i-manager's Journal on Management (JMGT)

Volume 3 Issue 4 March - May 2009

Research Paper

A Study on the Effects of Collaborative Organizational Structures on Information Technology Governance

Konstadinos Kutsikos*
* Lecturer of Information Systems, Business School, University of the Aegean, Greece.
Konstadinos Kutsikos (2009). A Study on the Effects of Collaborative Organizational Structures on Information Technology Governance. i-manager’s Journal on Management, 3(4), 1-10. https://doi.org/10.26634/jmgt.3.4.197


In this article, we investigate how emerging technology-driven corporate structures affect the evolution of Information Technology (IT) Governance. After explaining basic terms and definitions, we describe the current landscape of IT Governance frameworks. We then focus on emerging Collaborative Organizational Structures (COS) and describe their underlying technical infrastructure, namely collaborative technologies. We bring the two concepts together by investigating the 'COS effect' on a well-known framework for IT Governance, focusing on two of its components: a) role and responsibilities of auditors; b) strategic information system planning. Finally, we provide a brief description of next steps and directions of our research efforts.

Research Paper

Triocracy and the Dynamics of Standard Setting: A Comparative Study of FASB's Deliberation Process on SFAS No. 133 and SFAS No. 141/142

David Hossain* , J. Gregory Kunkel**, Edward Lance Monsour***
*-*** College of Business and Economics, California State University, Los Angeles, California.
David Hossain, J. Gregory Kunkel and Edward Lance Monsour (2009). Triocracy and The Dynamics of Standard Setting: A Comparative Study of FASB'S Deliberation Process On SFAS No. 133 And SFAS No. 141/142. i-manager’s Journal on Management, 3(4), 11-22. https://doi.org/10.26634/jmgt.3.4.198


In this paper, we compare the standard setting process and outcomes for two important areas of accounting disclosure, business combinations and derivatives. We examine the process using the triocracy theory of government regulation. We find the outcome of the standard setting process to be much different in accounting for business combinations than it was in accounting for derivatives. This is because the array of special interest groups opposing the rules for business combinations was much broader and stronger than those groups that opposed the proposed standards for derivatives.

Research Paper

Beating Competition by Establishing Emotional Connect with Customers: Does Celebrities Endorsements Pay Off?

* Department of Management Studies, Indian School of Mines University, Dhanbad-826004, Jharkhand.
Mrinalini Pandey (2009). Beating Competition By Establishing Emotional Connect With Customers: Does Celebrities Endorsements Pay Off?. i-manager’s Journal on Management, 3(4), 23-33. https://doi.org/10.26634/jmgt.3.4.199


In the frenzied market place celebrity endorsements of products have become an increasingly popular trend as most of the companies today are using celebrities to increase the appeal of their offerings. The main reason behind this is the assumption that the Brand becomes easily recognizable and recalls of the brand leads to buying. Celebrity endorsement is a time tested strategy as celebrities have been used since long for advertising. A study by AdEx India, a division of TAM Media Research, finds that there has been 49 per cent growth in celebrity endorsement ad volumes on TV during 2007 compared to 2006. Thus, there is a need to stop and test whether the previous rules of consumers following the pied-piper; read celebrity, still works. This study is an enquiry undertaken to determine the effectiveness of celebrity endorsement as an effective promotional tool to gain competitive advantage by establishing emotional connect with the customers in today's era. Through a theoretical enquiry substituted by empirical research, this paper posits a discussion on risks and rewards of promoting the products' emotional benefits by using celebrities as communications tool. It contributes to gaining insights for the use of celebrities as the marketing device for gaining mind and heart share for the Brands.

Research Paper

Quantitative Measurement of Economic Sectors Effect on the Non-Oil GDP in United Arab Emirates

Omar Masood*
* Business School, University of East London, Docklands, University Way, London.
Omar Masood (2009). Quantitative Measurement Of Economic Sectors Effect On The Non-Oil Gdp In United Arab Emirates. i-manager’s Journal on Management, 3(4), 34-46. https://doi.org/10.26634/jmgt.3.4.202


UAE economy is going ahead in leaps and bounds, and it's one of the star performers of the Middle East. It keeps exceeding the most optimistic expectations, and even in times of political or economic crises, it was able to absorb all shocks and bounce back. This study aimed to identify the impact of the economic sectors in the UAE on the non-oil GDP. We used SPSS v.15.0 and Minitab v.14 heavily to analyze the statistical data depending on Arithmetic Means, Correlation Coefficients, and Regression Analysis to test the validity of the proposed statistical model, and to find the impact of independent variables (economic sectors) on the dependent variable (non-oil GDP). The findings of this study revealed that we were able to build a statistical model for the economic sectors and the non-oil GDP, to analyze the economic indicators of the UAE during (1970-2006). In addition, we found that the oil sector has a statistically significant impact on the UAE non-oil GDP. We strongly emphasize on the importance of this study, and that decision makers should use it when planning for future strategies.

Research Paper

An Approach to the Management of the Order-Delivery Process in the Steel Product Industry

P. Iskanius* , Tom Page**
* Department of Industrial Engineering and Management, University of Oulu, Finland.
** Department of Design & Technology, Loughborough University, Loughborough, UK.
P. Iskanius and Tom Page (2009). An Approach To The Management Of The Order-Delivery Process In The Steel Product Industry. i-manager’s Journal on Management, 3(4), 47-54. https://doi.org/10.26634/jmgt.3.4.200


Economic globalization and new competitive demands have strongly increased the need for companies to develop collaboration in manufacturing processes. This situation in industrial competition emphasizes the importance of cost, quality and time, based on customer-oriented operation modes. The situation provides limited possibilities for individual companies to improve their competitiveness. As companies continuously seek to provide their products and services to customer faster, cheaper, and better than the competition, they have to work on a cooperative basis with the best companies in their supply chains in order to succeed. The purpose of this paper is to present the steel product industry network in Raahe region in Finland. It is done in terms of its activities and modes of supply chain operations, based on customer-oriented operation modes. However, the purpose is to analyse the relationship of the manufacturing development concepts like agility, flexibility, and leanness. The critical issues and major drawbacks of supply chain are identified and illustrated by following one sample order-delivery process through its value chain.

Research Paper

The Effect of Capital Structure on Corporate Profitability; An Empirical Analysis of Listed Companies in Nigeria

Efobi Uchenna* , Charity E. Duru-Uremadu **
* Department of Accounting, College of Business and Social Sciences, Covenant University, Nigeria.
** Department of Banking and Finance, College of Business and Social Sciences, Covenant University, Nigeria.
Efobi Uchenna and S.O. Uremadu (2009). The Effect Of Capital Structure On Corporate Profitability; An Empirical Analysis Of Listed Companies In Nigeria. i-manager’s Journal on Management, 3(4), 55-61. https://doi.org/10.26634/jmgt.3.4.203


Determining the capital structure of a company is a very critical factor to consider while projecting corporate performance in any business environment. This decision becomes even more difficult in a country like Nigeria, where the business and economic environment is highly unstable. This leaves the firms in a dilemma about what capital structure to adopt in financing their operations: Furthermore, the choice made by the company on what capital structure to adopt in financing their operations has serious impact on the performance of the firm. This study used regression analysis to determine the effect of capital structure on corporate profitability for 10 selected manufacturing firms for the period studied 2002-2005. We found out that the ratio of long-term debt to total asset (debt financing) and the ratio of equity to total liability of the firm (equity financing) had negative impact on the return on capital employed (ROE), while the ratio of short term debt to total liability had  insignificant effect on return on capital employed(ROE). Based on these findings, we made some recommendations, which includes that the firm management should ensure that they manage the composition of their capital structure well, most especially as it relates to long-term debts and equities as well as to the corporate reserves of the firm.

Practice Paper

Case- Surviving the Minefield

Franklin Ramsoomair* , Steven Ausman**
* Associate Professor, Department of OB/HRM, Wilfrid Laurier University, Waterloo, Canada.
** MBA candidate, Wilfrid Laurier University.
Franklin Ramsoomair and Steven Ausman (2009). Case- Surviving the Minefield. i-manager’s Journal on Management, 3(4), 62-67. https://doi.org/10.26634/jmgt.3.4.205


This case study focuses on HR issues.