GigTroop: A Home Service Provider Application
The User’s Adoption towards Chatbot Technology – An Exploration
Performance on QoS Metrics with Active Queue Management Techniques in AODV Routing Protocol in MANETs
Fundamental Understanding of Mobile Phone Data for Transport Applications
Embracing Sustainable Usage of Mobile Health in Developing Countries: The Mediating Role of Behavioural Intentions
An Empirical Evidence from Uganda
Development of Mobile App for the Soil Classification
Emerging Technologies in Interaction with Mobile Computing Devices – A Technology Forecast
Using the Arduino Platform for Controlling AC Appliances with GSM Module and Relay
Applications of Wearable Technology in Elite Sports
Evaluation of Mobile Banking Services Usage in Minna, Niger State
Smartphone Applications–A Comparative Study BetweenOlder And Younger Users
Technological Diffusion of Near Field Communication (NFC)
Touchscreen and Perceived Usability: A Comparison of Attitudes between Older and Younger Mobile Device Users
A Review on Routing Protocols for Mobile Adhoc Networks
Applications of Wearable Technology in Elite Sports
Smart antennas used in new generations of mobile technologies provide a great improvement in detection of the direction of user mobile device. The use of Direction Of Arrival (DOA) algorithms to locate mobile devices is highly applicable due to the improvement of mobile systems to 5G LTE. To select the most appropriate method to work with LTE system, a comparison between the available algorithms in DOA is made. Among the algorithms used were Capon, MUSIC, Root-MUSIC, and ESPRIT. The comparison is made in number of snapshots, SNR, accuracy, and estimation time.
A miniaturized multiband Inverted – F antenna has been proposed in this paper for mobile phone applications. This miniaturized antenna is surrounded by metal rims with two open slits. This is a strategy which gives an idea to design a metal rimmed antenna for a mobile phone application. This antenna is capable of covering GSM900/DCS/PCS/UMTS2100/LTE2300/2500 operating band which can be generated by the metal rim structure with two open slits which means it is broken into three parts. The remarkable radiation performance obtained due to metal rim is the reason for which this proposed antenna is a candidate of WWAN/LTE. Parasitic element is used in this proposed antenna for better current distribution, which provides better radiation performance. The operation mechanism of antenna along with radiation coefficients, and radiation patterns are simulated and the results show the effectiveness of the proposed antenna for mobile phone applications.
With the tremendous growth in the application of Mobile Ad-Hoc Networks in multiple areas ranging from industries to home to multiple interdisciplinary areas, the demand for performance improvement is also increasing. The major focus of all the researches related to MANET is on throughput capacity of the complete network. However, the improvement in the MANETs cannot be achieved just by analyzing and improving the total network throughput. Moreover, the major problem, that is synchronization for time division networks using time slotted channels has also been improved, thus forcing the hike in use of MANETS. However, the throughput capacity of each node was rarely been considered for mobile ad-hoc networks, which also can be useful for optimizing the throughput capacity for each nodes in the MANET. In this work, the authors have demonstrated the derivation of individual node throughput capacity and through a theoretical model that demonstrated the possible optimization techniques for each node.
In VANETs, frequent link disconnections degrade network performance, as a result increases end-to-end delay and high packet drop ratio. It is not acceptable for safety and emergency applications. The motivation here is to avoid traffic jams, road accidents, and pollution control by providing an accurate information to drivers at right time without any delay. Existing approaches used metrices like expected transmission count and link expiration time, which takes lot of computations, and also sometimes due to fast vehicle movements form one region to other, these calculations will be unused. To overcome this problem, the proposed approach enable vehicles to connect and communicate with each other forming mesh topology called blocks, where each block contains Block Head (BH) and cooperative nodes called Block Nodes (BN). BH maintains precise information about nodes in its region by probing hello messages and updating look-up table. Whenever a node fails, BH selects another node immediately without delay using the look-up table information. Compared to existing approaches, block mesh protocol accurately finds a new neighbour node when the situation demands. In this paper, the authors have surveyed various routing protocols used for routing and simulation results show that the proposed approach’s performance has been improved in terms of throughput and packet delivery ratio.
Wireless networks will face a problem in future for large traffic volumes. To recover this problem, relay network was used in architecture of fourth generation (4G) LTE-Advanced relay network. The power allocation and optimal subcarrier allocation strategies are used to get the maximum effective capacity in LTE-A relay systems. In LTE-A system, Quality of Service will depend on effective capacity. Cognitive radio technology addresses the limited availability of wireless spectrum and inefficiency of spectrum usage. Cognitive Radio (CR) devices are used to sense environment, detect unused spectrum, and automatically access the available spectrum without creating any harmful interferences to the incumbents. Filter Bank Multicarrier with Offset Quadrature Amplitude Modulation (FBMC/OQAM) scheme is recognized for 5G wireless technologies with an extremely low Adjacent Channel Leakage Ratio (ACLR). FBMC/OQAM scheme is suitable for Cognitive Radio (CR) applications.