Digital Beauty Standards: AI Approaches to Objectively Measure and Score Beauty Quotients
Automated Diabetic Retinopathy Screening in Resource-Limited Areas with Attention-Enhanced Deep Learning on Fundus Images
Detection and Classification of Player Formations in Sports using Neural Networks
Automated Detection of Tomato Leaf Diseases through Convolutional Neural Networks
Application of Computational and Geocomputation Techniques for Geospatial Analysis
Identification of Volcano Hotspots by using Resilient Back Propagation (RBP) Algorithm Via Satellite Images
Data Hiding in Encrypted Compressed Videos for Privacy Information Protection
Improved Video Watermarking using Discrete Cosine Transform
Contrast Enhancement based Brain Tumour MRI Image Segmentation and Detection with Low Power Consumption
Denoising of Images by Wavelets and Contourlets using Bi-Shrink Filter
One of the major issues in the field of biomedical research is dealt with operating a tumor tissue successfully without causing any damage to the other good tissues. 'SCR (store, compare, recognize) technique for tumor operation using biomedical image processing and its implementation in TMS320C6713' is an advanced process for identifying and tracking the images of the tumor by using 'Aphelion Dev Software development module'. This is especially used for locating the tumor found in highly sensitive organs like brain and heart. In this project, two stages have been involved. The first stage involves the conversion of raw binary information scanned from a CT scan image of the infected organ to colour image. This processed image helps the surgeons to find the tumor sizes and locate them. In second stage, the operation of the tumor analyzed in stage I is recorded using a camera in a neck worn pendent. The recorded video frames are compared with the stored processed image and its histogram of stage I. As a result of this, the tumor tissues are segmented from the good tissues in the video. Now the output video after processing has only the cropped images of the tumor eliminating the good tissues. Using Parallel Processing technique in TMS320C6713 processor, the computational time can be reduced. Thus the surgeons can operate the identified tumor safely without affecting the other good tissues in a short span of time.
Kidney failure is the major threat in medical field. The kidneys dysfunction and disease can be filtered using the parameter Glomerular Filtration Rate(GFR). Finding the affected part is the most critical phenomenon in medical field. This methods gives the exact area detection in kidney so that the diagnosis and treatment is easily carried out. The aim of the project is to find the Glomerular Filtration Rate(GFR) and according to it, the affected part in kidney is found out. It deals with renal failure and it applies the concept of Registration and segmentation and classification .
Osteoporosis is a bone disease affecting the bone structure and strength and raising the risk of fractures. Osteoporosis is a bone condition that makes bones thinner and more fragile because of reduced bone density. Osteoporosis may be diagnosed directly through the use of a bone scan that measures bone mineral density (BMD). The micro-architectural quality of Trabecular bone is an important factor of bone quality for evaluating fracture risks under clinical conditions. A new algorithm is implemented for computing TB thickness at a low resolution which is achievable in IN-VIVO images. Here the authors have proposed intercept based algorithm to compute its thickness, and robustness to bone strength. Through this algorithm, the true axis of an object orthogonally intersects a minimum intercept line. By calculating centroids of an image, the thickness is calculated. Detected Image can be classified through artificial neural network classifier.
Watermarking secures the integrity of the medical images and has been used. One specific limitation for the methods that can be used in water marking medical images is that water marking procedure should not result in degradation of the image. In this work, a dual security approach comprising water marking and encryption is implemented to provide authenticity and protect the integrity of the medical image. A multi objective optimization function that can preserve the structural integrity of the medical image while maintaining robustness and imperceptibility is formulated. Genetic Algorithm (GA) optimization approach is used to optimize the multi objective function. The water mark is implemented using hybrid approach comprising Discrete Wavelet Transform (DWT) and Singular Value Decomposition (SVD). The encryption is affected using RSA & AES encryption algorithms. A graphical user interface (GUI) is designed to present the proposed approach in the form of usable tool to help the user in the embedding and extracting process. The water mark is subjected to different types of noise attacks and its robustness and integrity are tested.
Rapid growth of high quality multimedia (HD) and exchange of data over internet with less storage space and fast processing attracted researchers in the area of compression. Compression is the technique of reducing the image size without degrading the quality of the image. In this work, a commuting matrix with random discrete Fourier transform (DFT) eigenvectors is first constructed. A Random Discrete Fractional Fourier Transform (RDFRFT) kernel matrix with random DFT eigenvectors and eigenvalues is then utilized in image compression. The RDFRFT has an important feature that the magnitude and phase of its transform output are both random. Later, a compression scheme based on random discrete fractional Fourier transform is compared with Discrete Cosine Transform (DCT) and discrete wavelet transform (DWT) based image compression schemes. The given image is subdivided and RDFRFT is applied for each subdivided image to transformed coefficients and reverse order of RDFRFT is applied for reconstruction of original images. The performance of compression scheme based on RDFRFT shows better performance over DFRFT, DCT and DWT based scheme for any multimedia contents. The performance of the proposed scheme is observed on JPEG standard image for prime evaluation parameters such as Peak Signal-to-Noise Ratio (PSNR), Mean Square Error (MSE) and Compression Ratio (CR) for RDFRFT, DCT and DWT based scheme on MATLAB software platform. In addition, the proposed scheme has following advantages: it shows the same computation complexity as DFRFT based system and the feature of additional security can also be incorporated with RDFRFT which is not very significant in case of FRFT and DFRFT based system.