Mathematical Modeling of Higher Overtone Vibrational Frequencies in Dichlorine Monoxide
Some Types of Generalized Closed and Generalized Star Closed Sets in Topological Ordered Spaces
Optimizing Capsule Endoscopy Detection: A Deep Learning Approach with L-Softmax and Laplacian-SGD
Kernel Ideals in Semigroups
Modeling the Dynamics of Covid-19 with the Inclusion of Treatment, Vaccination and Natural Cure
Calculation of Combined Vibrational Frequencies in Cl₂O using Lie Algebraic Method
An Introduction to Various Types of Mathematics Teaching Aids
A Simple Method of Numerical Integration for a Class of Singularly Perturbed Two Point Boundary Value Problems
A New Approach to Variant Assignment Problem
A Homotopy Based Method for Nonlinear Fredholm Integral Equations
Proof of Beal's Conjecture and Fermat Last Theorem using Contra Positive Method
Trichotomy–Squared – A Novel Mixed Methods Test and Research Procedure Designed to Analyze, Transform, and Compare Qualitative and Quantitative Data for Education Scientists who are Administrators, Practitioners, Teachers, and Technologists
Algorithmic Triangulation Metrics for Innovative Data Transformation: Defining the Application Process of the Tri–Squared Test
A New Hilbert-Type Inequality In Whole Plane With The Homogeneous Kernel Of Degree 0
Introducing Trinova: “Trichotomous Nomographical Variance” a Post Hoc Advanced Statistical Test of Between and Within Group Variances of Trichotomous Categorical and Outcome Variables of a Significant Tri–Squared Test
Surfaces in R3 with density
In this paper, the authors define the sequence space used in a sequence of Orlicz functions
, generalized difference sequence
and seminorm q. They examine some topological properties of this space.
A dominating set D ⊆ V is said to be a nilprivate neighbour dominating set if, for every vertex u in D has no private neighbour in V-D. The nilprivate neighbour domination number γnpn(G) is the minimum cardinality of a nilprivate npn neighbour dominating set. A dominating set D⊆ V of a graph G is a non-split dominating set if the induced sub-graph is connected. The non-split domination number γns(G) is the minimum cardinality of a non-split dominating set of G. A dominating set D ⊆ V of a graph G is a strong non-split dominating set if the induced sub-graph
is complete. The strong non-split domination number sns(G) is the minimum cardinality of a strong non-split dominating set of G. The dominating set D ⊆ V of a graph G is a vertex set dominating set if for any set S ⊆V-D, there exists a vertex vD such that the induced sub-graph
is connected.The vertex set domination number γvs(G) is the minimum cardinality of a vs vertex set dominating set of G. A dominating set D of a graph G = (V, E) is a strong non-split dominating set if the induced sub-graph
is complete. The strong non-split domination number γsns(G) of G is the minimum cardinality of a strong sns non-split dominating set of G. Here, the authors state some definitions and statements related to the Nilprivate neighbour domination and strong non-split domination number in graphs. In conclusion, the authors state the domination of strong non-split domination graphs.
This monograph provides an epistemological guide for the Post Hoc Tri–Symmetrical Omnibus Test for the Tri–Squared Test. In this guide, Advanced Tri–Symmetrical Tests are explained in great detail and are calculated using sample data. Tri–Symmetrical Omnibus Tests use Tri–Squared correlation metrics and Tri–Squared association analytics to further discern information regarding the outcomes of a statistically significant Tri–Squared Test. In this narrative, multiple sequential Tri–Symmetrical mathematical models are illustrated in a tabular format to demonstrate the entire process of advanced Tri–Symmetrical inquiry.
This paper investigates the synchronization of chaotic Three Dimensional Cancer Model (TDCM) with Lorenz System (LS) using a Robust Adaptive Sliding Mode Controller (RASMC) together with uncertainties, external disturbances and fully unknown parameters. The technique used for synchronization is based on simple suitable sliding surface, which includes synchronization errors and appropriate update laws to tackle the uncertainties, external disturbances and unknown parameters. All simulations to achieve the synchronization for the proposed technique for the two non-identical systems under consideration are being done using Mathematica.
The paper investigates the nonlinear radiation effects on two-dimensional, steady MHD laminar boundary layer flow with heat and mass transfer characteristic of an incompressible, viscous, electrically conducting fluid over a nonlinearly stretching surface through a porous medium. The liquid metal is assumed to be gray, emitting, and absorbing, but nonscattering medium. The basic equations governing the flow are in the form of partial differential equations and have been reduced to a set of non-linear ordinary differential equations by applying suitable similarity transformations. The problem is tackled numerically using shooting techniques with fourth order Runge-Kutta integration scheme. Pertinent results with respect to embedded parameters are displayed graphically for the velocity, temperature, concentration, skin-friction coefficient, rate of heat transfer and rate of mass transfer profiles and were discussed quantitatively.