Optimizing Multigenerational Renewable Energy Systems Through Integrated Geothermal and Wind Energy Solutions
Wireless Charging Stations Utilizing Solar Energy for Electric Vehicles
Optimal placement of distributed products to improve network reliability under network operation conditions
Optimized Multi-Antenna Wireless Communication: Enhancing Beamforming, Security, and Energy Efficiency
Maximum Power Point Tracking for a Photovoltaic Power System using the Direct Algorithm
Multi Area Load Frequency Control of a Hybrid Power System with Advanced Machine Learning Controller: Case Study of Andhra Pradesh
A New Hybrid Cuckoo Search-Artificial Bee Colony Approach for Optimal Placing of UPFC Considering Contingencies
Efficiency and Investment Comparison of Monocrystalline, Polycrystalline, and Thin Film Solar Panel Types at Karabuk Conditions
Design of a Grid Connected PV System and Effect of Various Parameters on Energy Generation
Comparative Analysis of Harmonics by Shunt Active Filter using Resonant Current Control in Distribution System
Optimal Distributed Generation Placement for Maximum Loss Reduction using Teaching Learning Based Optimization through Matlab GUI
Development of Power Flow Controller for Grid Connected Renewable Energy Sources Using Lyapunov function
Detection and Location of Faults in Three Phase 11kv Underground Power Cables By Discrete Wavelet Transform (DWT)
Design of PV-Wind Hybrid Micro-Grid System for Domestic Loading
Applications of Artificial Neural Networks in various areas of Power System; A Review
Electricity occupies an important place in the socio-economic recovery and social prosperity of any country. This should be taken into account because of the fundamental need for human improvement. At present, low power generation is a major problem in Pakistan, which immediately hampers the development of the country. 1/3 of the population of Pakistan has no electricity domestically in rural areas, and in urban areas, power cuts are approximately eight to ten hours, which is quite common. Although Pakistan constantly points out shortages in traditional sources, no further developments are being made in renewable sources such as wind. Thus, it is much better to use these natural resources to meet the needs of Pakistan. This paper explores the potential of wind energy in the Sindh region and the potential for the country.
Electric Vehicle (EV) batteries are potential energy storage devices in microgrids. It can help to manage microgrid energy consumption by storing energy when there is a surplus (Grid-To-Vehicle, G2V) and returning energy to the grid (Vehicle-To-Grid, V2G) when there is a demand. This methodology can be expressed by developing infrastructure and management systems to implement this concept. This paper presents an architecture for implementing a V2G-G2V system in a microgrid using Layer 3 fast charging for electric vehicles. A microgrid test system is simulated that has a Direct Current (DC) fast charging station to interface electric vehicles. Simulation studies are performed to illustrate V2GG2V power transmission. The test results show the regulation of active power in the microgrid by electric vehicle batteries in G2V-V2G operating modes. The design of the charging station ensures minimal harmonic distortion of the current supplied to the network, and the controller provides good dynamic performance in terms of voltage stability on the DC bus.
In the field of power system restructuring, Flexible Alternating Current Transmission System (FACTS) technology has become indispensable for alleviating the challenges of load flow control, voltage control, transient stability, and dynamic stability. The Unified Power Flow Controller (UPFC) is the fastest, most flexible, and most capable FACTS device because it has the full advantage of providing simultaneous and independent real-time control of voltage, impedance, and phase angle, which are the main power system parameters that affect system performance. This paper uses a Newton-Raphson load flow that includes UPFC to analyze how UPFC can control the flow of power.
This paper simulates a Three-Phase Inverter (TPI) for proton exchange membrane fuel cells with fewer switches. It can also serve as a source for the production of stable electrical energy. Unlike the traditional 6-key 3-phase inverter, this paper proposes a 3-phase inverter with fewer switches. For real-time implementation, this can reduce the amount of computation. Fewer switches with lower switching losses, easy understanding control algorithm, and smaller in interface circuitry.
Pollution and energy crises become more and more visible, and Hybrid Electric Vehicles (HEVs) are gaining more and more popularity around the world. To study the perception of alternative technology in an automobile, the project "Hybrid Vehicle Using Self-Charging Functions" is being carried out. A hybrid vehicle uses two or more different types of energy and combines it with electrical power. When the motor is started, the magnetic coil present in the crank starts to rotate. The rotation creates a higher voltage flux. In this case, an additional alternative magnet coil is connected in parallel with the magnet coil using gears. As the coil rotates, the energy generated in the main coil is used for ignition, while the energy generated in the alternate coil is sent to the rectifier and stored in the battery. While the car runs out of fuel, the hybrid switch is activated, then the energy stored in the battery is transferred to the wheel hub, and it starts to work. Since ancient times, people have been using vehicles for transportation and some personal needs. It pollutes the environment with gasoline and diesel fuel. It is burned in the engine for energy, but as some unburned gases come out, it affects the human respiratory system. Therefore, the automotive industry has introduced a battery vehicle (hybrid vehicle). It consumes zero emissions and is environmentally friendly. For a while, it only appeared in cars, not twowheelers, so for a change, if it creates a hybrid two-wheeler combined with a motor and battery, it will have power, fuel efficiency, and fewer emissions. It has power and environmental fixes in a two-wheeler. When driving at an average speed of 0 to 50 mph, it consumes more fuel due to high torque instead of power from the engine. It receives power from the battery above 50 to 100, and when the engine comes to work, there is power from the engine at that time with low torque, so the motorcycle will not consume much fuel, which means that in motion, the two-wheeler is running on battery, and in the absence of motion, in an engine with such low emissions.