GigTroop: A Home Service Provider Application
The User’s Adoption towards Chatbot Technology – An Exploration
Performance on QoS Metrics with Active Queue Management Techniques in AODV Routing Protocol in MANETs
Fundamental Understanding of Mobile Phone Data for Transport Applications
Embracing Sustainable Usage of Mobile Health in Developing Countries: The Mediating Role of Behavioural Intentions
An Empirical Evidence from Uganda
Development of Mobile App for the Soil Classification
Emerging Technologies in Interaction with Mobile Computing Devices – A Technology Forecast
Using the Arduino Platform for Controlling AC Appliances with GSM Module and Relay
Applications of Wearable Technology in Elite Sports
Evaluation of Mobile Banking Services Usage in Minna, Niger State
Smartphone Applications–A Comparative Study BetweenOlder And Younger Users
Technological Diffusion of Near Field Communication (NFC)
Touchscreen and Perceived Usability: A Comparison of Attitudes between Older and Younger Mobile Device Users
A Review on Routing Protocols for Mobile Adhoc Networks
Applications of Wearable Technology in Elite Sports
With increasing popularity of touchscreen phones, there is a corresponding increasing emphasis on ergonomics considerations with a focus on use and interaction style between older and younger users. The purpose of this research was to evaluate the use of touchscreen phone interfaces to discover if they are designed to be inclusive and consider ergonomics. The research methods comprised interviews and focus groups in order to gain qualitative data on the use and satisfaction of touchscreen phones in relationship to age. Results have demonstrated a variety of opinions among the age groups, with users in the 18-25 age-range promoting a positive attitude towards brands, but blaming technology for errors, in contrast to users in the 60-70 age range who blamed themselves for errors and were more focused on function than brand. The study has gone some way towards enhancing our understanding of the attitudes surrounding inclusive design in relation to touchscreen phones.
In highway construction, design aspects and quality aspects are of utmost importance since they affect the whole highway project in terms of cost, time and satisfaction of client and durability of constructed highway. In the present study, an attempt is made to develop an Android Application for design and quality control of highway construction. Before developing the application, a questionnaire was conducted to freeze the important quality control checks at site that have to be included in the application. The data collected from this questionnaire was then analyzed. This questionnaire analysis report acts like a backbone for developing the application. The android application was developed using Eclipse software. During testing, the apps on physical devices (smartphones), manual calculations and report making were simultaneously carried out to compare, time between manual way and application. From the th studies, it was found that the applications developed reduces the manual calculations and 1/10 of time on an average and helps a highway engineer on the site.
Mobile Ad-hoc Networks (MANETs) are continuously self-configuring infrastructure-less networks of mobile devices connected without wires. In various locations Carrier Sense Multiple Access allows the radio resources that are similar in nature that leads to the bandwidth effectiveness, which results at the cost of the crashes possible due to the hidden terminal problems in the multi-hop wireless networks. The progress of the applications of MANETs are increasing, which increases the efficiency of bandwidth importance. For extremely loaded MANETs, load balance distribution protocols are used which leads to uniformity. These protocols which are non-uniform are not suitable for load distributions and as on-demand dynamic channel allocation is high, CDCA-TRACE is used for cooperative load balancing. A research work has been here to overcome the packet delay problem, while packet transmission from one node to another node based on the energy in the cluster. The sender node sends the packets to the receiver node which has high energy using the Data-Cluster Head Algorithm (D-CH) to reduce the packet delay variation, energy consumption and throughput increase.
Currently, different web tools are available for determining the decision-making power of an individual. The tools determine the decision-making capacity based on certain questionnaire. The authors have developed a multi-level android application called 'RAY' which helps to determine the decision-making power of the user. The software uses the user's textual response as an input. At the initial stage, the user goes through several questions based on the decision making and responses are recorded accordingly. In the next stage, the user is challenged with a multi-level game. Then, for a particular scenario, the user is asked to rate himself on 1 to 10 scale. The App records the user input at each stage. Based on the responses, it determines the decision-making capacity of the user whether it is strong, moderate or weak.
Wireless Networking is an emerging technology that allows users to access information and services anywhere, regardless of their geographic areas over the past few years with the trend of mobile computing. Mobile Adhoc Network (MANET) has become one of the most important wireless communication mechanisms among all, unlike traditional network. MANET represents complex distributed systems that comprise wireless mobile nodes that can freely and dynamically self-organize temporarily. MANET is an autonomously self-organized networks without infrastructure support. In MANET, nodes can move arbitrarily. Therefore the network may experience rapid and unpredictable topology changes, because nodes in a MANET normally have limited transmission ranges, some nodes cannot communicate directly with each other. Routing in MANET potentially contains multiple hops, and every node in mobile ad hoc networks has the responsibility to act as a router. In MANET, network topology can dynamically be changed in an unpredictable manner since the nodes are free to move. Every single node in the MANET works as both receiver and transmitter. Each node directly communicates with others, when they are both within their communication ranges. All nodes work as routers and take path in discovery and maintenance of routes to other nodes in the network. In this paper, a review on the routing protocols for mobile adhoc networks, challenges, issues, and applications were presented. The objective of this study is the comparative analysis of various routing protocols for MANET in different manner.