The Role of Coaching in Enhancing Employee Performance
Measuring Customer Satisfaction of Hotel Industry in Bangladesh: A SERVQUAL and Structural Equation Model (SEM) Approach
Strategies for Building Supply Chain Resilience, Law Enforcement, and Sustainability during Black Swan Events
Perceptions of Climate Change and Barriers to Adaptation along the Teesta River in Bangladesh
Socioeconomic Effects of Village Loan Savings Initiatives on Empowering Rural Communities - Case Study of the Impact of VLS Program in T/A Chimwala, Malawi
Efficiency Analysis of Commercial Banks in India: An Application of Data Envelopment Analysis
A Study on Factors Influencing Youngsters’ Perceptions towards Choice of Investment Avenues
A Study of Generic Intertextuality in Corporate Press Releases
A Study on Factors Affecting Purchase Decision of Young Adults after GST Implementation in India – With Special Reference to FMCG Products
Understanding the Perception of Millennial Generation towards Online Shopping -A Study with Reference to Chennai
Soft Systems Modelling of the New Product Development Process - A Case Study
An Emerging Training Model for Successful Lean Manufacturing – An Empirical Study
A Qualitative Performance Measurement Approach to New Product Development
Brand Power Through Effective Design
Intellectual Venture Capitalists: An Emerging Breed of Knowledge Entrepreneurs
Trying to understand the South African population can be a tricky and time consuming exercise. As a country, South Africa has a significant cultural diversity and the large size of the country leads to considerable variation within the population, which demands inventive and careful analysis when determining key traits. This paper is aimed at developing a better understanding of the South African consumer and their behavior patterns as well as potential methods to use this knowledge to better reach and influence behaviors.
Due to diversity along demographic, geographic and cultural lines, assigning traits and characteristics through traditional segmentation tools proves to be particularly challenging. Through the integration of established marketing tools and innovative segmentation techniques, a better understanding of the motivators and drivers of behavior behind certain segments of the population was attained. Amalgamation of existing research based on value dimensions and industry specific market materials provides a better comprehension of the various divisions specific to the South African market and the South African consumer.
This paper examines whether service learning enhances accounting students' core competencies. A sample of 223 accounting seniors completed a questionnaire, designed to test their problem solving/decision making skills, one of the personal core competencies as defined by the AICPA (American Institute of Certified Public Accountants). The results show that accounting seniors who served as VITA (Voluntary Income Tax Assistance) student-volunteers significantly outperformed other accounting seniors who were not VITA volunteers. The results indicate that service learning creates an environment that is conducive to learning. The results have implications for accounting and business programs as they attempt to integrate service learning into the curriculum.
Financial systems include a set of complex and closely inter related financial institutions, markets, instruments, services, practices and transactions. Financial services in India have witnessed remarkable changes in the recent past years after liberalization, privatization and globalization. Mutual funds act as an important financial service in India. Mutual fund industry is still in introductory stage in India, but has assumed considerable significance in the post liberalized market economy. A mutual fund is set up in the form of a trust, which has sponsor, trustees, asset Management Company and custodian. The mutual fund is the most suitable investment for the common man, as it offers an opportunity to invest in a diversified manner and managed by fund managers at relatively low cost. This study focused on the preference of investors in mutual funds investment. It was found that the investors prefer bank deposits than mutual funds investment. It was also found that majority of the respondents do not invest their funds in mutual funds because of higher risk and, that schemes of investment preferred by investors are more or less equal.
Hotels and Restaurant Industry (HRI) are one of the vital parts of service industries that provide tangible as well as intangible services. HRI produces a wide variety of waste that has diverse short term and long term impact on environment and human health. These negative effects compound over a period of time and they are felt not only by those people directly handling the waste, but also severely affect those who are not involved directly with it.
The aim of the paper is to identify the global problem of waste generation from hotel industry, which leads to the deterioration of environment and human health. Hotel industry is one of the major contributors of waste generation. So the impact assessment on environment is now mandatory for the existence of organization and human beings.
Authors of this manuscript focus on various dimensions of solid waste generated from HRI and their remedies. With the help of Leopold matrix and Network diagram, wastes are categorized based on their recyclability, organic/inorganic nature and their toxicity. There are some case studies that prove the ill and adverse effects of waste. The paper also provides the route for solid waste disposal as practiced by HRI in India.
Supermarkets are the one stop solution for urban consumers these days. Similar products having different brands, colours, flavours etc are being available under a single roof. Supermarkets are specifically bulk purchasers. They try to purchase the non perishables as well as perishables in a large quantity with a high discount; so that they can easily sell it to the consumers at less price as compared to the local market. But, in case of short shelf life period perishables, this strategy can't be implemented. Especially in the case of fruits, and ready to cook vegetables, supermarkets are not that much really competent. In case supermarkets which purchase vegetables, and fruits in a bulk manner to get high discount, it has to invest upon proper refrigeration, results in a huge electricity bill. High amount of food waste is done by supermarkets. For eg. Tesco, London & Sainsbury, London; had faced lots of food waste as per BBC news. In India, Reliance Fresh[13] had also faced loss for the last 7 years and was forced to shut down some of its centres because of great loss. ASO (Automatic Store Ordering) software especially helps in case of non perishables and semi-perishables but it fails in case of perishables having short term shelf life period. The major problem is the supply chain pattern of fruits and vegetables. Supermarkets get very less time to market those vegetables, fruits, flowers, bread etc.
This report comprises of proper backward integration for vegetables and fruits that can be grown locally. It also deals with effective disposal of these perishables.