The Role of Coaching in Enhancing Employee Performance
Measuring Customer Satisfaction of Hotel Industry in Bangladesh: A SERVQUAL and Structural Equation Model (SEM) Approach
Strategies for Building Supply Chain Resilience, Law Enforcement, and Sustainability during Black Swan Events
Perceptions of Climate Change and Barriers to Adaptation along the Teesta River in Bangladesh
Socioeconomic Effects of Village Loan Savings Initiatives on Empowering Rural Communities - Case Study of the Impact of VLS Program in T/A Chimwala, Malawi
Efficiency Analysis of Commercial Banks in India: An Application of Data Envelopment Analysis
A Study on Factors Influencing Youngsters’ Perceptions towards Choice of Investment Avenues
A Study of Generic Intertextuality in Corporate Press Releases
A Study on Factors Affecting Purchase Decision of Young Adults after GST Implementation in India – With Special Reference to FMCG Products
Understanding the Perception of Millennial Generation towards Online Shopping -A Study with Reference to Chennai
Soft Systems Modelling of the New Product Development Process - A Case Study
An Emerging Training Model for Successful Lean Manufacturing – An Empirical Study
A Qualitative Performance Measurement Approach to New Product Development
Brand Power Through Effective Design
Intellectual Venture Capitalists: An Emerging Breed of Knowledge Entrepreneurs
This paper looks to the implementation of CSR in Turkey, an emerging country that is a portal between eastern and western concepts and ideas. Until recently, Turkey has not expended much effort on the implementation of CSR, despite the demands of the European Union that Turkey pass CSR legislation and implement the CSR provisions already in place prior to Turkey being accepted as a member of the European Union. However, some businesses have taken the torch and implemented their own CSR programs, often to address social inequities that do not necessarily fall within the framework of their operations. This varies from how CSR is implemented in many countries where corporations engage in social activities that complement their operations and business expertise. Some of these businesses are Turkish in origin and ownership indicating CSR is slowly gaining a foothold in Turkey. In this paper, the status of CSR in Turkey is discussed and examples of Turkish businesses are given which develop and operate programs that clearly fall within the guidelines of CSR.
China and its reforming markets have increasingly attracted the attention of Western companies. It is seen as a country with expanding markets and low labour costs. As a result, numerous firms have moved production there (Salmi, 2008). This report compares and contrasts the deciding factors under which companies assign manufacture to either Low Cost Country (LCC) locations (such as China), or the UK manufacturing markets. Case studies are used to provide real world representation of some of the issues that companies can face when determining the manufacture location. Conclusions provide a generic overview of recommended manufacturing location based upon prioritising the key factors found from the investigation.
The increasing intensity of competition in global markets in the present time is the major challenge that organizations are facing, especially the manufacturing ones. To remain at the competitive edge, the companies need to be continuously striving for innovative and effective material management techniques. Just In Time (JIT) is one of such material management techniques that increases the productivity of the enterprise by elimination of all kind of wastes through continuous improvement. This paper deals with the identification and ranking of performance indicators based on several criteria for successful JIT Implementation in Manufacturing Sector. A deterministic quantitative model based on Simple Additive Weighting (SAW) technique has been developed for identifying and ranking the performance indicators. This concept has not been applied previously in the available literature for the selection problem. Six performance indicators, namely-Lead Time Reduction, Productivity, Profit, Product Quality, Difficulty in Implementation and Inventory have been considered for this study. Improper selection could affect a company's competitiveness in terms of the Productivity of its facilities and Quality of its products.
The stock market can be broadly classified into two categories i.e. Primary Market and Secondary Market. When a company offers its shares to the public to raise capital, it is done through Primary Market. This process is performed with the help of the Merchant Bankers. Once the shares have been issued by the company and are listed on the stock exchanges, the sale and purchase of the securities after issue takes place through secondary market. The size of the secondary market is much bigger than the primary market. Investments in secondary market constitute a sizeable portion of the investable funds. The number of the investors, the volume and the value of transactions has seen an unparalleled growth during the last one decade. More and more small investors are attracted towards secondary market. As far as Indian secondary market is concerned, there are two major stock exchanges viz. National Stock Exchange (NSE) and Bombay Stock Exchange (BSE). All the transactions on these exchanges are done with the help of technology and there is no manual trading. In the present paper, an attempt has been made to study the attitude of the investors towards secondary market. The area of the study is limited to the three major cities of Punjab i.e. Jalandhar, Mohali and Ludhiana.
Financial inclusion, at first sight, needs to be viewed as 'money at the bottom of the pyramid' and business models should be so designed as self-supporting in the initial phase and profit making in the long-run. Business correspondents are retail agents engaged by banks for providing multiple services at lower cost to their clients at branchless bank network. It has been currently operational in countries such as Kenya, Brazil, and Columbia and in India as well. The main objective is ensuring greater financial inclusion through the use of Business Facilitators (BFs) and Business Correspondents (BC). A viable business model will be designed for untapped market to bring into the fold of banking services.