apparent. While the majority of documents have been digitized and come with appealing new features, rural, semirural, and urban areas in our nation are yet to be digitized. Information and media are now more accessible and compatible with digital libraries than ever before in the 21st century. This article provides an overview of library collections and materials. It covers the types of materials commonly found in libraries, including books, periodicals, audiovisual materials, and electronic resources. The article also discusses the importance of collection development policies and the role of librarians in selecting, acquiring, and maintaining library materials. Additionally, the article explores the challenges libraries face in managing their collections, such as limited space, budget constraints, and changing user needs. Finally, the article concludes with a discussion of emerging trends in library collections and materials, such as open access publishing and digital libraries.
The purpose of this study was to assess teaching and learning methods for the secondary school biology subject content as an approach to addressing environmental degradation in Malawi. The study was guided by specific research objectives, such as assessing how success criteria in secondary school biology syllabi are framed to address environmental degradation in Malawi, investigating the appropriateness of the methods of teaching and learning biology that address environmental degradation, and examining how biology teachers assess students' fieldwork required by the syllabus. A mixed-methods approach was used in this study. Sixty secondary school teachers were selected from 40 secondary schools in the Northern Education Division of the Ministry of Education in Malawi as research participants. Schools and participants were selected through convenience and purposive sampling techniques, respectively. In this study, data were collected through interviews, questionnaires, and document analysis. Data analysis was done thematically and using statistics. The research study found that the success criteria, content, and teaching and learning methods in biology would not address environmental degradation because the success criteria were not framed well and had many action verbs such as "explain," "describe," and "state." Additionally, explanation was the main teaching and learning method used by secondary school biology teachers, which would not address environmental degradation since it did not encourage learning through practice. The findings also revealed that biology teachers in secondary schools assessed learners with the aim of passing public examinations and did not assist learners in acquiring skills to deal with issues of environmental degradation.
The impact of the installation of prepaid water meters on the performance of Lilongwe Waterboard, a water utility company in Malawi, was the main focus of this study. A survey was conducted among corporate consumers using prepaid water meters, and the data collected were analyzed using descriptive statistics. The results showed that prepaid water meters have improved the billing of corporate customers, with monthly bills decreasing significantly after the introduction of prepaid meters. However, customers still faced challenges such as inconsistent water supply, high installation costs, high operational costs, inability to purchase water due to poor network, and low water pressure. The study recommends that Lilongwe Waterboard should continue to improve its services to minimize customer complaints. Further research is needed to assess the impact of prepaid water meters in other locations. Due to its high cost and the service provider's inability to maximize revenue from the generated billing, the system has received a lot of criticism from customers. It is necessary to determine the billing patterns prior to and following the implementation of prepaid water meters and to assess the impact of those patterns on the operation of the Lilongwe Waterboard.
A comparative study of folk tales between Thailand and the Philippines is conducted. Thailand's "Makato and the Cowrie Shell" and the Philippines' "Ang Pagong at ang Matsing" are studied and compared using pre-identified areas of comparison, which include orality, characters, setting, plot, conflict, theme, and moral lesson. Content analysis is used as a critical lens in the study of these two famous Asian folk tales. This comparative literature study reveals that both folk tales share common Asian values of thrift, hard work, diligence, and intelligence. The findings also show the strong agricultural background of these two Asian countries, which is depicted in the concept of planting found in both stories. This portrayal highlights how farming is an important communal work that engages members of society.